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Everything posted by rickshaw

  1. My physio said that teams tend to rush players back, or the player pushes. Sabres want to be overly cautious here if you ask me. Don’t need a Pacioretty situation.
  2. Colby Armstrong roasting the Sabres during the intermission break in Sportsnet. Now they’re railing on Sabres fans for not filling the building.
  3. We play like this every night we in good shape. Terrible officiating again. Props to Tuch for the fight. How clutterbick can head lock Krebs and get nothing is beyond me. Clifton when a puck is buzzing by your ear, let it go! Great win!
  4. Yeah I’m not sure if they are coached to do fly bys or if they just don’t want to hit guys. Big bodies like Tuch need to lean on guys. Far too often they just skate by and the defense get a feee pass.
  5. Calgary scored two, maybe 3 goad because we f’d around with the puck in our own zone. Tuch had a simple play at the line, didn’t get it out. Same sequence Thompson make a crappy pass and then shortly afterwards it’s in the net. One example. Those are the types of goals they can’t give up. The game was there for the taking and we didn’t take it. Levi made some huge saves but let in others he shouldn’t have. The reviewed play was in too and that was a bad sign.
  6. We needed to make changes prior to start imo. Everyone loves to say it’s only game 4. We also only lost 8 in a row in November, who cares. Lots of time left. How’d that work out?
  7. And? We need a change to shake things up. Guys are comfy. We have assets. We need to get better. This performance has been awful.
  8. Levi not looking good. No way he should’ve been given four starts in a row. That’s on Donny.
  9. Tuch definitely not looking like himself. Maybe the “soreness” he had in pre season is something that is affecting him. He has had some very bad to’s though. Not good.
  10. Absolutely awful from Tuch and Tage there. Sit them at the door for awhile. That goal was 100 self inflicted.
  11. So then why not? I mean, they can keep trying to trade him if he clears. He’s got to go. It’s messing the numbers up.
  12. Could we end up just waiving Victor and see what happens? I mean, it’s doubtful we recoup anything for him anyway. If he clears, down he goes, and up comes Kulich or Biro for example. Or is he still counting against the cap if in minors?
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