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Everything posted by pastajoe

  1. What you don't see or hear about much are all the good players still in juniors and college that have been drafted or traded for. It will be a couple more years before they start contributing, but it's all part of the plan to grow the team around Eichel, Reinhart, Risto, and O'Reilly.
  2. At least it gives us a reason to root for a team in the playoffs, like Miller in St Louis.
  3. Yes, but found out it was a fake so I deleted.
  4. Did Bettman make another "screw the Sabres" move and tell the league to ignore GMTM? Uncle Bryan felt bad and threw him a bone with Amerks trade.
  5. Finally got to watch the game. Loved the physical game. A shame that another great effort from Lehner was wasted, he kept them in and gave them a chance. I like that Eichel is getting mad and said afterwards he has to be better. A deficiency that needs to be addressed in the next couple years is the defense has to get faster. The opponent forwards close the gap quick after they dump in.
  6. I agree, if they were supplying our oil, the US would have acted because of the effect on our national interests, as with Kuwait. But that's a long standing US policy regardless of who is president. And without that national interest, the US will try diplomacy before committing its troops to danger. Funny that you don't like the Clintons because you think we acted too slow, and Eleven thinks we would act too quickly with the Clintons.
  7. Yes it should be snug so that if you hit your head the helmet doesn't move and absorbs the impact properly, and having your jaw tight reduces the chance you slam it up. You should be able to move your mouth a little. My old helmet was looser and I got a concussion from it moving when I hit my head. There's no guarantee, but in case you ever fall backwards, try to pull your head up so your back takes the impact. Watch how wrestlers do it.
  8. To say Clinton did nothing to end it is factually wrong. They tried diplomacy, then they tried to get European countries to agree to take military action in their own backyard, who were slow to agree. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it was not a national threat to the US, so to take unilateral action would not have been in the best interest of the US. And even when NATO took action it was opposed by Republicans in Congress. If the US intervened unilaterally in every ethnic or civil war, we'd be in half the countries in Africa. I don't think any other president would have done any more, and some would have done less.
  9. You'd rather support someone who has insulted Muslims and threatens to treat them different than Christians, than the wife of someone who got resistant European countries to join in a NATO coalition to end the conflict and lead the Dayton Peace Accords. I'm sorry, but that's like Log Cabin Republicans who support a party that considers them less than equal.
  10. I thought you were Muslim. If so, how could you want Trump?
  11. My son's girlfriend's friend from college dates Schneider. My six degrees of Schneider. But she lives in Binghamton, so that will be tough. Could be trying to get rid of some Amerk veterans so they don't have to sit some each game.
  12. Yeah, but the voters that think Trump's behavior is acceptable for a president is still in the minority, even in the Republican Party. Bernie will stay in the race until the convention so he gets a prominent speaking slot.
  13. I have to get up at 6am to go play hockey, so I'm recording the game and will watch it tomorrow.
  14. Remember when Rick Lazio was aggressive during the Senate debate and stepped to Hillary to get her to sign some pledge. He blew what chance he had right then.
  15. Less than a week after he dropped out of the Republican presidential race following a poor performance in the New Hampshire primary, the new Rutgers-Eagleton poll shows just 29 percent of New Jersey's registered voters have a favorable view of the governor. That's down four points from the last poll in December. The governor's job approval ratings remained about the same, matching a record low of 33 percent approving and 61 percent disapproving, the poll found. http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/02/christies_approval_rating_sinks_to_new_low_poll_fi.html
  16. Registered Democrats, when we vote for our elected officials and party representatives: 20 distinguished party leaders (current and former presidents, vice-presidents, congressional leaders, and DNC chairs) (DPLs) 20 Democratic governors (including territorial governors and the Mayor of the District of Columbia) 46 Democratic members of the United States Senate (including Washington, DC shadow senators) 193 Democratic members of the United States House of Representatives (including non-voting delegates) 436 elected members of the Democratic National Committee Yes, because the Clintons went back in time to early 80's to set up the superdelegate process, knowing that Hillary would run in 2016. :doh:
  17. Actually it's not, it is representative democracy. We vote for people to represent us in all levels of government, this is just allowing our representatives to represent the will of Democrats in choosing the strongest candidate. It is a result of the Kennedy insurgency against President Carter which led to a fractured convention. It also prevents outsiders (independents that some states allow to vote in the Democrat primaries/caucuses) from disrupting the will of registered Democrats. If they want a say in either party, they should join the party, or form their own. Besides, super delegates are not committed, they just indicate their preference at this time. They can vote for whoever they want at the convention. If Bernie came into the convention as the stronger candidate with more delegates but not enough, they could put him over the top. But I think it will be a moot point and Hillary will have a clear lead in regular delegates by the convention.
  18. There is the possibity that some of these 2nd and 3rd round picks could be packaged to get a higher pick, or used as a sweetener in a player acquisition. This trade might be Murray sending a message that if teams want in on a D like Franson or Bogo, don't wait until the deadline, pay the asking price now.
  19. Plus minus is deceiving. He played less minutes and against 3rd or 4th line forwards compared to the other D. Not much of a dump given he will be a UFA.
  20. If Murray can get fair value, he'll trade more D. Can always call up Ruewedal or Austin to fill in.
  21. So you're against the ACA, and anyone who believes there are legitimate reasons for military intervention is a war monger. Even Bernie who supported the Afganistan war and would continue to fight ISIS. That's your right, but I don't think you'll find an electable candidate who shares your opinions.
  22. Even Romney ran away from the ACA in the last election, it's toxic to Republicans. All the other issues are dependent on a president blocking the Republican Congress from reversing, or a SCOTUS (with multiple seats in play for the next president to fill) ruling on. - Iraq War vote - Admitted it was a mistake based on misleading evidence provided by the Bush administration. - Arming Syrian rebels sooner - Would have brought a quicker resolution to the Syrian war. - Libya air attacks - Done with a European coalition to prevent govt slaughter of civilians, and led to democratic elections. New govt didn't take support offered by US which led to current situation. Libya was given the opportunity to succeed and didn't embrace it. Much different than calling for bombing Iran instead of diplomacy to get an agreement. Details matter. - Afghanistan was the right war, going after the terrorists and the people who harbored the 9/11 terrorists. One of W's correct decisions. Unfortunately got sidetracked with Iraq and didn't finish the job, which was left for Obama to deal with. Only the most extreme liberals would think that was the wrong war. Even Bernie voted for it.
  23. I think it's naive to think that a Repub president wouldn't be different than Clinton on healthcare, same sex marriage, women's choice, tax policy, immigration, and voting rights. What are distractions to you are important issues for millions of Americans. Define "war monger". Clinton got other countries to join in sanctions that drove Iran to the table to halt their nuclear enrichment. The Repubs would rather "bomb, bomb Iran". and unless you want a pacifist or isolationist president, there are situations that require military action as a last resort.
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