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Mustache of God

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Everything posted by Mustache of God

  1. I'm not voting but here's what I would do. 1. Give him the "C" for his final season. Tuch and Zemgus get As. 2. Don't trade him at the next deadline and let him play out his contract. 3. If he's sniffing 20 goals again you consider resigning him on a 1-year deal at a more reasonable number, however, at that point we'll have a lot of younger draft picks coming up battling for a roster spot, I don't think we'll have room for him. Buffalo is his home now, and if he wants to stay in the organization I can see him moving into a player development role. 4. Give Tuch the "C" in 23-24 and the As to whoever has earned it, Cozens? Tage? Mitts? Dahlin? 5. Win the stanley cup 5 times in a row.
  2. The season usually ends in early April, this year it's at the end of April. BUT - in a normal season it'd be march and we're not eliminated. PROGRESS!
  3. In my head I think we make the playoffs next year and he makes a comeback to call a few games.
  4. Let's do it for RJ. The man has been calling Sabres games my entire life. I wish we could have gotten him one more playoff series 😞 Thanks for everything RJ!!!
  5. If we were tanking Adams would have moved at least a single player at the trade deadline in exchange for draft picks.
  6. Shouldn't Quinn be on this list? Or has he not hit 40 games yet? He has 40+ points though, right?
  7. He's better now, but it was painfully obvious during that 30 game stretch he had with zero goals that he was playing through an injury. Might have also coincided with all the other injuries we were plagued with and he was the best option, although I don't think a shotless VO would have been the best option. I'm interested to see what KA does with him in the off-season. The wings are getting crowded with young talent. Do we trade him? I think his value is at an all-time low. I'd move him if the right deal came along, I can see him being moved in a deal that helps both teams. I can also see him hanging around on the 3rd line next season and ideally being used as a PP specialist, I just don't see him as a top-6 forward on a playoff team. It also raises the questions, was VO the best draft pick for the Sabres, including Sam & Jack, by Tim Murray? I think maybe?
  8. If he's still injured he should have been sitting to let it fully heal. VO is a specialist and w/out his shot his on-ice impact hurts the team.
  9. That Vancouver mini-series is going to be crucial. Van absolutely needs to make up points on VGK in those games to stay alive. Even if they can't close the gap, they're still taking points away from VGK to allow Dal or Wpg to catch them. Fingers crossed.
  10. That's what happens when you sign two goalies on league minimum deals, you get league minimum results. The season was unfortunately over before it started. I am happy with the direction the team is trending and this off-season is pivotal for KA to get our gaping holes filled in. This game ended in a perfect fashion, Sabres extending their point streak and WPG keeping pace with Vegas for that last playoff spot.
  11. Since the Peters announcement that started this thread my intuition tells me that Kim will be stepping down as the president of the Sabres so she can be more focused on the Bills because those are two distinct full-time jobs. I'd expect someone internal in the Sabres front office to replace her.
  12. I think the next element he needs to focus on is his shot. If he can learn to improve his release and accuracy he'll be absolutely lethal.
  13. My buddy and I have been talking about going, reckon I'll pick up a pair of tickets tomorrow.
  14. Skinner and Thompson are racing to score 30 first, and it's only a hattrick away. Who gets there first? I'm also really pulling for Okposo to hit 20 goals this season. That being said, I don't think any of these guys score tonight. Tuch with one and Asplund gets a pair now that the floodgates are open.
  15. I've got back to back hockey games at 730 & 9 tonight so I'll miss this. Hoping for the big 4W.
  16. I can't believe that was a thing that happened. Did they do any testing with focus groups? I'm guessing it was probably designed by a Pegula child.
  17. Yeah, so the last 4 game streak was during the 10 game run in 18-19. Had to click back to the 14-15 season for the 2nd most recent 4 game winning streak. Woof.
  18. I think they only won 2 games in a row three separate times last year, if this is to be believed: https://www.hockey-reference.com/teams/BUF/2021.html
  19. Whens the last time the sabres won 4 in a row? The 10 game win streak a few years back?
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