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Everything posted by Hank

  1. I don't think players should be able to decline wearing a jersey or participate in warm-ups, not for any moral reason as I am no one else's moral compass, but because they are contractually obligated to do so. I think the NHL got this one wrong. They also received heavy criticism for players not participating, and likely would every year going forward. They'll take heavy criticism for their decision this week, but it will fade away over time. I understand why they did it, even if I don't like it.
  2. Look at the roster that played in front of Saros the last month of the season when they almost snuck into the playoffs, he may be the best goalie in the league. I'd offer 13OA, 6K, Savoie and VO, for Saros, Parssinen and Carrier.
  3. I understand. Can't argue with any of that, thanks for responding. From what I saw of Kulich my opinion is he could fit on a line with Krebs and Okposo if Girgs doesn't come back or he could fit on a line with Mitts. I just think this kid is different. I don't think he's limited at all by his age. Maybe I overvalue him? I dunno, I guess we'll see.
  4. Curious why you think that? In my opinion Kulich was the better player.
  5. Kulich is already the better player. I don't think there's room for Rousek on this roster.
  6. Me too. While the team was fun to watch and entertaining, I'm not a huge fan of the system they played. Regardless of additions this year, because I think internal growth should be enough, if they don't make the playoffs next year I'll cross over to your side.
  7. I'd like the NHL to have a bigger footprint in the US, I think long term it would be good for the league. I've read Salt Lake might be frontrunner for the next wave of expansion, but I think a non-NBA market like Kansas City might make more sense.
  8. A more structured defensive system would have allowed fewer goals. I believe it also would have resulted in fewer goals scored so may not have resulted in more wins. I'm hoping upgrades in D and net will go towards fixing it.
  9. Here's the thing though, we can't go back and redo it to see if your preferences were correct. I may even concede that it's more likely than not some of your preferences would have worked out. We just can't know. I believe, and I think you agree, there are coaches that could have gotten more than 91 points out of last year's team. I still believe Granato did a good job last year. All things considered, I personally can't get to a place where I think he did not do a good job.
  10. I choser other because my preference is a four year bridge followed by an eight year deal. I'd like to keep him locked up as long as possible before he's eligible to become a UFA. I'm more concerned with term/UFA than I am with cost.
  11. I was going to say something like this. The goalies being substandard was a huge talking (bitching) point throughout the season. The defense lacking depth and experience was a huge talking (bitching) point throughout the season. Those deficiencies were not on Granato to address. We had the youngest team in the league, were among the highest scoring teams in the league, and improved by 16 points with an abnormally high number of rookies/1st year players. How anyone can say Granato did not do an adequate coaching job given what he had to work with seems nonsensical to me.
  12. It's possible for him to walk after six years, I think signing him to that is crazy. If those are my two options I'm choosing four, than signing him for eight after that.
  13. I think walking him to UFA is the worst possible outcome. I'm surprised to see people advocating for this.
  14. I like Levi as much as anyone and believe he'll take us to the playoffs next year, I also believe Saros makes us a cup contender.
  15. I included a defenseman, perhaps you missed it.
  16. Saros is the best fit for the style we play. He's excellent facing odd man rushes. Vegas, and Winnipeg, play a much more disciplined defensive style of hockey. Hill would fail behind our D and free wheeling style, and I think Saros fits better than Helly.
  17. I'd offer 13OA, Savoie and Olaf for Saros and Carrier.
  18. I think Carrier from Nashville would be a good fit for how we play. I like him better than Fabbro.
  19. Of course you would, because it's not enough.
  20. I would. Of course I would. Saying what I would give up for a specific player does not mean he's my top preference, kinda weird if you think it does.
  21. Kids a stud. Given what we have, and need, I'd trade 13OA and Savoie for him.
  22. It's not hard to accept at all. Those two teams had no impact on the Sabres being a clown show for the last decade plus. I choose to feel excited about the current path the team is on, and not be petty and bitter over another teams success.
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