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Everything posted by Slack_in_MA

  1. There must be a stat that measures the time elapsed from one team scoring a goal to the other team responding. I have to believe the Sabres own the shortest average span of time in the league.
  2. Just a brutal performance. SOOOOOOOOOOOO soft. Mentally and physically. Is there really a debate?
  3. We take the body ONE time and that happens. If we didn't have bad luck, we'd have no luck at all.
  4. I dunno.. I'm down 4-1, I'm dropping some bombs. 4-1, 5-1, 6-1...what's the f'n difference? Have some GD pride.
  5. Looking forward to a good bone-jarring check from the Sabres, but not going to hold my breath.
  6. NHL Network broke it down very well. All five skaters were staring at the puck in the corner and not watching the guys behind them. Skinner especially.
  7. Boy would a Cozens empty netter for the Hattie be sweet…
  8. Didn't the season just start, and aren't we really young? Is this tenacious, up-tempo style unsustainable? Or are they not in condition? I'm not actually watching the game by the way.
  9. Let’s go Buffalo! Honest effort and progress are all we ask!
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