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Everything posted by PerreaultForever

  1. We will need a lot more than that. We might get it, but we will definitely need it.
  2. I would like to believe you, but the bolded is blatantly untrue. The only playoff team we seemed to trounce was Toronto. Tampa beat up on us. Florida trounced us multiple times. Boston shut us out. St. Louis beat us easily. We were winning against the crap teams, not the good ones. We scored more goals last year, but our defense was porous and our goaltending was (usually) crap. Stability and chemistry maybe. Remains to be seen what effect that has.
  3. So in all likelihood that means you have Toronto finishing first overall? That might even be less likely than our chances of making the playoffs. I am amazed at the love Comrie gets. A goalie that most teams pretty much didn't even consider as an option. If Comrie is actually good, that would indeed be a lucky home run hit. More likely, he's a slight upgrade on Tokarski and that's all.
  4. Well, there's a lack of objectivity among the fanbase. The oddsmakers, who are about as objective as you can get, now have the Sabres placed only ahead of the Habs in our division. That's pretty much in agreement with what I've been saying. You're right though, I used the word prospects loosely when I was generally referring to young players who haven't lived up to their potential yet or just haven't really proven it yet at an NHL level. Of the players you list, only Dahlin and (probably) Tage are proven entities. Maybe Samuelsson, probably, but how good (or bad) he ends up being is still uncertain. The rest are just a big pile of idk and hopefulness. Definitely not proven. Do I think Cozens can be good? Yes, definitely. Do I know if he will or if that's now? Definitely not. To this point, he seems to have a hard time putting the puck in the net. Will that change like it did with Tage? Likely, but who knows when? Joker? idk. He has flaws. Has he peaked? Can he be better? Will he be better? idk. Right now, he's a weak link as a top 2 pairing. Krebs and Mitts have skills but neither has shown me that they are or will be top 6 NHL players. Power will be a good hockey player. One day. Probably. But he's a kid. Going to take several years before he makes a huge difference. JJ? No idea. Quinn this Quinn that, everybody excited about Quinn. Lightweight who seems fragile and has proven nothing in the NHL. No idea if his AHL prowess will transfer to the big league but do I expect him to jump in and score 20-30 goals next year? Not likely. I know you want to believe, I know fans don't like these thoughts, but I'm trying to be objective and not just have faith. I've been saying it all season (and part of last). After all these years of losing they have to show me on the ice. Nothing else matters to me. How do you get better??? Good drafts and smart free agent moves. (I'd include trades but when you trade for picks and prospects it loops you back to the draft). The drafts seem reasonable, but then so many drafts that bust seem reasonable when you first look at them. Got to wait to see. The free agent moves? Pretty much nothing. That's disappointing. That's it.
  5. You may disagree, but at this point do you not think Detroit and Ottawa (and maybe Columbus) got significantly better than they were? Our being better depends on prospects developing which is a big maybe. They got better now.
  6. It may not be what you want and it may not be what he wants, but it'd be perfect to turn this team into an actual contender. Imagine him going up against Toronto star power with maybe a little grudge or matching Tkachuk in Ottawa and Marchand in Boston. Imagine a starting team that looked like this: Skinner-Thompson-Tuch Olofsson-Kadri-Cozens Krebs-Mittlestadt-Quinn Asplund-Girgensens-Okposo Dahlin-Klingberg Power-Jokiharju Samuelsson-Lybushkin Just sayin'.
  7. I was joking about Kadri and Klingberg late last night but oddly TSN That's Hockey put Buffalo on the short list of possible destinations for both of them so maybe it's not an impossible dream. We did that everybody (including myself) would stop talking about Ottawa.
  8. Pretty sure if that deal happened it was Murray instead of Comrie. Doesn't make sense otherwise. If KA's plan was to pick up contracts just for picks JVR would be a Sabre right now and so would Nick Foligno.
