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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. I am still drained from Sundays crazy Bills game. Sabres must end the losing tonight against the sticks in the rink. Quinn out. Joker back. Let’s Go! Muscle Weight.
  2. From the chapter on obscure hockey defenseman names: I see your Kale Clague and raise you one Sheldon Kannegiesser.
  3. 1. A legit #1 NHL goalie 2. A legit 1B or #2 Center (don't tell me Cozens will be it, he is not it yet and is a few years away) 3. Grizzled veteran help on Defense, someone smart and solid to help all the kids 4. A high energy 4th line forward with some fight in him (so that Tage and Cozens and Dahlin do not have to break their hands) Experience. Tuch has 66 playoff games, Kyle has 24, Luby has 7, and Hinnestroza has 8. That is it. We can wait for Levi, Cozens, Savioe, Quinn, and who knows who else to emerge and that will take years. Or we can get some veteran help and make these kids beat them out for NHL jobs.
  4. Assuming we succeed on the snap (easier than winning a faceoff by a long shot), a Josh roll out and a run-pass option (RPO) would be a possible good play. If nothing is there he throws it away and you line up again. Even a safety is better than a fumbled snap and TD. At least with the safety your defense can possibly hold as there would have been about 30 seconds and no timeouts.
  5. They are going crazing on TSW. Absolutely crazy. It looks like the Bills have dropped from 1st overall in the conference to a wild card team, just in the past few weeks. Injuries are really hurting the defense. Allen is failing to take what is given to him and is forcing too many long passes that he is just not hitting. That fumble in the end zone cannot happen. It cost them the game. Last year was the slip on the goal line versus the Titans. Today he fumbles the snap in the endzone when all he needed was any kind of a gain, anything.
  6. The game changed on the shift that Dhalin got hurt. Up until then we were carrying the play. Ok, we took a penalty, then they scored. Boston was all over us for the final 4:40 of the period and giving up a late goal is always bad.
  7. To me the game shifted when Dahlin got hurt in the second period and we couldn’t clear the zone and get a change for a long time. We finally did, Dahlin left the game, and Boston took over and scored on the next shift. We never really challenged after that IMO. We hit a few posts but could not score.
  8. I woke up this morning, read the sports page, and I’m still pensive about where they are going this season. They can play better, there is more upside, but they won’t be surprising any teams this year. Are they a lottery team or will they compete for a playoff spot? We still don’t know. We played a pretty good game last night but still lost to a backup and still failed to score in crunch time. Seemed like the Bruins could turn it on whenever they wanted. The center spline is weak but at least there is a pipeline of prospects at center. The defensive depth is not adequate and not much in the pipeline yet. The goaltending has been below average as usual and who really knows if and when the prospects will be ready. The GM seems content to go with what he brought to the party. Don’t expect to see any significant acquisitions. The next 6 games stretch is big for this team. Can they get back over .500, or will they fade away starting at Thanksgiving? We are drawing about 8,000 fans to home games. My brother said there were about 40% Bruins fans in his section and maybe overall. Other than the hockey diehards like us, the fans are not buying in right now. Once the football season in Buffalo ends (February) will the Sabres be relevant enough to attract more fans? It’s important that they stay in the race this year.
  9. I am already tired of losing. I keep thinking of the missed opportunities and the failure to take shots and get traffic in front. We have got to stop the losing next game at home. We are 7-8 and we have Canucks, @Sens, @Leaves, @Habs, Blues and Devils - all by Thanksgiving weekend. No reason we can't be 12-9 or 11-10 on Nov 25th. Are we getting Samuelsson back soon?
  10. If they work. They cannot let down against any teams.
  11. Yes. Throw in Okposso. we need more from all of them.
  12. Tough game to lose. We played a good game. Not good enough as we could not beat their backup I think the defense could be shooting more. Let’s get more traffic in front and let them shoot. I finally saw more from Quinn tonight as he had several chances. If he, Cozens and Petetka are the line of the future then we more from Mitts, VO and whoever they play with.
  13. Need 26 and 72 on the ice all game. Need more horses NHL horses
  14. The anticipate a lot better. They are a veteran team and some of them have rings.
  15. We dominated right up until Dahlin got hurt. Since that exact moment the Bruins have controlled the play and get a late goal.
  16. We had a possible 3 on 1 but Looby roughed up Toucan
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