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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. Wait. We're going to pick up a trash goalie WITH TERM left on his deal?
  2. Sorry meant power, Krebs, JJ and Quinn go to Buff next year. That’s already a ton of youth combined with who else is there. Just keep drafting and developing. No need rushing guys up or trading picks to ‘fast track’ anything.
  3. This model of having the kids win first in roch seemed to work back prior to and during the 2004 lockout. The young core played a lot in minors and grew together. Hopefully this same model works this time. Don’t rush anyone. That includes all our first round picks coming up. Have the main guys in roch (plus power) take the step next year and keep developing the new picks properly. In a salary cap nhl era, drafting and developing is the only way. No more ‘shortcuts’ please.
  4. Great post. We haven’t had a good shut down type D in Buffalo since….
  5. @Brawndo - I think there’s a typo in your title or I’m still drunk from last night 😉
  6. C’mon who here pegged him at a 35+ goal pace at the quarter pole? I shudder to think we may of actually got back any type of return for ROR.
  7. "Crappy titles lead to confusion on the reader’s part." Nothing has changed since Monday. Saved you some typing @SDS
  8. I was there! Also the day TC was never the same again 😞
  9. Yes and he’s certainly showing it thus far albeit in the AHL
  10. I had the leafs game on a few nights ago. It was Leafs and Bruins but a couple in the front row were both rocking Sabres jerseys. I say wear them!!
  11. I hear that a lot. I donno man. I’m from Canada so we don’t have la Nova here. Maybe it’s the tradition or novelty of it but best pizza and wings I’ve ever had.
  12. Can you imagine if we FINALLY have an analytics department that knows what they're doing? I need to see much more (including Tuch) but let's hope the Sabres management is finally competent.
  13. I know it shouldn't considering the low probability of any player in the second becoming relevant but going from what we thought was a third to a second moves the needle a little bit.
  14. No salary retention probably counters that extra piece. We need Krebs to pan out and hit on these first rounders.....
  15. Yep exactly. This is pretty much exactly what we all thought a trade would look like with Vegas over the summer. We will never know but I'm curious why this deal consumated now and not in the summer. Did Sabres drop their ask or did Vegas finally agree to add Krebs is the question I would be interested to know.
  16. Isn't this very close to the proposed trade many on Sabrespace were predicting back in the summer? Was it on the table in the summer and Sabres said no or was Vegas unwilling to add Krebs until last night?
  17. What in the hell happened to Monahan? I dont' want Flames games at all but he was a great C prospect coming into the league a few years ago. I take it he has disappointed thus far?
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