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Everything posted by waldo

  1. Good point. I love theses comparisons .The Sabres were a one line team for most of last year as they have been for the last six.Their one line plays consistently against the shutdown lines of every other team and , when roy was here, with a shoot first two line center. Last year a 4th line rookie center was paired with them and then a series of fill in centers that would not crack the top two lines on most good teams. All of this with no pp. And we take their numbers and say they are not top fifty orbetter than x or y. If Vanek played on the richards, crosby or sedin lines what do you think his numbers would look like...better or worse? You are correct it is all relative. Most of the guys in the top fifty numbers would drop dramatically if they played on the Sabres for the last five years.A team that never reacts when their best players get banged around in every game with impunity. All of the proposed lines seem to omit mr scott. He is an important piece or me. They guy who hopefully keeps Vanek, Pom and Ennis healthy, along with ott over this short physical season Same with goaltenders. It is far easier to become an elite goaltender wwhen you play behind a top six d. Itis all relative
  2. I value your opinion , but there is big demand for d and a bigger demand for higher end offense out there that will not subside in the next few years.ala nash etc.. 26 paired with a real one center, on a team with a pp and two legit threat lines is worth 6-7 per all day even under the new cap.
  3. There are some of us who would respectfully disagree with your assumption that Regehr will resign with Buffalo. The Buffalo experience may not have been what he expected? I would not be surpised to see both Vanek and Regehr gone by next year, god willing. They are both mature players and may crave a shot at the cup. Their real value is in helping a team capable of making a serious run win the cup, not as pieces in a rebuild process .I think we can all agree there is probably more money, compatible systems, coaches and pairings waiting elswhere. Buffalo is a minimum of five years away imo
  4. It is great flexibility.. Contenders two years? No centers, undersize , non physical, no grit team, with one scoring line, no power play and a average defense with a gifted goaltender who can keep them in games. Within five years maybe, if they go the full blown rebuild route and use the buy out to get there. Assuming they can attract some UFA's to Buffalo and the Lindy system .imo
  5. i was talking about 2013-14.. Have the buy out provisions been drafted yet ?????? A great opportunity for a Vanek or Miller type to pick a team with a Stanley Cup chance on a one year deal or go ufa early to one of twenty teams that will want them at, near ,or above their current salaries on a longer term deal.
  6. Seems like most here miss the fact that the buy out provision could also be a great opportunity for the big market teams to temporarily upgrade on the cheap and strengthen a run.They seem to be focusing on teams that need to hit the floor. Let say the Sabres buy out Vanek , which i agree they would have to be crazy to do. What would stop a team like the Rangers from making enough room in their cap, via their buy outs, and then bringing in a Vanek on a one year deal for cheap money? Vanek with a legit one center in a playoff run on a team that needs offense ? Have not seen him with a true one center for 5-6 years now?.The provisions governing the buy out and the timing of same will be very interesting to read. Same with Miller.. He will not need 7 mill to make himself whole after a buy out on a one year deal ..3-4 would do it. Would you take Miller for 3-4..After that it is into the market for a long term deal.
  7. They could, if the import rules were modified. Europe has enough talent to field 10- 12 top flight nhl quality teams , especially if they shed the import rules and sign more north americans. Europe and Russia could probably field a conference or two between them . An all star Finn team would have the talent, with four or five top flight nhl players, to compete with any of them. Their goaltending would be good, their d solid and team speed excellent.. Big ice,,, a finesese/ speed game . There will be a world league 10-15 years down the road. The russians should start now. They need to get rid of some loser franchises and then propose to merge the KHL with the Del into a European league. The rest of the european countries will follow. Then there will be two markets for big time talent and that would be great for hockey. Bad for the NhL , but great for hockey
  8. The khl needs to start signing European based NHL players now to make this interesting. Break all the existing agreements with the NHL. 8 seems ready to go for Washington type money...and i am sure there are 75+ other guys who would like to go to or return to Europe and not lose the money this lockout will cost them.. Maybe the KHL could shed some of its weaker teams and expand into Europe in the future . Germany could support atleast a couple of nhl/khl level pro teams , Sweden, Norway, Finland probably one each and the eastern block a couple especailly if they sign North American players. Bigger ice, more skill, speed,...rabid fans,,..fewer thugs.. great hockey..That would leave the owners to discuss an AHL scale revenue split with themselves! perfect
  9. Perhaps, a good time for the KHL to have a north American TV contract! I am sure MSG would listen. Maybe they should sign the top 100 NHL players and that would be that. We could watch all the games live or on delay. A world Hockey League! From Russia with love.The KHL replaces the NHL... Perfect
  10. I am trying my best.. have read all your posts and i am ready for some tblue phd type quality posts from you.. i know it is in there somwhere.i noticed your reading list ...any economics or finance in there... what is important to you. is monetary policy important to you etc
  11. The exact response from you i anticipated :rolleyes: it would have been the same from any of your cohorts. no substance and a very heavy hurrtful shot , at my typing and spelling skills :( ..I am mortally wounded oh great one.and must retreat to actaully do some work so that i can pay some taxes to help deluca out.
