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Everything posted by Curt

  1. They would almost have to spend multiple years TRYING to be bad........oh, wait......
  2. Oh yes, agree. I’m not discounting the difficulty of acquiring 2 top 6 forwards. That’s not easy. This is more in response to the multiple posts I saw saying that the the entire roster needs to dismantled and shot into outer space, as if the players are infected with Buffaloitis and now are ruined. I firmly disagree with that. They just need more good hockey players.
  3. What? How many goalies play 60 games per year? 5? Less? Ullmark has played alright. He looks like a guy you could give 35-45 starts as part of a tandem.
  4. This is not what Marty Biron’s career looked like. Biron is older than Miller and he started something like 240 games for Buffalo before Miller ever became the starter. Biron didn’t come up as Miller’s backup. Miller came up as Biron’s backup.
  5. Am I totally crazy for thinking that if you added 2 top-6 forwards, one of them being a C, to this team and another goalie at least as good as a Ullmark, this would be a playoff team??? Hasn't this been the issue for the entire season? Didn’t we all say this from the start? I firmly believe that this team does not need to be blown to oblivion. I just needs a few better players.
  6. It wasn’t even a must win game though. When you need to play at a 110 pt pace for 50 games in order to make the playoffs, every game becomes a must win. It’s also a good indication that you aren’t a playoff team. They never was one.
  7. Can we keep the analysis to the past 50 years or so??? Is it relevant who won championships in the 50s or 60s?
  8. Browns, Bengals, Sac Kings, Pirates, Rockies???
  9. Was tonight some sort of a turning point? They could play at a 112 pt pace for the next 33 games but not at a 115 pt pace for 32 games? The 2019-20 Sabres just never were a playoff caliber team.
  10. Ullmark didn’t look good. If this team starts Hutton 3/4 starts for a month it’s probably going to be bad news.
  11. It was called roughing on Frolik. Call a high stick on Skinner, fine, but the call was weird.
  12. He was a good skater before 1,000 injuries. That was the original appeal of Bogo the prospect/young player. Big strong mean physical guy who could actually skate.
  13. I agree with a lot of what you said, but I want to knit pick a little. People, and perhaps teams, do track things like passes into danger areas, shots from danger areas, controlled zone entries, and a bunch of other stuff for prospects. You want to find players who are already successfully doing some of the things that you value highly from your NHL players. It’s not that any one statistic is going to guarantee NHL success, but stuff like this is useful information to consider alongside traditional scouting. What Buffalo in particular looks at, I could only guess.
  14. Curt


    This 18 year old Curtis Jones guy that you used as an example, is a good example. He has played 13 games with the academy team this season and has also spent time with the premier league club, or is still there now.
  15. Red, Rusty, Red Baron (who was German), Red Sniper, Red Striper, Curly Jack, Jacky Boy, Tank Fruit, The Red Captain, Captain Red, Der Rote Kapitan, The Great Red Hope. These are suggestion. As a hole, they are not great.
  16. Who knows, but Miller has to agree with you. He has consistently put his personal life ahead of his professional life the past few years. If Getzlaf wants to go to a good team to try to win, is he picking Buffalo?
  17. Getzlaf has a full NMC. Is he going to waive it to go to Buffalo? Miller has a MNTC where he can only be traded to 6 teams. He wants to be on the west coast for his spouse’s work. Doubt he is coming to Buffalo.
  18. Curt


    Pretty much every team has a few young guys who split time between the premier league and academy teams every year. Go check their stats.
  19. Have you watched the Sabres for the past 10 years???
  20. I think it’s because they feel this is someone who has truly touched their life in some way
  21. This is a thread for random things. Its the one thread that can’t be derailed. That is interesting about the Muslim faith and pork. I didn’t know that.
  22. Curt


    They do that all the time actually with younger players.
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