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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Glad you posted that. As crap as this team has been some of the whining on here today is pissing me off. Let the gm do his job. If you don't like what he did fine. He did what he believes in and I'm fine with that. He is changing the type of players we normally ice and this is only part one. Draft day and FA will fill us in even more. So here's Yahoo saying we won the day. We did! But some ###### just cant get over the Buffaloser mentality. New GM, hired by Pat and man I love what I see from this guy after all these years of Darcy and his garbage. GMTM is not like Ron Rolston coming in. There's a guy I said I wanted fired after his first day on the job. You knew he was crap. I think we are going down the right road with TM. ###### stop the whining! This was a fun day for us. Brawndo this is not directed at you.
  2. Elliotte Friedman on WGR late afternoon said it wouldn't surprise anyone around the league if MatMo re signed in Buffalo at free agency time. He really does like it here. Somewhere upthread someone mentioned that by dealing him to Minny we may have a chance at him because they will be signing Vanek. I hope so and had the exact same thought about Ott in STL. They will be filling up again there and he may be to rich for them. Those will both be interesting to watch. Good guys both of them.
  3. No offense to McNabb but the first time I saw him live was at a prospects game at FNC. He led the group out from the dressing room and caused a pile up behind him because he as first man on the ice fell flat on his face with the first step. It was hilarious to me and seemed like somewhat of an omen to me. To anyone on GMTM's back about this give it up. With our bounty of picks we can afford to give a little to get what our GM thinks is what we need. I trust him as no doubt he's seen all the people in play.
  4. Right. And in light of the crap with Patty the last thing they want is to be made out to look like they aren't treating Ted fairly. They are. If you don't like then don't sign it but the team is making sure the crap stops before it even starts with him. And it is starting with him. So if he is of that mindset adios. If you felt that the organization is that poorly run you should be president or gm or own your own team. Maybe Pat should have taken the gm title so Ted would feel comfortable? And lastly why shouldn't the Sabres brass put it out there? They have to move on also. We don't want people who don't want to be here. I'm guessing Luke Richardson wants to be here. Ted has a choice and a three year offer on the table. I like Ted but he's losing me a little bit right now and I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I am surprised it's happening this fast though. I don't like my boss but I come to work everyday. Tough chit huh?
  5. I don't think that has anything to do with it. Fact is he has a three year contract waiting to be signed. Muckler name is not relevant in this imo.
  6. Beats anything I've said here I think!
  7. And furthermore him saying there is no timetable to sign the contract? Ha! GMTM will undoubtedly take that as a sign he doesn't want to be here and move on. The fact there is a three year contract on the table will not reflect well on Teddy no matter what if he doesn't accept it and soon as there really isn't much more time. Tic toc Teddy. This ones on you. Man up.
  8. You ever look at Pro Hockey Talk and the vicious un necessary slams people relish in dumping on Buffalo? The internet is full of hidden tough guys, e mail cowboy crowd.
  9. With Vanek being held out I would think there is a deal in place. Unless Snow is just smartly asset protecting and about to have a sleepless night because he isn't getting what he needs for him lol.
  10. I don't recall seeing Ryan so relaxed for a post game interview. Ya think it's starting to sink that he won the lottery? Good for him and Otter. Really, really hope they get rid of Roy. He has got to go! :censored:
  11. Interesting. I would think that's dead now. Maybe could have or did try to do Halak and Stafford. Oh well.
  12. There's pissing in ALL of them lol
  13. Seems like a SabreSpace pissing contest is about to happen here!
  14. And isn't all of that necessary to drive ratings and readers? Something stinks and I am resigned to never knowing the real deal. As a result I am moving on. And thinking about what GMTM is doing and if I will agree with those moves. I believe I will and think we will be on the right track. Connor next year maybe , don't care. We are going to be stocked with A level talent soon and I care about that so much more than what went down with Patty. Yes the circus show looks bad but if doesn't set us back, screw it.
  15. :flirt: That would make it so much easier for me to root for St. Louis!
  16. You asked what the board thought would be a home run and I took the liberty of speaking for the board. Not at that price. You are taking the only two untouchables from me. I think you are right though if you're talking to them it will get uncomfortable quickly.
  17. STL looks sluggish. Forgot that this means I would be rooting for Derek Freaking Roy to get a cup as part of this. I'm not liking that! But
  18. GMTM doesn't strike me as someone who will operate by reigning things in so I think we're good.
  19. And I have a great deal of faith and hope in having Patrick around and Murray in charge. We need to be bold and for a change we set the market rather Darcy and his mamby pamby crap.
  20. Mike Gilbert. You will see him opening a press conference. VP Communications and a lot of other stuff.
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