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Everything posted by waldo

  1. I changed it thanks..it was 1981..30+ years.. the point i was trying to make is that one could argue that it was the democrats who conviently forgotten their own history as a party and pinned the republicans with the racists tag, when in fact historicaly speaking it is more theirs than the republicans. Ironic that minorities would enoll in the party. you are one of the brighter lights here.. i was trying to provide an appropriately outrageous response to drunkards post. on your bolded part.yeah i went overboard.... i would love to engage you on lindon johnson .. he cared little about the down and out or minorities. everything with him was sex, money and political power. in that order. of course that is an opinion with some historical support factually.
  2. I was wondering:. Was it not a republican president that fought a war to free the slaves? (and paid for it with his life) Which party opposed him? Thirty years or so, ago, wasn,t it the southern democrats that were still hanging minorities in the south from trees? You did'nt think the guys with the sheets over their heads were republicans did you? Was segeration a republican concept in the south or were those democrats that imposed the poll taxes , literacy tests and segregation on their minority communities. George wallace was democrat no. Was it lindon johnson that advanced the great welfare society as a cover to create a forever loyal, poor/minority democrat voting block using dependence.on goverment social programs as the heroin? A totally new form of slavery . Or perhaps you thought he had alturistic, non political intentions when he did it. I wonder which party listened to the words of Margeret Sanger on minorities ("...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." ) and gave us abortion as a vehicle to eliminate generations of innocent young black babies and other undesirables. Which party consistently gerrymanders its own minority representatives into 75-100% minority districts to insure that their numbers as a percentage of all represenative in the legislatures are suppressed. You did not think those were republican redistricting plans did you? Which party tells young minority children they cannot sucede in our society without preferrences
  3. If the news reports are correct and the new financial center of the world will be Singapore in ten years, then NY better kiss its butt goodbye right now. Two reasons are cited, overegulation in the U.S and China's new found economic power ...More regulation Mr O, please.
  4. I do not watch those channels Eleven!. :huh: I always thought the liberals were much more adept, vociferous and effective in driving their minority agenda than the christians were. After all, they own tens times the media outlets and politicians the christians have do I have to wear a motorcycle helmet, a seatbelt, cannot smoke outside in many public places, put a phone to my ear in a car, have to show an id to enter a public building and be scanned, have to pay exorbident taxes on cigerettes and alcohol because some group frowns on there consumption, am not permitted to eat transfats, frack on my wifes family farm near Jamestown, or build on another parcel in the adirondacks that has been in my family for eighty years,have to pay the highest school taxes in the country for sub par public education run by public unions, was recently informed the flash suppressor and a pistol grip on a firearm made it illegal, have to pay the highest electric rates in the country because new powerplants cannot be built in NY and the goverment is forcing all the coal fired plants to close, have to subsidise wind and solar with my utility dollars to make them temporarily viable in a artificial market, have to do the same with ethanol, i have to pay near 60% of my check income in taxes for the privilage of living in a rust belt has been state, am not permitted to bid on large public works projects because the firm is not unionized, cannot carry a firearm in nyc or long island with my permit (not that i would want to) but was told their permits were good statewide (i can legally carry it in 39 other states), get no financial aid for my childrens education, am told my 16 year old can get an abortion without my permission or knowledge, am forced to carry a cell phone with a gps chip,have to submit to strangers teaching my children about sex and providing them with birth control devices without my knowledge, i now get fondled at the airport each time i fly commercial, can no longer take the children to help erect the manger in the city square on Chirstmas ,as the community has done for a hundred years,I could go on for a few hundred pages. Lets not get going on national health care and what that really means to buisness, the economy and our future. The point you may ask is? ..The Religious right had nothing to do with the enactment of any of these little picadillos.The other guys are far more dangerous imo :flirt:
