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Everything posted by waldo

  1. As a member in good standing of: the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago; the 99%; a union; the democratic party, who happens to own a chevy and still has more than fifty radical , leftist, communist friends from childhood, including one crazy lady who claims she is part cherokee princess and knows how to cook "Pow Wow Chow" , i prefer just plain ....comrade http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6E98ZRaU1s A surpise??? Rumor has it that Cher is going to make a surpise appearence tonight to introduce the president . She is going to wear her half breed outfit and endorse Elizebeth Warren too
  2. I like to listen to this music when i read the Daily Kos, the Times, Bullwinkles political posts, or when watching MSNBC :blink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5ZWzhhtlNE
  3. That guy gets fired tommorow.
  4. another fact check article from the always non partisan and objective WASHINGTON POST :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: http://www.washingto...c8d13_blog.html
  5. The problem is the left fringe of the party is about 40% and the conservative democrats have been wiped out, or left. That leaves the left and the on the governmnet dole crowd in charge. No adult supervision. Just another body off the bridge to Ted. He was good at it.
  6. all true... washington is a huge cash machine . .our money their friends.. both parties are mobs.. the question is can our country survive the incompetent leadership of our current don for another four years .i fear not. I fear that he is a idealogical zealot and as such is willing to destroy the fabric of the neighborhood .. We need to change don's . We need a leader who is not content to play his fiddle while the country burns...one that understands the game and how it is played :blink: 16 billion in debt, our president wants to spend more,70% of our budget is paid in entitlments and it is is not enough. he needs more. We need a new don, one with a brain
  7. You may also want to add the fact that the biggest pork deals were cut inside the Health Care Bill with big Pharm, Big Insurance, the AARP, AMA, Trial Lawyers and the UNION s . my guess is a 100 billion+ moved to the right groups and people to make that puppy go. The kick backs will come post Presidency, when our knight in shining armor gets paid to serve, join, speak, represent, lobby and consult which is how our good friend Bill Clinton made it into the 80+ million dollar net worth club..
  8. PERFECT! OBAMA 2012. WORKERS UNITE http://www.google.co...9QEwAA&dur=1029 http://www.google.co...29,r:6,s:0,i:96
  9. He burps alot. An honest man could never say the first lady is smokin.Halle Berry is smokin,Thandie Newton is smokin,Tyra Banks is smokin. There has never been a smokin first Lady When castro grows up and figures out how politics really works he will either become a member of the mob, like the rest of them, or an independent / libertarian. Bill Clinton is now worth 80 million.( the real number is closer to 300) . Not bad for a kid from a trailer park. All politicians aspire to do the same. Where do you think all that money came from, selling the White House silverware? Hint: the people he rails against perhaps?
  10. does that mean the democrats were not all supportive, or did not join Bush every step of the way on both domestic and foreign policy issues. Does that mean they are not now using a little revisionist history to blame everything on him? :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: i am with the anarchists, deluca is my leader :o
  11. how many amnesty programs have officially been enacted and how many people were covered? I used to know. How many mexican citizens have green cards or temporary work permits? did we ever do any amnesty programs for the irish , french, italians,germans , hungarians, or polish, or the austrians? Does this mean that 20 million beautiful austrian and irish girls still cannot get in and work as nurses, doctors, etc. ?
  12. or find the white house silverware :flirt:
  13. i just can not believe they put that partial birth abortion plank in there.( and of course the nyt supports it) then they add gay marriage. this aint my grand dads party anymore. or my fathers for that matter... those two issues are massive losers in most of the swing states. Big support in the sodam and gommorrah urban centers of the rust belt states , but meaninglless to the outcome of this election because their votes are already in his pocket. The interesting aspect of this is the black vote. I have a number of very good friends who are apoplectic. This could bang him by one or two percent in the black community. he has already kicked the catholics in the globes
  14. 1. On the bolded part you forgot the massive expansion of the pharm program for the elderly and poor, 85% democrat support in both house to start two wars., 85% democrat support for a 1 trillion wall street bailout, 85% dem support for billions in 9/11 aid to NYC. 85% support for the right wing tsa and homeland security intiatives. Lest we not forget that none of the afromentioned programs or wars happen if the dems block any of it in either house? Bush worked very closely with the democrats 2. The GOP was elected to stop his agenda in 2010.That was a blow back election. (the number one issue in that election was National Health Insurance) It cost them the house. The majority of southern democrats got wiped out for voting yes on health care and the bailout. Right before the election his minions were talking amnesty and gun control which did not help.
  15. I thought the republicans were elected in the lanslide of 2010 to stop a very unpopular liberal agenda!
  16. They knew exactly what they were doing when they went to war. There were multiple reasons, none of which would have sold publically. Some of those were very good reasons. The weapons of mass destruction was number twenty on the list but the one they could sell. After all ,Sadam was a leader the CIA put in office during the nixon/ford administrations and he had become a problem and was costing trillions..He was put there to as our monk and served his purpose as bullwork. We supported him militarily in the war with iran. The problem came when Iran lost and Sadam became the new strongman of the middle east and got off the reservation.He forgot where he came from. You can not have your guy invading other countries, launching missles into Isreal , driving the cost of oil through the roof and costing you hundreds of billions to go over there and slap his hand militarily. His attempt to kill Bush 41 was the last straw.. The day after 911 there was no economy ....Is your memory that short.? I think there is a little too much bozone in you house. open the windows. :P air the place out.
  17. Are you on the white house press office mailing list? Because they seemed to have missed the complete collapse of the U.S. economy in 2001, two wars supported by 85% of the democrats in congress and 75% of the population in general, a significant period of wartime expansion of the economy,a housing market boom brought about by a relaxation mortgage financing requirments and new Fanny And Freddie loan guarentees. Was the bush adminstration culpable in,1. permiting the Democrats to push six million subprime mortgages into the market because everybody has a right to own a home agenda, regardless of whether or not they can afford one ,2. by not making sure the SEC was enforcing the rules and regs that were already on the books. (which were suffiecient to stop the collapse had the feds just done their job) . It was never an issue of lax regulations. YES bush was culpable. If this was a liability case the court would probably assign bush 35% democrats 65% of the liability. If you would like to blame Bush for something, ask and i will give you a better list of indictments....
  18. I like his avatar.. a reminder that the Sabres version of the children of the corn are not happy unless they are chanting somebodys name.. :flirt: He should find a photo of Roy and Timmy together... Maybe roy ,timmy and Vanek.. He appears to be next. Gacy was a dem , Dahmer too..? http://dailycaller.c...osalynn-carter/
  19. It is more of a series of muffled mumbles followed by the faint humming of the national anthem (a secret serice request i heard).
  20. Both most excellent points. I heard the peruvian hooker was a surprise speaker.
  21. The web site is kind of like the opposite of reading the huffington post, politico,smirking chimp , move on, media matters, time, msnbc,cnn, cbs, or abc! :D the article was funny...the rest of the web site content .. meh
  22. I used to read the times, but these days it is only the science section in that paper . I picked up this little style nuance in their reporting of the "news" they do print and it bothers me . It is also the news they refuse to print that is troublesome for me. BBC is ok on world news.. Almost anything in Europe in english is interesting to listen to just for a different perspective.
  23. it was a poorly written question in the form of a non question :blink: to rephrase...Which of all the "biased" papers/ news sources do you like?. (just news not editorial content)
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