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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. From what I saw in Okinawa (not Japan proper) they are hard working and I guess meticulous. Every morning they sweep the sidewalk in front of their business. The bathrooms are so much cleaner than most places I’ve been to.
  2. I’m not saying a person shouldn’t have their opinion. I’d expect when someone enters a conversation it’s for actual contribution. That contribution being a thought and background information.
  3. As far as sacrificing to do our part I think that also means not letting fear cloud our judgement. This is not NYC. It’s a different situation therefore different measures. You can’t force the entire country to live as though the threat is the same everywhere. If I had to guess this is why people around the country are getting upset with local and state governments.
  4. I wish there was. I used COVID as an execuse to not get out there. It’s not as easy to get back as it was in my 20s.
  5. He’s got a series a videos from a trip to Iceland. What I don’t get is the confusion on being allowed to open the gym.
  6. I have seen the information presented to include the findings in the Mueller Report which did not conclude collusion. However information which led to the investigation specifically how it was obtained is questionable. Furthermore the investigation involved personalities of questionable character. Then Mueller publicly states he doesn’t want to testify about the investigation or its findings which makes no sense to me if the investigation was done in accordance with policies you will not find on Google.
  7. I can’t imagine believing what other people say without knowing where it’s coming from but if it works for you then so be it.
  8. Did a modified mini Murph today and the gym opened up this week. Restaurants got the go ahead to open up too.
  9. Well the situation on the ground dictates the gear I use. Things I consider are the laws governing where I’m at, who I’m with, the activity and the risk. As for sacrifice and responsibility I appreciate the lesson. I wouldn’t know with four deployments to Afghanistan and a few to other places, one missed birth, a few missed Christmas’ and birthdays, sleeping in snow, rain and goat $#!t with armed men looking for you. The sound of 7.62 snapping by a few times and leading other men in those situations didn’t teach me much either. But whatever.
  10. Only required to wear it if you are unable to maintain six feet distance. Restaurants were given the go ahead to open up today as well. Most people I’ve seen here only wear a mask when it’s required for entry. Other than that the world keeps turning. Edit: To clarify there are establishments that require a mask to patronize and you are supposed to wear it if you cant maintain six feet.
  11. Went to Panera today and saw a couple people eating in the back. I asked the employee if we were good to eat there and she said yes. As we are leaving another employee said we weren’t supposed to eat in the restaurant. Oh well, food was good.
  12. ??? Don’t be mad at me because your original post has no substance and you got called out for it. Most on here don’t agree with my views but at least they back up their comments. Probably because they’ve educated themselves on a subject and have life experience.
  13. Sort of political but it shows what some people are facing during COVID restrictions. Nick is a former Marine who was assigned to MARSOC. He has some cool videos on firearms, working out and traveling.
  14. Here you have the POTUS sounding like there is an expectation for an outlet that targets conservative viewers to push him along. Keep in mind this is the same guy people say has all the facts on COVID but lies about it. If he has the facts on COVID does he also know the media tries to influence how people vote? Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 1h Many will disagree, but @FoxNews is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd. Sure, there are some truly GREAT people on Fox, but you also have some real “garbage” littered all over the network, people like Dummy Juan Williams, Schumerite Chris Hahn, Richard Goodstein, Donna Brazile, Niel Cavuto, and many others. They repeat the worst of the Democrat speaking points, and lies. All of the good is totally nullified, and more. Net Result = BAD! CNN & MSDNC are all in for the Do Nothing Democrats! Fox WAS Great! Mika seems to think it’s their job to control what people think. She tried to save face with this tweet. Problem is that’s not what she said. Mika Brzezinski @morningmika· Feb 22, 2017 Today I said it's the media's job to keep President Trump from making up his own facts, NOT that it's our job to control what people think.
  15. Wow you clearly have training in counterintelligence. I would love to hear what course you attended and your experience in such investigations.
  16. Not disputing their attempts to attract an audience. I also agree different outlets target different audiences. In order to attract those audiences they have to give them what they want. Fox paints Trump (and the public) as a victim of the “deep state”. CNN paints the public as a victim of Trump because he’s racist, unhinged, and possibly colludes with Russia. By giving each audience what they want to hear they also validate the audience’s preconceived opinion. If I’m colorblind and think a shirt is red all I need is someone I think is not colorblind to tell me I’m right. Everyone has their own opinions on Trump. As humans we like to be told we are right. These corporate media outlets provide that validation for their audiences. IMO one reason why we are so divided is because we get our opinions validated by same thinking outlets then take to social media to attack each other with a misguided confidence in our knowledge.
  17. Watch Fox then MSNBC. Using media to influence a population is not new. It’s in practice today and I’ll leave it at that. Well people do.
