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Everything posted by triumph_communes

  1. He didn’t have excuses. He had points. Good prospect.
  2. Started with two bad penalties but good penalty kills. They started slowing down though and opening the ice for New Jersey to skate. Got ugly from there. The spunk is wearing off.
  3. Mad hard didn’t even hit him. He pushed him one handed when he was in an unsafe position. It’s ***** disgusting he isn’t suspended half the season every year
  4. Eek one of those games. Of course it’s against the bruins and our ex players too. Even if they lose there’s no reason to feel bad after these efforts. We expected to be out skilled but we sure as hell weren’t out husseled
  5. 15 shots. Owned the play. Can’t complain about anything other than the refs and they gave us two calls. I hope they can keep it up and get a W. They deserve it
  6. This is exactly why they did this at least 5.99 cancel anytime is more reasonable than ‘buy an entire dish tv service plus extra packages’
  7. They compete. That’s good enough for last playoff berth. Y’all have been beat down too long. The early season winning streaks in years past were all lucky every game and riding on PP
  8. Granato is cool and all but I believe the change is 80% due to Steve Smith being banished.
  9. The NHLPA is losing ground on guaranteed contracts with this because it gives the teams power over a players body in a way their members do not like. It is going to become a hot button issue for the next CBA negotiations. The owners collectively would like to minimize contract risks as they’re all suckers to outside agencies on this now. I could imagine a situation where the league and possibly the NHLPA choose to accept the financial risk of the contract for Eichel to get his preferred surgery. If they do this I’m good faith now next CBA they may stipulate that certain limits shifts guaranteed contract payments into some fund to help shield the individual clubs. The players would likely have to give up some money to do this too to get their rights back, which is what makes it a win overall for the league. IF LTIRetired players are paid out by a league fund, it also makes it easier for the rich teams to sell dead contracts to poor teams to circumvent cap nightmares. It’s the players who want the minimum salary so anything that spreads the gap further is again in the owners interests.
  10. We weren’t supposed to be good in 09 either yet we had a bunch of 20 goal scorers. yes I’m on a high don’t bring me down
  11. Can’t complain about 3 wins in a row. They lost bounces early and never gave up. They skate and pass all day. Lots of missed passes but it’s more importantly not all telegraphed and contained like it used to be. The chemistry will come as the season goes on. I used to get frustrated trying to survive the minutes into Jacks line got on so there was a chance to score. Now I can’t even keep track of the rotation nor care. They’re all equally contributing.
  12. So many bad spots and bad calls all game. Ducking joke league. Don’t blame josh the refs ruined this game remember McKenzie scored a touchdown with a holding call 10 yards behind the play being called. Joke league
  13. What a ***** call. So sick of the refs in this wrestling nonsense league.
  14. Miller was outspoken about the Vegas team having a chip on its shoulder. He also wasn’t very happy in Buffalo the last couple of years. He seems happy now.
  15. Owned the game yet stoned by a hot goalie. Tokarski is a liability but he showed up to get us 2. Its clear outside of Dahlin we lack talent. The compete is there though. The game isn’t boring as sin anymore either. Really talented teams will make us look silly but let’s wait and see. Skinner needs better linemates to be unlocked. Injuries come free and we improve. Eichel trade finished and maybe we improve again. Looks like I’ll be watching games here for a bit.
  16. Tokarski sucks. The Yotes goalie is hot for his first game. We own the game. If they had Hutton we’d be up by 5
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