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Everything posted by kas23

  1. Pretty sure the fax machine was also infected too.
  2. That's what I like to see. I'm also hoping the recent poor effort by some raises their selling price and are shipped off ASAP. Edm is our most serious threat.
  3. I think he meant they are on an 11 lossless. There's no winners in the CHL.
  4. I'll have to agree an insane amount of circumstances need to occur for life to happen. That said, our universe, and others, are so insanely, mind boggling large that I definitely believe there is intelligent life out there. Anything can happen, but I wouldn't wager we'll ever come in contact with them.
  5. I agree. But if we're depending on Girgs being our offensive spark for the foreseeable future, we are in trouble. This teams needs an offensive star if we are ever going to rise above a first-round exit.
  6. He should have done something 2 weeks ago. This season is quickly unraveling. If I see Edm get another top pick, I may boycott the NHL.
  7. Any "veteran" GM who we would have hired would likely been fired by another team. That, or dragged out of retirement. Great teams don't let go of great GMs. I guess Darcy would be considered a veteran GM now. Want more of that? Correct. Targeting Tim Murray is the last thing I would do. In fact, I would target Pegula 99 days out of 100 before pointing the finger at GMTM.
  8. I think it's time for GMTM to pull a trade to help improve this team. We cannot go into the later half of the season tied for 1st.
  9. Yep, Sabres entering a slide. A players only meeting should be coming soon.
  10. Yes. Great night for the Sabres to lose. Hopefully, through the law of averages, they've scored all their goals tonight for the remainder of November.
  11. I think if the paying fans can endure multiple losing seasons and still hope for a bright future, then the players, who was making millions, can do it too. Besides, the Sabres are doing what their management wishes, so in their minds, they're actually winning.
  12. It's just one year though, so I don't know if the losing culture argument applies. Last year was a lost year due to all the change, I'm unsure if it was purposeful losing. But, I would agree that there's going to have to be a large change around here to reverse course. Maybe it will be Nolan leaving. I'm not sure if he can walk in one day and say "now I'm serious" to the same set of players. That said, I do see half the roster turned over by next year. That's enough to change the losing culture. They must now what's going on and are affected by it, unless they are living under a rock. Besides, haven't Stafford, Ennis, and Hodgson been playing with this same attitude for years?
  13. I'm willing to bet he suffered a boxer's fracture. Or, fracture of the head of his right 5th metacarpal bone, which happens to be by far the most common fracture when throwing a punch. Very close to his pinky though.
  14. You are 100% correct here. Competition in the CHL towards the end of the season is going to be downright brutal, moreso than that other league. Make no mistake, the Sabres need to be bringing their "A" game nightly, especially early on. This is why I'm hoping they make some trades sooner than later. Nolan needs to be given the tools to succeed.
  15. Actually, the key metric is how many pull-ups can he do. Nothing else matters.
  16. The only thing we should be focusing on is who will net us more in a trade, Strachan or Myers. With the way the reason is going, who is more productive is a moot point. Now let's get some bodies moving.
  17. Flynn center 2nd line. Makes as much sense as Stafford to center. Remember, the Sabres are all about consistency this year.
  18. I just think it would be a great ending to a superb season if after we hoist the Shart above our shoulders, the Blues, with the last lottery spot, win it and bump our pick to #2 ('cuz we have to get shafted in some fashion). Would that be something!
  19. You mean being a stretch because they would all need ELCs? They all have them except for Lemieux. But I can see how it would be crowded.
  20. Good points. Maybe this is why GMTM says they're about equal. McDavid may truly be better, but I guess we'll find that out when he's not playing against high schoolers or when he's an adult himself.
  21. Sounds like a good landing spot for Myers then. I don't know who they have down on the farm, but probably a great prospect or two to send back to us.
  22. I think it's really strange what's going on down there. I haven't been paying them much attention, but they seem like one of those rare teams to go from basement to playoffs in 1 season.
  23. Teams pushing for the playoffs are more likely to give up more at the trade deadline than earlier in the year. Of course that doesn't apply to the Islanders though.
  24. I'm expecting another shutout tonight. Too bad the league doesn't award you 3 points for them.
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