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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. The NFL cannot let him fly home on a plane wtf are they doing
  2. NFL only cares about money absolutely disgusting. ***** like this makes me hate football
  3. I mean yeah... just like Brandon Saad and Kris Versteeg , Dylan Strome kane helped Who carries robertson?
  4. Like i said dolphins ***** this kid His career might be over with now with back - back Concussions Shame on the NFL
  5. You click The re-tweet or Hit the button if you have a phone
  6. Or just getting the buffalo fan base all excited for clicks
  7. Debrincat had kane Not comparable in my opinion Hes looking for 8-9m btw
  8. Thats why i said they would want power who is already proven
  9. That really isn't saying much lots of fans underappreciated miller and buffalo has had ***** since. Now some fans realize what we had but now its too late
  10. Everyone knows my feelings Towards him he will be the downfall of this season . They should hane brought in a real goalie
  11. Im quite curious what do you think hes worth then
  12. Ok i hate this excuse .. If UPL does this everyone attacks him but Comrie gets a pass
  13. But robertson is elite why would dallas trade a away a super star already for a Mystery Box player When they know power is already good ?
  14. Yes a guy going into a 3rd year with 125 points in 128 games isn't going to cost buffalo its top NHL prospect. Please tell me who you would want if the shoe was on the other foot.
  15. And people have to realize it would take owen power and not some leftover Scraps
  16. Rather keep jack quinn then pay another winger 9M when we dont have a number 1 center
  17. Buffalo doesn't Leak anything put this at 0% of happening
  18. Hopefully they dont keep dan dunleavy when we're a contender so bad
  19. I just think its wrong that the refs let the bills quarterback get kicked in nuts Repeatedly also get punched and grabbed during a pile up
  20. Probably around Christmas time he will get his time injuries happen
  21. Concussion ruined his career feel bad for the kid.
  22. I can't see 4 rookies making the team. The only lock is power, quinn right now
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