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Everything posted by LastPommerFan

  1. I will. If you drafted the greatest hockey player ever, and that player was a forward, by definition he was the best forward you ever drafted.
  2. The economic woes of the middle class call for isolationism because brown people are there working and taking their jobs at home. The generation that primarily voted to Leave the EU (the vote for those under 45 was heavily tilted to remain) want a world that no longer exists. A white Europe that exploits the rest of the world to better their own lot. I can't blame them, the world changed faster that their skills. It reconfigured in a way that left them thinking they had lost their home, their world. The reasons may be economic in scope, but they are also xenophobic and racist. Just like populist nationalism always has been, everywhere.
  3. A thought I just had: It would not be hard to draw a conclusion that, indirectly, Daesh just successfully destabilized Europe and potentially sparked the dissolution of the United Kingdom. The Leave Campaign openly used images of ME migrants waiting at borders to drive support. They won, in part, because Syrians have been fleeing violence in such large numbers. Lots of other factors at play, but that is certainly one of them.
  4. This is absolutely accurate, but I don't think most voters will make that leap, if the Democrats manage to frame the message that way with a majority of voters, it will be be a huge victory from a campaigning perspective. Framing economic collapse as a result of foreign forces that are in line with your opponents economic policies is like hitting Mariano Rivera's 92mph cutter that moved 8" right before the plate. Framing economic collapse as the fault of the incumbent leader's policies is like trying to hit 30 mph beach balls.
  5. Cameron resigned. Scotland is leaving. The U.K. Literally just voted to destroy itself. The same forces that drove this (populist, xenophobic nationalism) are at work here, and eleven is right to be afraid. The global economy is going to suffer hard for the next few months. Bad economics are bad for the incumbent party. This disruption is the best thing that ever could have happened to Donald Trump.
  6. How does the NRA decide it's platform? Do the members vote? Is there a board of directors? Who's on the board?
  7. Neither group ('08 GOP, '16 Dems) was disrupting anything. They both just kept talking after the other side decided it was time to go home for the summer.
  8. The George O'Leary of Senatorial Candidates
  9. Presidentially, there is no such thing as a viable third party the way our system works. It is an impossible goal. You can change the system to better support multiple parties, but the people who make that change won't be at the top of your ballot November 8th.
  10. You have three choices: 1. Donald Trump 2. Hilary Clinton 3. I choose to not have input into the selection of the president of the United States. The way our system is tallied, with winner take all electors from each state, those are your only choices. Our system forces you to make a decision, or choose to have no input.
  11. 6 words. I think he goes back to the full "the buffalo sabres select First Last" dagnabbit! too late by seconds.
  12. I missed this during my leave of absence. CONGRATS MAN!
  13. It's a party that has built a coalition for nearly a decade defined by what is was "against" now it is against itself.
  14. Takes $90M in matching funds, spends it entirely at vendors owned by him. Laughs at us all the way to the bank.
  15. tl;dr: no. Max annual compensation is 20% of the cap, so max annual compensation for contracts signed this summer will be about $14.5M. There are a couple of rules on year-year variability as well: 1) Compensation (salary+bonus) cannot vary year to year by more than 35% of the first year's compensation. 2) Lowest year cannot be less than 50% of the highest year. So if he made $17.5M in year one, the lowest year would have to be $8.75M,
  16. We didn't need the filings to know that Mr. Trump had a short staff... ...we could just look at his hands.
  17. My dad was there for the 1976 Olympic Games. He still brags about it to this day, 40 years later. I was there for a day in 2003. It was as awesome as he said.
  18. O's took a 2-run lead into the 9th against Toronto, but Zach Britton wanted to make it exciting, so, with one out he loaded the bases for the reigning AL MVP. And then got Donaldson to ground into an easy 4-6-3 to end the game. God I love baseball.
  19. I think it's important to note that not dismissing an alternative conclusion out of hand is also HARD. Because we have to over-ride eons of brain evolution to do it.
  20. Mrs Case is out of town on business this whole week, so I've been shuffling all three mini cases around to their various schools, sitters, sports, etc by myself while still trying to get to work at least some number of hours each day. It has been fun, but exhausting. My love returns today! But before that? On Fridays, my wife is usually off of work so that she has a one on one day with our youngest while the other two are at school. I've taken the day off and will spend the next 6 hours on a walking expedition to explore Canandaigua with him, including the pastry shop and the toy store :-) then we are going to plant some veggies in our new back yard garden. The. We are both going to take a nap. Dino is 3 and a half, and I have never spent a day alone with him. F'n Fantastic!!
  21. I don't think the president chooses to parse his words carefully around this subject for the benefit of Muslims. I think he does it for the benefit of Americans. He's not terribly worried about protecting the feelings of Muslims in the Middle East. He regularly drops bombs on them from unmanned aircraft. I think he wants for focus the military and intelligence communities. We are fighting specific groups. In the case of Iraq and Syria, we are fighting ISIL. Any term more broad than that offers a possibility of inaccuracy and distraction. Now, in the public arena, I see no problem with the more broad term when discussing general national security. I don't think Islamic Terrorism paints all Muslims as terrorist any more than Chrostian Right paints all Christians as conservative.
  22. I think a key difference between telecom and ISP regulation will be that there are billion dollar companies who create, manage, and distribute content that want to keep the field flat. The telephone companies didn't have other large entities lobbying the government. Here, there is balance. It will still be up to us (the public) to monitor and advise on the regulations. Which I would propose is likely, as we've seen with this last round with the FCC.
  23. Content is the internet (and not what we are talking about here) access is the view from your seat. This is just ensuring that everyone will get the view they pay for, and they guy in front of you can't pay extra to wear a big foam cowboy hat with a Viagra ad on it and block your view.
  24. I wrote this last night. It took me a long time to figure out what was in my head: The world is not going to change, and America is not going to be massively safer by banning Muslims, nor banning Assault Rifles. Sure, we might stop a couple of isolated murders or bombings, but in reality, we're talking about reducing the likelihood of being struck by lightning. These events are terrifying, tragic statistical anomalies, even now. No, America is not going to be made radically better in this arena by Washington exercising more control to the left, nor the right. I have become convinced that the only solution is for me, you, and all of us to practice militant kindness, in public. We need to change the message. Yes, there are terrible people putting a lot of effort into terrible things. That will likely always be the case, because we have free will. But there is no balance. There is not a massive faction of kindness extremists spewing propaganda and putting on public displays of kindness as a weapon. We can be that force. I don't mean this in any sort of superficial "just love" way. I mean literally getting out in the streets and being kind to your neighbors. Publicly kind, so that everyone else can see. We need to absolutely cover this country with it, so there is no room for anything else. It won't be easy. Your kindness may be met by indifference, by anger or rage or hate. We need to be brave enough to overcome this. We need to avoid that paralyzation. By taking on hatred, we are combatting an enemy well known for overcoming the fear that rises from that survival instinct. We are battling a force that creates modern day kamikazes. We need to be at least that brave in our full on assault of kindness.
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