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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. In the last 24 hours you have agreed with Eleven on food and Pi on hockey. What in the world is grad school doing to you?
  2. Cheering for Jeff Skinner is the worst experience of my LIFE. When I eventually advocate for a contract extension, that'll be the worst singular moment of my life.
  3. How about trading Phil for Quenneville? *account may have been hacked by Pi*
  4. Kinda conforms to preseason expectations. Better, competitive, but still not good.
  5. Oh come on Ullmark. You can't get beat clean by freaking Deslauriers.
  6. How long should I wait to gloat about how the analytics were right about Risto? Is now too soon?
  7. It's amazing how much more noticeable his mistakes are now that we're watching Dahlin be freaking awesome with the puck every time it's on his stick.
  8. If they score 6, it means we scored 7. There are no other options.
  9. The good news is that if we score with less than 20 seconds in the 3rd period, we might just be able to hold onto the lead. Seriously, even if we lose (I don't think we will, just sayin'), this game is fun. I'll take bad defensive hockey over bad offensive hockey every single time.
  10. I'm contractually obligated to only say negative things about the return for ROR, so I'll just say...you're not wrong.
  11. Recently? Probably pretty often. Dude isn't close to who he used to be.
  12. Live from The Bunker: Bogo in front of the net alert. This is not a drill. Bogo blew it in front of the net.
  13. I'm not. You're usually wrong ? Ugh. That was a Lehner-esque goal.
  14. Going to be? ?? Separately, if Rodrigues is ever a healthy scratch again...
  15. Risto starting a breakout with numbers and...flings it into oblivion.
  16. It just means whoever gets the most votes wins. Some states have a majority requirement for some offices, but most races only require a plurality.
  17. Maybe we're talking past each other? You can hate how we elect our representatives, the two party system, the whole nine yards. But the results are hardly unimportant. Who wins significantly alters the governance even if you think it all sucks.
  18. Even if your dream happened and everyone voted third party, it wouldn't be a permanent change. The party that lost its support to the third party would just dissolve and we'd be back to two. We're not getting a stable third party system as long as we have single member districts and first-past-the-post elections.
  19. Until Anderson or Allen is ready to play, it's just a numbers game. That said, I don't really expect Peterman to be cut when either is ready...but I'll save my anger for when that comes to pass.
  20. I'd hate to interrupt a good rant, but Eichel had 64 points last season.
  21. @Randall Flagg When the guy who likes green beans with his steak is on your side, you should change sides.
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