  12. Nope it is a proportionatly ridiculous response to the mindless dribble you , bullwinkle , Deluca , swamp d and other spew. I do not have a problem with who you vote for or why you vote for them ,but for gods sake make a factual coherant argument. A strategy to address the fiscal cliff, the debt, foreign policy, unemployment, national health care , the deportation of jobs, immigration. Why you think the president or the challanger do or do not have a clue....Buy one or google one if that is beyond your means.Better yet read a book. you seem to be well read.
  13. Obviously anybody who can seriously say.. "I don't see how he would be any better than Obama and could be a lot worse." is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.. Ahmend Amajindad could not be worse.
  14. A plan as specific as our current presidents? Something like Hope and Change”” Forward” or “Fair Chance” It sounds like our president's three and one half year record is acceptable to you? Hate to rehash these things but they just seem to never sink in with some here. A. the economy -six trillion in new debt -14%+ real unemployment -no deficit reduction -no debt reduction -billions of graft to big wall street firms, unions, energy firms, pharm companies -a cut in the buying power of your dollar of 20%, and it about to go to 25% with the next round . 1.meaning about a dollar of your gas price increase is his monetary policy 2.meaning the price increase you see in your daily commodities he gave you 3.meaning cutting grandma's social security check, sallys welfare check etc 4.meaning massive inflation down the road -sixteen trillion in outstanding debt B. a disastrous foreign policy -turned Egypt over to the brotherhood...fyi that’s the Suez Canal, and the peace bull work in the middle east -Jimmy carter did something similar and that did not turn out well. He gave birth to Islamic Terrorism. -destabilized Libya, a non player in the terrorist world, and turned that over to the brotherhood -failed to act decisively to support the student rebellion in Iran, our biggest enemy in the middle east -gave the Russians a ten to one advantage in tactical nuclear weapons -betrayed our ally Poland with the missile shield -Failed to act decisively to deal with the Syrian rebellion, a critical ally of Iran -Pulled out of Iran on Bush’s schedule but failed to leave a military presence. Like…. here is my plan for term one "Hope and Change" followed by national healthcare, or term two “Fair Chance” or “Forward” which i assume may translate into massive income redistribution, tax increases , twenty million more illegal aliens, more dollar devaluation, but that is a hypothesis because outside of the stated tax increase and twenty million more uneducated worker/ welfare bees there are no other meaningful non spending related specifics.? If one understands numbers and the way a capitalist economy works, and it appears few people here do or care to objectively discuss same, then we could have a meaningful dialogue about the importance of this election. .To acuse a challenger of not having a specific plan when the incumbent has never had one is disengenuous at best.
  15. take all of their cash reseves as a one shot and you still do not have enough money to send out all the checks for medicare/medicaid and social security for a full year. Maybe 7-8 months of payments at most. 1.24 trillion is chump change in comparison to the size of our: budget; deficit and our debt. If Romney gets elected,stops implementation of obama care , cuts the deficit modestly and extends the bush tax cuts for a year the economy will take off like a rocket. Then the really hard work begins in year two unless he has both houses Everybody is sitting on the fence wondering if they are going to have to move their buisnesses to china next year. :o
  16. It would be even funnier if we could see a few moslem terror groups actually killing a few hundred or so somali chritians or the brotherhood in egypt burning some christian neighborhoods? :o
  17. :thumbsup: so true..If i was king...i would require my sujects to travel for two years and visit the worlds underdeveloped and developing countrys and live like average citizens . They would witness what real: poverty , enviormental disasters, racismn, disease, religious fanatismn , overt corruption and dictatorial forms of government actually look like, in person. A perspective every american should have. I think it would make a few appreciate this country , a little more. every time i hear equal chance i have to laugh. That means actually getting to wake up the next morning alive in some parts Nigeria and the Congo.Especially if you are a christian.
  18. you are, of course, correct Doctor.. i am guilty of using a little editorial license and maybe a pinch of aggrandizement ;) do you think you can bring this puppy (document below) up on the internet in china? Personally, i never believe anything i read on the internet, although this document appears to be legit. I think i have seen it before, in playboy or perhaps it was biker chick weekly or maybe it was in the U.S. Embassy in 1989. One of the miracles of using a non google based search engine http://www.gwu.edu/~...ments/13-01.htm http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB16/documents/index.html
  19. They are in China creating jobs like GM , GE and Solyndra are. In China there are no taxes or unions or political dissenters for that matter (they accidently get hit by tanks when they pop their little heads up) :flirt: Pretty good ,as in at this rate we are back to 2007 employment levels in twenty years? What about the types of jobs being created? Low end service sector jobs? :rolleyes: ( teasing you) interesting article..from a small paper..well written.. unusual huh? http://www.norwichbu...d#axzz25nqaIY00
  20. http://www.nbcnewyor...-168892446.html I wonder if somebody in the White House whized in the AP's lettuce patch because they are way off the socialist reservation with this one.(although they could have added another fifty inaccuracies) very odd
  21. Take note...money leaving spain at light speed.
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