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Claude Balls

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Everything posted by Claude Balls

  1. If MW is here for 3 days and doesn't sign, something is f##ked up. SIGN THE STINKIN DEAL ALREADY!!!!
  2. I'd rather keep my distance for a few days :lol: Mario Williams scheduled to leave Buffalo tonight. Hmmm
  3. I may have steak tonight, but no dice on the other half for me. The circus is in town if ya know what I mean......someone is riding the cotton pony.
  4. I can't get this damn song out of my head for some reason. I think there is a subliminal message in it somewhere :flirt: http://youtu.be/ZrffDM3hHk8
  5. I was hoping they would look at him before Meachem. I like it, he isn't that big but he is quick. Good point. At least someone here gets it. Try telling the truth about Fitzpasspicked over at TBD and you become the Anti-Christ.
  6. WTF!!! The Bills may as well move to Toronto, they will NEVER get any talent here. This really blows and I know I don't want to watch a team with half ass talent on it anymore.
  7. IT'S NOT A TOOMERRR!!! Don't forget, there is no nightlife in Buffalo either, per Willis McGayhee.
  8. That is not good news. I was watching NBC Sports Talk earlier and when the host asked Amani Toomer if he would play in Buffalo he said, "personally, no I wouldn't". F##k you Armani!!! He said he wouldn't play there because of the cold as he was trying to cover up the fact that he sounded like a ###### when he said he wouldn't play in Buffalo. That is the biggest horseshti excuse there is. Did Brett Favre care about the cold in GB? Did Montana whine about the weather in KC? These players are such primadonnas nowadays.
  9. Because he would immediately be the 2nd best WR on the Bills roster.
  10. Karlsson's development is progressing while Myers development is regressing. But you know what they say, regression is a part of progression. Lets hope that rings true for Myers.
  11. No brainer - Karlsson. If Karlsson were on the Sabres this year and had the same exact numbers he has now, how many more games could Buffalo have won? The Sabres would probably have a playoff spot all but locked up.
  12. Supposedly Manning has only two teams he wants to go to. Thoughts are the Dolphins and Chiefs. I can see Miami, but KC??? Heard this on the FAN yesterday. The Jets want him, but that ain't happening.
  13. And speaking of my daughter's and things that are awesome....my oldest daughter won the the Massachusetts State Gymnastics Title for her level/age last Saturday in Holyoke MA. She kicked arse with a clean sweep, she took first place in all four events. I couldn't have been prouder!!!
  14. Agreed. I've had 5 friends get killed on bikes, not all their own faults, but some were. I would love to get a bike myself just to save on gas, but I have three daughters I want to see grow up. I'm not worried about me being safe, it's all the other a-holes in cars that don't see motorcycles and pull out in front of them. Always drive/ride defensively.
  15. And then Shanahan will name his third string QB as the starter on opening day.
  16. This is what's gonna be missed. Kassian can take a few bombs to the face, how many other players on the Sabres would still have been standing after getting popped like that. And how many would have come back to drop the guy and send him to the locker room? There are still two more games against Boston, in Boston and I have a feeling the Bruins aren't gonna play nice. Hopefully Buffalo makes some call-ups, at least for those two games to keep it somewhat fair.
  17. What I find interesting is that Foligno really didn't start playing physical until Kassian went up Buffalo. Both guys were disappointments early in the season in Rochester regarding their toughness IMO. I'm glad to see Foligno has picked it up and has been consistent with his toughness the second half of the year. I want to see this new guy Gongalsky that was just signed by Rochester make an impression. He is one nasty dude to play against.
  18. I don't think you know much about fighting in hockey. These guys know about each other before they even make it to the NHL. They look for the next so-called tough guy that is going to challenge them. George Laraque even wrote about it when he was in Montreal. Sorry I don't have a link, but tough guys know about tough guys a lot more that you think.
  19. I was very disappointed with his lack of hitting as well. When you are labeled as a tough guy, big hits are usually a part of that label. He did well in the few fights he was in, but his overall lack of physicality and toughness was sad.
  20. He doesn't need to play reckless, he just needs to play tough which he didn't do in his time here. You don't think anyone noticed that this rookie TKO'd one of the toughest guys in the league in Sestito? I'm sure he is smart enough to know he can't play that same dirty style anymore, but he can play his physical style if he is allowed to.
  21. The style he had in juniors that got him so noticed and recognized as a force to be reckoned with. The guy that took a few bombs from Sestito before dropping him like a bad habit. I think he will be a more physical player in a year or two of being in the NHL.
  22. I like this and hoping to see much more of it. http://youtu.be/8RP6LsVnRE0
  23. Or he will get one when he faces his old mates later this week. I bet Vancouver gives him his balls back and tells him to play his style.
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