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Everything posted by JoeSchmoe

  1. I'm guilty of trying to run that calculation in my head to see if it's legit.
  2. Haven't watched at all, but .924 doesn't sound shaky, especially on a 5th place team in the division.
  3. If we had a team full of Dahlin's we'd be planning the parade now. We suck because he's the only one we got with both heart and talent. You'll be hard pressed to find anyone that agrees with you about EJ. He was terrible through and through. Eye test. Old fashioned stats. Advanced stats. He was a drag on CO when they didn't resign him, he was a drag on us, now he's Philly's problem.
  4. This is the biggest horse 💩 fallacy in hockey. Every team in the league has veterans that have won in the past. They can't all win. The team with the most heart and talent is the one that wins. Both of these traits cannot be taught.
  5. If they would have made this trade week 1 we might be in a playoff spot by now.
  6. We the fans paid his grossly inflated salary by buying tix and watching on TV. Shouldn't he be thanking us?
  7. Granted I had the sound down, but I only noticed him direct traffic once. I also see him skate into traffic (without the puck) where we already had two guys. I agree that being more mobile is what the PP needs, but I think the twitter clip is greatly exaggerating all the good Byram is doing.
  8. I'm not buying anymore tix to games until the Sabres are sitting in a playoff spot more than 10 games into the season. I thought about starting a new thread on this but I'm too lazy. The only way I see us making the playoffs is if we trade some of our pint sized prospects for actual good NHL players. These players would then replace Okposo, Girgensons, Robinson, and the rest of the scrubs we're trot out year after year.
  9. Sucks that we have fans willing to focus on a tiny sample size of data for two years ago to justify the trade. Sucks worse that our GM is seemingly doing the same. 🫣
  10. Barring major improvements across the board from our existing roster or a major free agent acquisition, there is no way we make the playoffs next year. We are our worst team.
  11. We are worse next year. Byram was a net negative on a very good team. Unless he improves greatly, he's going to suck on the Sabres. But because he's the shiny new toy, we're going to play the crap out of him. Meanwhile, we're missing Casey's production.
  12. Agreed. And none of our countless tiny forward prospects are looking anywhere near ready for next year. Kulich has dropped back greatly. Savoie is too small to be NHL ready. The other guys are at least 2 years away.
  13. Byram is a below 50% expected goal player THE COLORADO AVALANCHE. Clifton was a below 50% on THE BOSTON BRUINS. Why are we paying for stats gurus in our front office when our GM's M.O. is to take other teams' table scraps?!?!
  14. Am I missing something? Did Okposo leave yet?????? No??? What the f#$@ are we doing here?!?!?!!
  15. I'll admit I use the Moneypuck stats quite a bit. Tonight it says we had 2.645 expected goals for. That is ridiculously low IMO. We had sooooo many golden chances... That's how we got 7 GF. I'd say we should have at least been 4 xGF. I get that not all our shot attempts got through and/or we missed the net, but we were buzzing all night. Stats nerds... Any thoughts?
  16. EJ sucks so bad. It's too bad Adams didn't do a bit better than him in free agency.
  17. Miss the shark/barracuda meme. The random ones are the best.
  18. I agree with this, but he has looked a bit better lately.
  19. I'm not sure if you saw my comment a bit back. On the radio, I had absolutely no idea what was going on for the 3 on 3. TV, maybe you can let the picture do the talking, but on radio it was so disappointing to not be able to follow the play.
  20. Was driving during OT. What a garbage call of the OT by Dunleavy. I had almost no idea of what was going on or who had the puck. Great win. With UPL's goaltending, EJ out of the lineup, Dahlin staying healthy while he logs big minutes, and Tage Thompson getting some "swag" back (as Dahlin put it)... maybe just maybe... 🤞
  21. I see both sides of the argument. I'm also someone who despite numerous challenges worked my way out of poverty. Having gone through it, I think it's better to celebrate perseverance than apathy. Because of my numerous challenges, I think if I could have mentally pigeonholed myself into thinking I'll always be poor because it's society's fault, I might have been more content to stay there. Thankfully, we had more of a suck it up attitude back in the 90s. Still, some people need more of a leg up than others. I'll always be sympathetic to those people. Manufacturing was always the great equalizer in society. The disappearance of those jobs has been the major difference maker in the widening spread between the haves and the have-nots. Not everyone has the smarts to be a university grad or the connections to get into the trades. But if they're willing to work hard, they should still have options at earning a liveable wage such that they may one day be able to provide for a better life for their kids. Manufacturing jobs did exactly this. As the number of those jobs declined, it became that much harder to break the cycle of poverty.
  22. Nope. But I definitely don't want one of our regular 12 starting forwards to be of his ilk. We trade for a scrub and KA will make sure he's in the lineup. That's a problem. One of many. Way ahead of the beer price or arena which I don't really mind.
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