  5. Perfect.. I knew yo would love the origin of the link. I was concerned you would not notice. (fyi ..i do not practice a religion) :o
  6. wow you can use google I know what it says and what it means. The provision was intended to work in both directions . The establishment clause is very narrow and precise, it deals soley with no state sanctioned religion which is what it said. The judicial activistimn comes in with the number of the decisions that followed the 1870s case. They addressed issues like rules and regs promugated by goverments that infringed on religion, crosses, religious symbols on building, holidays etc. It was never intended to function one way . . Look at all the religious symbols the framers permitted and sanctioned on goverment buildings, documents , in the legislative chambers, money, etc etc etc. Legislative sessions were opened daily with prayers. Here is a decent explanation in the vanacular. The precedent established in 1870 will have its ears trimmed, narrowed, in the next ten years . a prediction. There are two cases winding their way up there now. http://www.allabouth...h-and-state.htm Inane as in :The country is on the verge of collapse, and people want to argue about issues that never could and never will get advanced or enacted . Lets not talk about the real spending power of every poor family and social security recipient getting cut by 20% in the last four years, lets talk about gay marriage. Lets not discuss the enactment of a new health care law that will bankrupot the economy and stall ecomomic growth lets talk about religion or womens rights. Lets not talk about the real meaning of 15 trillion in debt, or twenty million people out of work,or record numbers of people on food stamps, lets talk about seperation of church and state. Lets not talk about how to cut a trillion out of the budget or having the first budget enacted in four years.. lets talk about guns, , womens rights ., guys in wedding dresses and dog poop etc etc etc.. Do you think there should be a species specific requirment for marriage?
  7. imo the platform speaks to gay issues in one area . it does so indirectly.. gay marriage... matt listed that as an issue he has a problem with in the platform. one could conclude by his statement that matt is pro gay marriage is he has a problem with anti gay marriage language...it follows that republicans must be anti gay marriage? it is their statement? noooooooo? can one be anti gay marriage and not anti gay rights? Ask a gay. We are a christian nation, and were founded as one by christians. The verbage on church and state was placed in the bill of rights to protect religions from being infringed upon by the goverment not the reverse.(ala catholic church birth control issue)..seperation of church and state is a judicial activists creation fyi. . It will be tested and landmarked some day soon. the abortion plank.! I personally do not care if a mother wants to whack her baby. Thats between her and her god.I know i am just wasting my time going here but what the heck.. republicans are anti abortion. if you read the staid and lame plank they inserted in each of the last four conventions and never acted on legislatively fyi...Matt has a problem with that he listed it.. He is pro abortion seems to be a logical conclusion ..if so they are anti abortion.(fact) In fact they are pro choice because most drivers of the issue within their party want state rights on the issue. These are all inane issues by the way.
  8. Matt "That's the problem with the system, on various things I agree with each party. I'd vote republican if only going on my personal financial interests and few other things, but I *so* disagree with some of the social planks that I don't know I can ignore them. A true democracy sounds fantastic, but is completely untenable in any organization over a few hundred people due to the amount of time required for individuals." Waldo: What planks? Matt: "Women's rights, gay rights, and mingling religion and government are the first to come to mind. Guns are fine as long as local government can place more restrictions (the gun issues in the country aren't the same as in the city). I'm fine with universal heath care as long as it's done right, I have a tough time denying others easy access to health care so I can have a few more ducets." . Now it is your turn K-9 to actually read the sections he has referred to in the paltform .Then you can tell me what your conclusions are, based upon his response.He has a problem with their positions on those issues. There was no defense involved. How he gathers and digests information, what he thinks and who he votes for are all irrelevant to me I am just wasting times between meetings and entertaining myself.
  9. you are welcome. Interesting choice of photos given your political perspective. btw.
