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Everything posted by PerreaultForever

  1. The problem is at what age do you no longer need constant supervision and does that ever stop? I remember back when the Ben Rothlisberger rape thing came out there were a lot of Steelers fans asking why don't these guys have chaperones/drivers/whatever you want to call them keeping an eye on them and their "parties". Those were grown ass men. So I guess what I'm saying is their age is not an excuse. Calling them "YOUNG" just doesn't cut it. Rape is rape at any age and there's no excuse, none. Period. Full stop. That stuff just has to end. We all know there's been tons of it in the past and all kinds of disgusting hazing and other rituals and there is no excuse for any of it any more. It's 2022, and it's time for a reckoning.
  2. Calgary might come out of this okay in the long run. Seems the players they got don't hate the idea of staying in Calgary, somewhat like the Eichel/Tuch scenario. https://www.nhl.com/news/flames-huberdeau-open-long-term-contract/c-335088508
  3. Absolutely, and I'm sure many teams were/are leery of signing him for that very reason, but in our case it ultimately comes down to whether or not the owner is still willing to spend money to win. It appears he is not. I have no doubt it's very likely signing Kadri would in a strict sense be an overpayment. So depending on how you look at it, in a point per game calculation or something it might not be great value, BUT if he makes the TEAM substantially better and we win more games as a result then the money is well spent even if his numbers are not up to contract value. I personally think that would happen. A lot more wins. Remember, if you keep your top line as it was Thompson-Skinner-Tuch and they keep producing offense, you add Kadri as your #2 center along with maybe Cozens and Asplund(?) you have a really good two way shut down line that you can play against other teams top lines. Then you get to throw out some sort of high powered offense on a third line of say Mitts, Olofsson, Quinn or Krebs or whoever wins the job that gets favourable match ups and isn't struggling trying to be a #2 line. The roster is simply a lot better and it's a lot easier to match other teams strengths and weaknesses. In year 5 of his contract you might be overpaying a 4th line center, but ultimately that would also mean you're a real cup contender.
  4. They're not ALL going to work out. That's unrealistic. If it happened, well great, too many good players what a dilemma . More likely some will be good, some will need more time, some will become marginal players or role players, and some will be AHL only. I really don't think we are overflowing just yet, more like just back to what is normal.
  5. Krebs won't be moved for a few years even if he's not good because of the optics. He will get the longest and biggest chance to make his mark. But none of those 3 get moved any time soon imo. I still believe Girgensens and Okposo will be moved at the deadline if we are not in playoff contention. I know some of you want him as captain. I still think this though.
  6. I know some people here hate the guy but it would be a smart move and make us a real contender imo. It would also signal to the league and other free agents next year that we are a serious team again. We have the cap space for sure. You spend big on him for 5 years and his deal expires right around the time you need your Power/Quinn/Peterka/whoever money. You bring in Kadri this year. Next year you add in Kane and a real goalie if Comrie doesn't measure up . Everything can change quickly and it can begin here. Past history however makes me think he's just using us as a negotiating ploy or a back up plan and at best it'll be another Taylor Hall situation.
  7. Saw this crazy story about Riley Cote in Rolling Stone today. Fascinating read: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/psychedelics-brain-injury-sports-riley-cote-1367947/
  8. Technically no, there isn't. Generally sexual abuse cases are not tried after 5 years and they are almost impossible to prove after lengthy amounts of time BUT there is no statute of limitations and since this is high profile and in the media spotlight charges are possible. I suspect that that would hinge on the videotape and if they have it though.
  9. If your top pairing has Montour in it, you are NOT winning the cup. If that's their D, it's not just weak, it's absolute crap. Going to have to win games 7-6 and Bob gonna have to Bob around a whole lot.
  10. Likely a combination of him asking for too much initially, teams went with plan B's, now virtually no cap space left among true contenders. So Avs and everybody else might be looking to clear cap space, but his price probably also has to come down.
  11. I remember way back when they were bought by the Knox's around 1980 if I remember correctly they were certainly committed to making them a winner and they were generally a very good team in the 1980s. Of course the Sabres were a better team as well so that sort of thing always goes hand in hand. I think the idea is right though. You have to teach team first and hard work ethic and winning culture and all that stuff at every stage so you can't neglect the farm. Right now I think the cupboard WAS so bare Rochester became a "least of our concerns" kind of thing and it'll only improve as the Sabres improve and they have young perhaps NHL ready players who simply have no roster spot (yet) so they will stay down there longer. When you have that both teams should be winning. When we get to that point, I think the GM needs to make sure he has added that smattering of depth veterans to fill out that Rochester roster so that they are really competitive. So ya, let's bring back the '80s, only this time no mullets 🙂
  12. I read Bjorkstrand had another of those 10 team no trade contracts. I suspect these are what's holding up any number of these type of moves and probably limiting Adams ability to make a similar move. Buffalo, along with most of the other crap teams with cap room, are probably all on no trade lists.
