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Everything posted by Billznut

  1. Sabres still don’t know how to win. Big work in progress.
  2. It’s pretty much like every other home opener the past few years. There have been a few shutouts in there.
  3. Didn’t say he was. Saying Eichel isn’t in either of theirs. That’s beyond obvious by now.
  4. The problem is he isn’t a “generational” talent as he was touted years ago. Unfortunately Sabres fans expect McDavid or Matthews type performances out of him. He’s NOT in their universe. He will need much more talent around him for this team to do anything.
  5. I guess the fans shouldn’t have booed the Sabres off the ice again? Give me a break. It’s WELL deserved.
  6. Another season opening home loss. Leading to another wasted October. Leading to another... I don’t even need to finish the statement.
  7. Amazing how that works isn’t it? Never seen a team so afraid to shoot. Been a problem for years. No confidence.
  8. The Sabres have no way of changing momentum. They have no tough guys, no one to get things stirred up. Once they are down, it’s a mausoleum in there with little hope of it changing. Same tune for years now.
  9. It’s something the Sabres do. Year after year. Pass up perfectly good shots to instead try to pass to someone else who never has as good of position as the original shooter. It’s the Sabres way. There’s a reason they have been the lowest scoring team in the league for years. Shoot the damn puck.
  10. He is right in front and instead of shooting, passes it up. Idiotic. Sabres have been doing this the better part of the last 8-9 years. Shoot the damn puck. Is it really that hard?
  11. If Montreal comes up as pick 3 I believe that means our odds went up even more.
  12. So it’s:Buffalo 60% Montreal 30% Carolina 10% Roughly?? Vogls #s aren’t accurate anymore
  13. Right. Thats what im wondering now. Is it 33.3% chance for the lat three teams? Or do we still have better odds? So we now have a 2 to 1 chance of winning this?
  14. We’ve heard all this stuff for years here in Sabreland. They’ve always been good at talking and making excuses for their play. It’s the ONE thing this franchise has mastered over the years. Now if we can ever see them play as well as they talk, we might actually have a real team someday.
  15. You can’t “instill” spine in players. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Botterill needs to go find players that actually have it. The current roster is sorely lacking in it.
  16. I’d expect nothing different from this head coach. Split up Eichel, Middlestadt and Nylander. BRILLIANCE. I can’t believe Housley isn’t nominated for the Jack Adams award this year. Luckily Jack will outlast Housley. Hopefully we will have a head coach that knows what he’s doing one of these days. Putting lines together should be the LEAST of a coaches struggles.
  17. The draft lottery has single handedly killed this franchise. We could have had Ekblad over Reinhart and McDavid over Eichel. We’d be in much much better shape at this point had we drafted first those two years. Let’s hope this year is different. We deserve Dahlin. We’ve certainly earned him. We will find out in a few more weeks if we get him.
  18. The bottom line is fear. Our players have always been cowards, since the beginning. Even Perreault had little to no character.[/quote You are correct Sabres teams have been full of pussies since the beginning. But to single out Perreault makes no sense. You do that, then single out Gretzky, Lemieux, McDavid etc. None of them were fighters or hitters either. Those guys jobs were to score and they all did. Hall of fame level offensive stars. Wasn’t their job to fight or play physical. Plenty of others over the past 100 years to play THAT role.
  19. I’ll believe it when I see it. Neither Botterill NOR Housley strike fear in anyone. Hence the season we’ve all just suffered through. Players these days fear no one! Good luck with saving this steaming pile of crap team.
  20. Taking idiotic penalties is a good way to lose this game. And another one
  21. Frustrating. They routinely try to pass instead of just shooting
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