  9. We could go on with hypotheticals all off season and we won't get anywhere because the Sabres being better is a faith thing. You have to assume the kids will be better and do what you think they will. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. The only certainty to me is our goaltending is bottom tier in the league. Better than last year, but not by a lot. Yes, Husso is better than Comrie (as of now). To your first sentence, they don't have to have the same amount of young talent, it's a question of how much young talent they have that is ready to contribute. The argument about who will be better 5 years from now is different to who will be better now, this coming season. Detroit had the same number of wins as us, 1 less point, so basically the same as us. They have added several pieces and are now definitely a better team. We MIGHT be a better team but at this point are kind of the same. Ottawa is definitely better. A while back, maybe 2 seasons, I said it would be interesting to compare our plan with Ottawa's. At first Ottawa seemed to have the better plan (imo) then last season they didn't progress, some of their prospects didn't step up and we seemed to maybe be moving ahead. Now, with these massive additions (imo) they have leaped ahead using a plan I was advocating but it appears KA is not. He thinks we need more patience. Good for him, he has job security I guess, we fans have to just suffer another year of frustration. I think Ottawa could make the playoffs. Detroit will be competitive to the end but likely miss. We will not be in the running. That's my opinion at this point. Of course if we add Kadri and Klingberg everything changes.
  10. Kadri's still out there.............southern ontario boy........... That would rock the hockey world.
  11. That will be the party line, but it's not necessarily the truth. If the plan was Comrie (for example) they wouldn't have tried to trade for Murray. We will never know how many deals they tried to make or offers they made never happened because of one reason or another.
  12. Taylor Hall type deal? Play him for the year, eat half his salary at the deadline for a pick(s)? Sabres should consider it.
  13. What's your point though? Going in we were. We really only got better after the Eichel trade. (and hands down I think we were supposed to be 2nd worst. Most people had Arizona pegged as worst)
  14. I'm not necessarily looking at the same players they did, but rather at the idea of filling the holes now so that the team can win now rather than waiting for the holes to slowly fill with prospects that develop. Everyone keeps saying the mantra over and over about our good young players. Those teams, especially Detroit and Ottawa also have a lot of good young players. They've now added good veterans to play with them and lead them and thus they have a step up on us. I'm not sure why people think Comrie is so good. So yes, I think Talbot will be a lot better. There is a possible, stress possible, upside to Comrie and he might be better than he's ever been, but really, our goaltending is still questionable at best. Copp apparently wanted to be near family in Michigan so he wasn't an option I guess but he would have been good. imo we didn't add a good enough goalie or fill the other holes adequately.
  15. Just wait for it. Tomorrow KA will sign Kadri and Klingberg and everybody will go crazy 😁
  16. Which makes 5 years perfect. People around here want to extend Okposo and he's 34.
  17. This grouping is the very opposite of the definition of depth.
  18. Guess they figured they had to spend some somewhere after they missed out on Goudreau. Why? He's worth it by current NHL standards.
  19. Columbus should be added to that title imo. I think all 3 (Detroit, Ottawa & Columbus) all made moves that will elevated them ahead of us. Given that, we'd need 4 playoff teams from last year to drop out for us to get in. It isn't going to happen. I personally felt we were ready to make the type of moves those teams did and leap forward. KA either failed or decided intentionally not to. I think it will turn out to be a huge mistake.
  20. With the moves Detroit and Ottawa have made I don't see us moving up in the standings. Possibly down.
  21. idk, not what I would have wanted but I guess slightly upgraded. Maybe. He does have some upside and potential. Let's hope he's a late bloomer and this turns out to b a steal.
  22. I'm personally not sold on him being worth that but 2 years is a good plan. I suspect at that point he will be bumped out of the line up if things go according to plan.
  23. This is not a terrible signing. Not earth shattering or game changing but an upgrade over Pysyk or Fitzgerald, depending on how you want to look at it. If Dahlin stays on the right side I see him as third pairing but he could possibly pair with Power too. The Russian on the roster thing might work too. Good signing.
  24. A lot of things coming out in Bruins circles about Cassidy. Don't know if they are all true but it seems many people were not happy. Krejci left. The DeBrusk trade request was because of Cassidy. Cassidy apparently had 5 or 6 guys that he constantly critiqued and ignored many other players. Anton Blidh for example (sometimes 4th liner) claims Cassidy never spoke a single word to him in the last 2 months of the season. So anyway, the only reason I'm posting this is to say GOOD LUCK JACK YOU DESERVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. sitting on his hands, using his hands but fumbling, using his hands to miss and fail or just playing with himself it really makes no difference. the end result is the same. All hope for any improvement over last year will be slim at best and only possible with HUGE leaps by Mitts, Cozens, Quinn and Peterka or one or two others all at the same time.
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