  10. I was thanking him for his valuable insights, now i can thank you, for your support of his valuable insights? :P
  11. Republicans are anti gay, anti women, want to deny health care to people, and mingle religion and government? hmm good to know Matt.. thanks for the information
  12. Dear Matt Social planks like?
  13. That statement was not a hypothesis DR.
  14. No, but i would like the right to use a weapon, as a last resort , to defend my life or those of my family. Unlike the NYPD i how and most importantly, when to use a weapon and if necessary i can hit what i choose to shoot at in a fire fight. I do not have a problem if you choose a more passive response and opt to die like prey for your principals. It is your right and i would defend it. Thats what makes America great...choice. You make yours and i will make mine.The problem materializes when you try to take my choice away. There are no Kennedys left in our party. Far too conservative for the new breed. They eliminated them and made us the party of sloth and corruption. You did notice that Hillary lost the primary handily? Politically, Hillary looks like Reagan compared to O'man
  15. Looks like the Mayor can significantly reduce gun crime in NYC by taking the firearms away from his police. All nine bystanders were hit by bullets fired by NYPD. I wonder where those guns came from Mr Mayor?
  16. The sloths who occupy the socialist north and far west are like locusts. It takes them about fifty years to corrupt and destroy an area , then they migrate to an unspoiled area and begin anew ( Florida, Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Virginia et al are in trouble now ) :P
  17. Last time i checked , most of your States were corrupt ,bankrupt, socialist enclaves ,struggling with high taxes,decaying cities, and high unemployment, crime, and debt. Your nirvana is populated by atronomical numbers of sloth like people that survive on their government checks and are known for killing entire generations of their young. I can see why you might want to partition the country to protect your fabulous, godless, immoral, parasitic, rust belt lifestyle. :P
  18. You should really spend more time traveling. You would discover that the vast majority of the people that live in this country have a different set of values than those of us from the welfare states. They are nothing like you. Why do you think the verbage of the dem sycophants has become more desperate in the last week or so?. This is over Winkle...baring a grave mistake, the internal polls are showing slow but consistent movement ..almost impossible to stop it short of a war... you of course are incapable of seeing it. Your guy will soon realize it.(career wise) "the sky is blue, the sea is rolling. There is a smell of leather in the air"
  19. Save your strength . .you will need it for the celebration... It appears that a significant number of your forum friends will be very depressed the day after the election.
  20. I guess i watch a different Cody. A center that would play on any decent teams, third line. two different perspectives . we both can live with that, i am sure. :rolleyes: Ott would put up 50 with Vanek and Ott is not a center, assuming you had a real scoring threat on the other wing .
  21. Was a 50 pt player last year...36 this year, new line, new system, new coach, rotating lines. CVD line. Shut down Vanek, line neutralized, ( he is the most dangerous scorer and best playmaker on the line/one only need to watch what they did last year. Two guys to him when he crosses the blue line) Cody shoots like a girl, and Doan scores 18. Jus my opinion
  22. Exactly..! the sabres are a team with three third line centers and still no pp..They played their 7 mill winger with rookies last year..Tropp, Adam and Cody with Vanek..your kidding me...not to mention the other guys that filled in on that line. Pom played with who? Does doan create space for Vanek? Kinda like a physical Pom without the scoring potential or the speed. Neither one creates space. How do you D a Cody (shoots like Max), Vanek and Doan line.? Pretty easy I think. The interesting part, you bring him in at 30 and end up with a lower cap, next year you are in full blown rebuild mode because you will not be able to keep Vanek, or Pom, or Ennis, even if you want to. Your cap is a problem for years.It drive retrenchment. No elite rfa's, big salary trades. For example. Vanek gone salary replaced by Doan. Or Ennis and Pom gone, salary replaced by Doan. The point being I see more bad outcomes than good ones.
  23. The Sabres finally get into the record books. Doan would be the highest paid 18 goal, 50pt , 35+ year old hockey player in history, Is my guess? Making him fit under the cap could turn into a problem. Odds are high the goal and assist totals of the players that leave will exceed his output. Another masterfull Roy type transaction.
  24. You are of course correct.. I believe states set polling times
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