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Everything posted by dudacek

  1. Adams is on a mission to “fix” this team. He wants to start the process now He believes removing Jack from the room is a necessity for this. The window for the maximum return is now; after the draft, cap space and roster space starts to fill up, assets get removed from the table, bidders move on to other plans. For better or worse, Eichel will be traded by the draft.
  2. When I talk about anti-hype, I’m talking about the conversation surrounding him. “???, I love that guy, he’s going to be a good one” I’ve read people saying things like that all the time about Cozens, Dahlin, Mitts, Eichel, Zadorov, Risto, Bailey, Lukkonnen, Girgensons, Grigorenko, Kassian, McNabb, Ennis, Foligno, Guhle, Borgen, Luke ***** Adam… It’s the shiny new toy, untouchable building block thing that fans fall in love with. I can’t recall ever seeing it with Quinn.
  3. I think the most likely career for Quinn is Jason Pominville. He’s a guy who will set them up, finish them and stop them, and a guy who play when you’re up a man and down a man and when you are up a goal and down a goal. He will be a guy teammates respect and coaches lean on. He won’t dazzle you, but he will always show up. I think it’s ironic that @Thorny is such a big fan of Pommers yet lukewarm on Quinn. Insert Jack Nicholson evil grin gif here. I find the anti-hype for this guy - almost certainly the highest potential winger we’ve drafted since Thomas Vanek - remarkable.
  4. Thunderstorm warning for the tinder dry BC Interior. Not a good combo.
  5. But Eklund not being a centre is. He’s been a centre and continues to be one when he plays with his peers at the junior national level. He was shifted to the wing this year as a teen with men in the elite league as many teens are.
  6. He’s got great skill. So does Alex Nylander. Eklund’s tenaciousness and the way he thinks the game make him a better fit at centre than Johnson, in my opinion.
  7. You are comfortable projecting Johnson as a centre, but not Eklund?
  8. Yes, I do seem to value Comtois more than most. How I would rank your five: 1. Comtois: Already a top 6 winger, still young enough to have upside, fills an organizational need in terms of leadership, abrasiveness and 2-way play. 2. Power: Good player, almost certainly a top 4 all-situations D; questions about his 1st-pairing upside, I still see him as Eric Johnson 3. Turcotte: has Chris Drury 2C upside, plays both ways, leader; questions about his skill, could also top out as a Cody Eakin in his prime 3C (not meant as a shot, Eakin used to be useful) 4. Vilardi: Upside is Ryan or Dylan Strome. Will produce with the right linemates; will not be driver or an identity player 5. Johnson: Nylander — ceiling Willie, floor Alex. A nice throw-in, but not who I'd want as a building block. First three are all close and players I'd like to add. see below While I agree Casey and Dylan aren't enough, there is still the return from a Sam trade to consider, as well either Eklund or Beniers from a Jack trade or 1OA. I would also be very surprised is another centre isn't brought in through trade or free agency.
  9. Eklund is as much a centre as Trevor Zegras. As in he’s played a lot there and a lot the wing. I’m not taking Power at 1 or assuming the Sabres will. Im trying to play the draft so I walk away with Eklund and Beniers.
  10. Player over position to me. Comtois is head and shoulders over Villardi to me. Comtois is that gritty two-way top six winger we are in desperate need of. He is the only proven player with upside being talked about. Turcotte might be better, might not. I like his game, but I’m not sold on his ceiling. 3OA to me means a good chance of Beniers/Eklund. There’s no way we get that with 8. Same. He’s probably going to be similar role, worse player than Casey.
  11. If it’s Turcotte/8 or Comtois/3, I take the Ducks deal all day long. The Kings would have to offer significantly better sweeteners.
  12. This is the crux of it. I believe Jack is not part of Adams plans for the fall; he wants a room similar to what Donnie finished the season with, with lots of space for kids to bond and grow. His goal is almost certainly to trade Jack prior to the draft, or at least the opening days of free agency. After that, the market will shrink. The question is, can he leverage a good deal by the deadline, and if he can’t will he pull the trigger anyways?
  13. Roughly for argument sake: Asplund 1M, Mitts 2M, Joki 2M, Borgen 1M and Dahlin 6M So about 12 million minus 15 million from Jack and Risto and another ~ 1M from whoever Seattle takes That leaves 38 million to re-sign or replace Linus, Hutton, Sam, Jack, Risto, McCabe, Irwin, Reider and Sheahan
  14. If you don’t believe Jack will fully recover, you aren’t bidding on him. If you do, you’re in for a penny, in for a pound. For the teams that are in, it’s a lever to try and lower the price, that’s it.
  15. Could be as simple as: Adams talks meat-and-potatoes, all-for-one hockey that evokes hope for fans that like a Brian Burke/Boston Bruin approach to hockey. Sam Ventura and the PIttsburgh Penguins do not. I think the organization you more properly should be looking to is the one that hoisted the Stanley Cup last night: one that on the ice never gives an inch, and off the ice unearths value in places where others fail to look.
  16. I think they want Sam and Risto to want to be here. The test of whether or not they actually do will be contract talks. Actions speak loudest. That said, Dreger’s comment is more posturing, IMO.
  17. A relentless team. Not bullies, but fast, in your face, together, and highly competitive. Mike Peca. I still think they dearly love Beniers as the poster child for this and the fact his name has drifted to the backwaters of the rumour mill is deliberate. It’s why I think Comtois and 3OA will be Sabres within a few weeks. That said, Eklund is also of that mold, and more skilled.
  18. “At October” is not really a factor, IMO. You are making a 5-year, $50 million commitment, never mind the pieces you are going to give up. The question is “what are the odds he will make a full recovery” You don’t make that kind of gamble unless they tell you the percentages are extraordinarily high.
  19. I think Jack Eichel’s health status is one of the most overplayed factors in this whole scenario. If NHL teams didn’t think it was likely Jack was going to get healthy, they wouldn’t be having serious talks about him, period.
  20. I think most of the outrage comes from people who thought Rossi was a top 5 pick and Quinn maybe a 10-12. Nothing has happened since to change their minds, except Rossi not being a top 5 pick and Quinn getting picked at 8.
  21. The are a bad team in a weak hockey market and need a franchise face and star to get bums in the seats and sponsorship attention.
  22. Next up, followed by San Jose and the Rangers. Not sure after that.
  23. Cozens A game is a less-douchey Ryan Kesler, IMO, Zegras is more Artemi Panarin-esque, although I don’t see him reaching that height. Between Panarin and Willie Nylander maybe?
  24. Because of the Pegulas? Adams Granato Karmanos Ventura is certainly a new braintrust, and the infrastructure underneath them is radically different than it was a year or two ago.
  25. Staal was two months shy of his 24th birthday and a 6th-year pro, a year away from unrestricted free agency coming off a season of 50 points, which was his career high. Reinhart is seven months past his 25th birthday and a 6th-year pro, a year away from unrestricted free agency coming off a season of 40 points, and a career high of 65. As far as comparables go, they are a lot closer than you say. I am very confident that Sam will get a top 10 pick or similar prospect. Care to make a charity wager?
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