  13. Exactly what I've been saying they can and should do. This is a great pick up for Seattle. There are still some other teams with cap troubles. Hopefully he's talking to at least some of them and we do something similar.
  14. Florida's now over too. Probably try to dump Hornqvist?
  15. This is very true, and will be one of the big problems on a team filled with young players maturing at or around the same time. They won't be able to work with entry level and bridge deals forever. It's a good dilemma though. If we have too many players that need to be paid, it might also mean that the team is finally pretty good.
  16. That could be true. He's probably looking for term/security too and I imagine most teams look at him and think one good year on a Crosby team doesn't warrant term. He will likely get lost in the shuffle and have to settle for a lot less.
  17. I suspect they will try to unload Zucker. Nobody seems to want E-Rod.
  18. It seems to me that people are so starved for any shining light they're willing to back the brinks truck up to anybody who shows them any glimmer at all. Thompson, a year ago almost everybody proclaiming him a bust and repeating over and over how JBot got fleeced in the ROR trade. Now, after ONE good season pay him like a top flight NHL star. Just ridiculous. He has to prove it. I read above wanting to pay Cozens like Cirelli as a comparable. How has he done anything remotely close to what Cirelli has done??? Somebody already wanted to start dumping money at Power when he hasn't even played a season. You're all looking to get Skinner'd.
  19. Unless it's somebody like Anaheim (or Buffalo) this might be the understatement of the year. There aren't any good teams with anywhere near the cap space they'd need. If I was KA I'd also be calling Boston. Try to get Carlo off of them so they can have Pasternak signing room. Or, if they want to throw us some nice sweeteners take one of their underperforming players like Craig Smith for a year. They have a bunch of players who will be UFAs in another year.
  20. Remember what a depleted and non existent D core he inherited though? Sure, he went crazy and just tried to find as many bodies as he could hoping one or two would stick but Murray basically left us with no D at all. We have 2 first overall D picks now. In a few years D might actually be a strength. Go figure.
  21. Banff, yes, absolutely. been there many times. The entire park area that runs along the border of the two provinces is spectacular. Calgary has grown but it's mostly all suburban sprawl. There's really very little to do there, especially in the winter. I think I know the pedestrian area you're talking about and it's pretty much the only one. maybe I'm too hard on it, but it's just nothing close to what Vancouver is. Thinking of his brother, Ottawa's a much nicer city too. If you had to rank Canadian cities with hockey teams for desirable living it would be 1. Vancouver, 2. Toronto, 3. Montreal, 4. Ottawa 5. Calgary 6. Edmonton 7. Winnipeg. Unless you were French, then you might want Montreal first and Ottawa second. Toronto arguably has more culture and activities/events than Vancouver, but the climate, scenery and proximity to the mountains and such puts Vancouver on top imo.
  22. You are right about the first one. Every Canadian city has more media scrutiny than U.S. cities (outside of maybe the big old markets like NY and Boston) and definite fan pressure to deliver. The bar is generally set quite high in comparison to most U.S. cities. Well I live in BC so by your phrasing I guess that is "heaven on earth" . I worked in Alberta when I was young. Hated it. Still find Calgary a very boring city. Big sprawling suburbs but really nothing interesting there unless you enjoy a mediocre zoo. Cold as hell in the winter. Just dismal trapped in ice and snow with nothing to do (so they watch hockey). Cow town too. Sort of like Texas North which isn't for me, might be for some people. Yes, the Rockies are close, but a guy like MT can vacation in Banff any time he wants from anywhere so I doubt he'd be all in on the 1-2 hour busy highway pilgrimage average Calgarians have to trek on weekends. idk, it could be as simple as he sees the team falling without Johnny Hockey to play with him so he figures now's as good a time as any to exit and grab a payday.
  23. They're Americans and likely want to play in U.S. cities. Calgary, imo, kinda sucks as a place to live. That might be all there is to it, nothing more. So they don't really hate Calgary, they would just rather be somewhere else and they have the power to do it so why not? It's how the CBA works now.
  24. It would truly be great if it was in fact Comrie, but I doubt it. I'd like it to be Cozens, but it might take another year on top of this one for the real "breakout". Dahlin might be even better, but incrementally, not really a breakout. Tuch is already what Tuch is, and that's good enough. So let's be hopeful and say Mitts. It would certainly elevate us higher than I expect.
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