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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. Well I won't be upset if the Sabres miss the playoffs this year. How would this team fare against the toughness of Philly, NYR or Boston now? Glad we got some possible talent at center, but this team may as well play in skirts for the remainder of the year. One can only hope that Finley and Gongalsky can somehow make it to the NHL someday. I think Foligno, McNabb and Tropp can add some toughness down the line, but as of now this team has to be the softest bunch of guys in the league by far.
  2. Can't wait to hear Ray's and Peters comments about the Lucic hit tonight. I can hear them calling out the Sabres as a bunch of pantywaists now. These guys won't hold back with anything they have to say tonight. For those in Rochester, it's on TW channel 26 at 6:30. Not sure what channel in Buffalo.
  3. Man, the hate he had towards Marshall and the fact he thought I loved the guy, because of his football talent, which in turn made me a fan of women beaters, you would think Marshall slept with his wife. Wtf. I have never had to explain my point that was right there in black and white so many times to the same person. I started out there years ago, then left for quite awhile. Now I remember exactly why. It's a freaking bash fest over there. Much nicer over here. Hockey fans have more intelligence obviously.
  4. So the last few days I have been at TBD getting a feeling for the upcoming draft. I make a post about the Brandon Marshall trade to Miami. So how long would it take before someone replies to my post bashing me for being a fan of a woman beater, which I clearly never said. A whole 4 or 5 posts later. Unbelievable, it's like clock work over there. Can someone please tell me why it is so freaking hard to post over there without any drama. There is so much more maturity over here at SS, and when there is an issue we can usually get it straightened out like adults. WTF!!!!
  5. Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale........ :thumbsup:
  6. You'll probably enjoy this one too then, unfortunately it's on an earlier album of theirs. Remember the days when everyone held up their lighters? Now it's freaking cell phones :rolleyes: If I ever had a singer in any of my bands like this I might still be playing.
  7. I seem to alternate between either one of these, but much prefer the second one.
  8. 5'6"? You would tower over Gerbe. If you could just put on a few more pounds, you could be Gerbe Extra Stout!
  9. Holy crap, only 14 days until Christmas. Wtf is up with that already. My ex is taking the kids to Boston for Christmas to be with her family.....what kinda crap is that???
  10. Guess it doesn't matter who, when or where the Sabres play. The results are always the same. Horrid!!!
  11. The Sabres are playing on complaint Thursday......great, now more to complain about!!!! They better #%^$#!ing win dammit!!!
  12. Why the #%^$#! do we have to watch the piss poor Detroit Lions every freaking Thanksgiving. It's tradition says the NFL, I say only if your tradition is losing!!! #%^$#! the Detroit Lions. Now I have a #%^$#!ing headache to boot. On a good note, I did win $50 on the Detroit game and another $50 on Dallas. Could be the first time I ever won two games laying double digit chalk on both. Tenn -11 and Dall -13. :thumbsup:
  13. Saw my orthopedist today hoping to maybe get back to work on light duty...............NOPE!!!! 6 more weeks of total disability on workman's comp. He said my injury/surgery was very significant, and quite major. My shoulder will never be the same and I will most likely have recurrent problems in the future. Oh, this is just #%^$#!ing great. I'm 40 years old and have junk for a left shoulder all because of some #%^$#!ing ice LAST WINTER!!!!!
  14. Still didn't get it to work. Now I know I'm not retarded, but why am I not getting it to work? It must be something stupid I am doing. The topic and post show up, but no poll questions and I put them in like you said.
  15. :lol: Ha, my "pole" is working just fine thank you.
  16. Okay first, WTF can't I get a poll to work? I used to be able to make a poll now I can't??? Someone please help this computer challenged gimp. I am just frustrated with everything going wrong with both teams. It's getting pretty sad in WNY.
  17. Workman's Comp is a f-ing joke. Why certain people like to "fake" injuries and take advantage of it is beyond me. I would love to be able to be back at work right now. Nothing but a pain in the arse to me......I hate it!!!! :death: I had major shoulder surgery and now have six wires holding my labrum together. The jackholes at Liberty Mutual seem to think they are all surgeons and suspended my payments until I saw their quack doctor. He looks at the MRI and says "wow, you really tore that good, huh". It's a six month recovery period, not four like they seem to think. :doh: So now I sit here with bills piling up waiting for my checks to start again. WTF!!!
  18. Everyone here hates Peters, but I say bring back the Peters, Mair and Gaustad line to shake these pussies up. We went 13-0 with them, and now look like spineless pricks without them. You can't argue winning against losing. Peters may not contribute much, but the Sabres are much better with him in the lineup than without him. WTF??? Time to wake up you a-holes. This ain't no free ride anynore.
  19. More times than not, it seems that the road team playing the 2nd game in back to back nights comes out stronger than the rested home team. The home team gets thinking it should be an easy win with a tired team coming into town. Buffalo should be strong in the first, but may get winded later on in the game. Could this mean Peters will be dressed tonight.
  20. What's the over/under on cheap shots dished out by "Cornhole Cole" tonight?
  21. Where are the balls on this team? Is the Zamboni driver the only one who has them? Come on guys, show some pride. I hope there are not crapping out already. Ottawa sucks and we're their ? F that.
  22. With Mad Max back I can see a 6 or 7 goal output by the "Slugs" tonight. Sabres win big and if McGratton has any balls, he'll let Peters kick his fanny again. I also would like to see someone knock that smirk off Neil's face. :chris:
  23. I will be near the HSBC tomorrow. Seneca Niagara most likely, and listening to the game on the way up from Rochester. I feel good and think we may have a 4-1, 5-2 kinda score in fav of the slugs. Go Sabres!
  24. I just pray to god it's not 4-0 Maple Lips 5 mins in like on Saturday.
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