  18. Here’s an example from today. In the snippet Trump says the number of U.S. cases is a testament to testing. The way he articulates the thought is stupid though. In fact he sucks at it. Too many filler words/phrases. Afterward and prior to, Mika doesn’t dispute the information but gives a twisted lens to see it through. Not hard when Trump is as bad as he is at speaking. Then she goes off topic with a personnel counterattack. Something Trump is criticized for doing. The way she does it is painting someone else as the victim to make it look like she’s defending a victim instead of her own personal slight. The problem is she tries and fails to keep her emotions in check which is the tell all its personal for her. Therefore she’s using her platform for a personal attack but trying to hide it. Again something Trump is criticized for doing.
  19. Let me explain. What you see on the news is at best the tip of the iceberg. Contrary to what Cuomo would like you to believe they do not have legal access to classified information which is why they repeat their little headlines and snippet. It’s all the anchor has of value. Tv news is really just guided discussions like a talk show. They have to fill that 24 hour cycle so they start with a little information of value and then go off the rails. Start with leading statements and let a guest or panel go off. Whenever there is an anticipated question of “how did they get this” there seems to be some anonymous insider. The anchor says they are protecting their source. The viewer not believes the information from someone who may not exist. This, along with op eds allow major outlets to push a narrative with minimal blowback. It’s what you just did for them in your reply. Yes those outlets published the piece but it’s just someone’s opinion. Not like Don Lemon or Sean Hannity said it. How hard were WMDs in Iraq pushed? Possible war with NK? Possible war with Iran? Seems like MSM gave up on the Kurds like Trump did. Kashogi who? These stories were pushed the way they were for a certain time to influence your perception of the world and fill air time.
  20. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/time-for-a-reality-check-america-the-flu-is-a-much-bigger-threat-than-coronavirus-for-now/2020/01/31/46a15166-4444-11ea-b5fc-eefa848cde99_story.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/05/opinion/china-travel-coronavirus.html Bill de Blasio @BilldeBlasio · Mar 2 Since I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus, I thought I would offer some suggestions. Here’s the first: thru Thurs 3/5 go see “The Traitor” @FilmLinc . If “The Wire” was a true story + set in Italy, it would be this film. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-01-31/flu-coronavirus
  21. That’s because they’ve done both. In the beginning major outlets said the flu is worse and not to fear the spread of COVID-19. Meanwhile Trump got dinged for the travel ban. Overreacting, racist, xenophobic. Fast forward and MSM would have you believe there is no going back to normal. I believe they called it the new normal actually. Then there was talk of how Trump should’ve shut down the whole country. Trump got dinged for not doing that. The likely excuse for for flip flopping is “we didn’t know how bad it was”. What about all these inside sources reporters claim to have. We’ve all seen reports from an anonymous White House insider about a Trump conversation or outburst. You would think those same insiders would’ve spread the truth about COVID from the beginning, if they existed. Chris Cuomo said it’s cool for reporters to access and discuss classified information. Why didn’t he just walk into a SCIF and get the truth himself. Hint: he lied. Instead the MSM pushed COVID as nothing to worry about and then did a 180. You are right that hardcore Trump supporters will believe everything he says. I think small minds believe he’s the root of our issues as though Trump brings the death of our country.
  22. I’ll be “snarky” when you ignore the fact I do blame him just not solely. Yes he’s the president but other politicians and the media downplayed COVID-19. It was a team effort at failing. As president he gets the biggest voice and if other big voices go along with it what are people supposed to think? Hold him accountable as you should but I hope you do the same for those in the MSM and other politicians. Trump May lose in 2020 which means he was president for just four years. Meanwhile look how many politicians and media personalities have been around for a lot longer. How many of them downplayed, failed and are now staying out of the lime light? Those same people will still be here after Trump yet people will act like all is good because the orange man is out of the Oval Office. The problem is bigger than one person.
  23. To the bold: The second sentence in my last post said he shouldn’t have downplayed COVID. I kept the post short to reduce ambiguity. I’ll keep it shorter next time and use all caps.If I had to guess he downplayed it to avoid hurting the economy for political gain. Obviously that didn’t workout. I don’t blame Trump for all of it because he wasn’t the only one downplaying. Pelosi urged people to go out as well. In fact I think it was a failure of the government as a whole. All of these people have staffs to advise them so they can come together and make informed decisions. They failed. The earliest common sense approach I can think of was the travel ban and some people thought it was wrong to do at the time. I also blame China but we can talk about it in the COVID thread. As far as having a president who leads the way by example it sure hasn’t been the three prior to Trump. You must be a lot older than me. You are correct that they said the buck stops here but all it was is talk. Trump’s presidency is the sum of the last few decades. If you think recent presidents were so great then thank them for Trump.
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