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Everything posted by CallawaySabres

  1. If they somehow lose this game, cousins and Bryson will be the two biggest bums of the night
  2. I am always super impressed with people that take on those kinds of projects. I am absolutely convinced my brain does not work that way beyond a certain point. I remember the days of putting together huge dollhouses when my daughter was younger and I would not get to bead until 3am every Christmas Eve. I REALLY wish I had the carpenter brain....
  3. I wish the Islanders game was not the 2nd of a back to back, biggest game of the year by a mile.
  4. He’s back. We are taking Tampas spot next year in top 3
  5. Jesus, what a freaking start to Toronto Vancouver! Both teams delivering Bombs on each other!
  6. I talked to my good friend in Minnesota and although it may be a bit of the rolling of the dice, he said injuries and not being utilized properly in the Wild system may contribute a lot to what his performance has been this year. The potential Granato saw in World Juniors seems to be the catalyst of this trade. Personally, I think it is going to work but we probably won't see his potential until next season.
  7. Just talked to my buddy in MN and he said that Greenway is a total marshmallow. Hopefully that changes a bit here...
  8. I will release a huge sigh of relief when Levi signs with Buffalo. If anything goes sideways on that signing, all hell is going to break loose around here. What is the rule there? Can he sign the second the playoff run is over for his team?
  9. The tank is officially empty. Let’s hope next year there is more expectation than meaningful games in February
  10. At least Florida and Ottawa are losing. One more loss on Saturday and then hopefully we can get back in win column before too late.
  11. My goodness how things have changed in the last 5 days with playoff hopes. Scoreboard has been cruel, players injured, no trades and teams around them all got better. I will hope for the best but all of a sudden, playoffs seem like a distant memory.
  12. The worst part for me is that Ottawa is the team that I think we will be battling with for that last spot...
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