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Everything posted by josie

  1. Update. These lovely chalky horse pills pretty much give me the stomach flu. I'm really wishing I hadn't eaten such a nice big lunch. The cure is worse than the itching.
  2. Oooh dear. Glad they're ok. I hope they learned their seatbelt lesson, though!
  3. Mine seem to avoid geographical areas as well. They won't go below the knees and are avoiding the neck up. And the tender lovely lady bits, thank god. But my arms, thighs, stomach and some of my back are a war zone right now. Bee-zarre.
  4. I thought a big fiery ###### was exactly what this thread needed. Wow. the p word that rhymes with callous is censored!
  5. NASA is doing a live launch of the Antares rocket right now. Launch in T-minus 2 minutes! http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html#.Us7iH2RDs5g
  6. That's what snapchat is for. Or so the kids these days tell me.
  7. Interesting. My sister had chicken pox twice- the second time was horrible- it was internal as well as external. My parents assumed it was because her immune system had been compromised by cancer and a couple years of chemo. Shingles twice though... that's just evil. Even if it was mild.
  8. So many dick PMs. Please no one actually send him a dick PM, I'm sitting right next to him.
  9. I like velociraptor-zoster better haha get out of my brain Dennis
  10. Oh I really hope I don't give d4rk shingles. Same virus. vsomethingerothervelociraptor-zoster virus. I remember my grandma having it- what a nightmare. I hope I don't get it later either. If I do, I'm pulling a Roose or Ramsay Bolton on my own hide.
  11. So we have Tim Murray, can we get Bill Murray too?
  12. Tim Murray looks like he hangs around old cigarette machines in the foyers of shady diners. Craig Patrick though. Man. This is awesome.
  13. I was at AccelCare in Henrietta on Jefferson Road. Hope whatever brought you there is doing better today! haha d4rk was referencing this episode last night. I've never seen it. Changing that now :) I'm slathered in calamine at the moment. They gave me some fun chalky horse pill that'll kill it from the inside, too.
  14. I have chicken pox. I don't know how. I had the vaccine as a kid. Never had them before. I felt truly awful last week and thought it was just a flu bug that wouldn't end. Then the spots appeared the day I got into my car accident. I thought it was ringworm from working with infected rescue cats over break. I finally couldn't take it any longer last night and it took two incredulous doctors at urgent care to confirm that yes, I have chicken pox. AND ringworm, as previously suspected. Holy crap I am an itchy bitch right now. It's like a swarm of mosquitoes descended upon me and turned me into a spotted, itching plague vector. Between that, still not knowing if my car is totaled or not and some local insane dude running around the area with an assault rifle last night and this morning, I'm ready for a change in luck. Still a light complaint in the grand scheme of things. But urgh.
  15. My favorite is Scrivens lovingly staring into your/the camera's soul for almost an entire interview. I can dig up the video if someone so desires. Hello? Is it me, you're looking for? in case you didn't get that
  16. Aww, I'm so sorry for your loss. And bbb's as well. :( One of the hardest times I've ever cried was when I had to bury one of my cats. That same month or so, the kitten we got to replace him passed away unexpectedly as well. Up until that point, when one passed, my parents did the sad work and kept us kids out of it. They're furry family, and it's kind of embarrassing to admit that I've cried more over pets than most people I've lost over the years. The important thing is that they move on from pain. I avoided getting a pet for a long time because I didn't want to face that again. (And I know it's unpopular here for obvious reasons, but i dig the shirt! I'll take my dirty Detroit roots somewhere else, now.)
  17. I love the scenery of that movie. It's one that I actually will crave to watch occasionally. Eddie Vedder's music actually fits in pretty well, too. Really gets my wanderlust going and makes me miss the west like crazy. One of these days I should actually read the book.
  18. Well boo. No reason to eat bad bar food and drink beers and yell at complete strangers for me tonight.
  19. I'll admit that I got really protective when I was watching the final episode of 24/7 and Phaneuf called him a little rat.
  20. I'm personally looking forward to some beer and gre-hee-heeasy cheese fries at a bar while watching the game. Puhleeeze don't cancel it. It's the Hurricane, a name which assumes high winds and chaos, playing a Buffalo team, which is a city known for cold temps and snow- it was meant to be.
  21. Team Canada just announced. Giroux the most obvious snub, him and St. Louis. Thornton also not on the team. Seems to be an unofficial assumption that Giroux would be an alternate if Stamkos can't make it. Other names, Vlasic, Bouwmeester, Weber, Nash, Carter, Crosby, Toews, Kunitz, Sharp, Keith... etc. Panties are twisting in Philly and all over Canada...
  22. It's one of my dreams to see them and the aurora australis someday. I'm borderline obsessed with Alaska, arctic, and antarctic studies/explorations as well as mountain climbing. Those lights though... man, I just can't imagine too many things that would be much more magical than seeing them.
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