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Everything posted by waldo

  1. makeup call miller has watched some old film ,,he is up more, back strait when he goes down and he is not roaming as much, little deeper in net
  2. This is Buffalo, these are the Sabres, Darcy is the Gm, the coach is an AHLer. Rebuilding is more about skill level than years of service imo.. You must value the new core higher than i do. Please, Please bet your house it will only take three years. lol We will talk in agin in four .
  3. But our four best players have one year contracts or less. If you cannot resign them their value in this market, is diminsihed .They are one year rentals at most. On a personal level their value as ufa's is much higher. The safe way out for their familes is the UFA route. They will probably have to do a year in purgatory , meaning the team they get traded to for the best deal next year ,but then the sun comes out again with free agency.. . Management has placed itself in a very difficult position. They did not need to be here
  4. Just wondering . What would you use to get within a mile of any of those names. Or any player in that class . You are going to use a player with one year left on his contract ? The team trading for them has no assurance they can resign them and they are going to send you signed nhl level talent or nhl ready prospects in return? Wow!. Picks i can understand but that is a 3-7 year wait to see if 20% off the guys you get are worth anything.Armia, Cody, Grigs, etc.. . .i doubt miller, vanek pom or reghr would resign in Buffalo without a clause, but that is probably mute because i do not think , in the end any will resign, period. (absent a major good faith move by management that brings them altogether again and some major talent on the way in hard to hold more than pom i think / and who is going to bring the talent in? darcy...coach the team....? ) To those of you thinking you can completely rebuild from ground zero ( and yes a core of Ennis, Myers,Hoff, Grigs, Cody, Armia etc is still NHL level ground zero) by using picks and trades in two to three years ...please send me some of those drugs.
  5. I think that was really Pom's dad That would be as good as taking the cup....finishing ahead of the rangers given their talent
  6. That , a healthy Vanek and one shut down defender to pair with Reghr... I agree
  7. I did not say it was a dumpster. i said it was a dying rust belt city..there are nice dying rust belt citys. lol Perception is everything..and it does count.. Especially when you try to recruit upper tier players.. Is it a well run orgnaization, do they have a chance to win, what do players who were there say, where is it, what is the tax structure like...stc etc etc...
  8. I think the wonderful owner of the Boston Bruins got a little too much exposure to the players ,one on one, during the negotiations and the way he handled the tim thomas thing was icing on the cake. His rep is as bad as it gets right now. When given equal deals and control, i suspect that most of the elite level players would not want to play for him if there was another equal offer from a contender. imo. Buffalo ,the organization , and most importantly New York are not positive factors in the decision making process. Small rust belt dying city, poor schools, high tax State, disorganized organization, rebuild mode. That leaves trade as the only option for a established NHLer and you better hope he does not have any control of where he goes in his contract. like iggy. If we lose any or all of Miller Pom Reghr and Vanek it does not get easier to recruit. It is nice to dream about getting those types of players! I do it still. The best way to go imo is to hold the line on the four,two of them at a minimum ,and go get the same five guys they have needed for the past five years through trade and make room for them on the roster by lightening the load. Doing it with picks and prospects is a horribly risky ,and time consuming way to do it that requires you to lose for the next four years . Then you get to wait for young talent to mature. If we are going to lose Miller Tim Thomas keeps entering my thought process..
  9. If he goes, good for him ...he escapes...our best defender . He would probably not resign anyway... I fear he is the first of our four best players to go.. I thought he would end up in Detroit or Pitt.
  10. . It seems some fans may have confused the present order of Sabre players suffering from fan induced sick puppy syndrome. Stafford is still the fan’s favorite sick puppy, not Hecht. As you are aware Stafford was preceded by Lindy, who was preceded by Roy, who was preceded by Tim, , etc, etc, etc. After Stafford, it is a tossup where the fans go next. I would suspect that Miller could follow Stafford once he is finally disposed of. Then it becomes unpredictable.The next viable candidate could be one of the following: Gerbe, Vanek , Pom, Scott or the GM . In the end the disease mimics the Ebola virus. The team is consumed by the syndrome and we are left to watch a few surviving new cells mature over the next ten years.
  11. stam against pom and cody behind the net and he comes out wih the puck
  12. Miller spends so much time down he should wear his skates on his knees..He gets into that loop when he is not confident
  13. I know...HE IS A DEFENSIVE DISASTER and does not belong paired with the other two defensive diasters Myers and Leo especially aginst the Stam line...........It is ok for him to consistently skate around with his head in his azz in the d zone right...... because it is his second year...its when he does it with Myers and Leo when critical mass is reached This is the NHL LRG
  14. and cody ..those two should never be paired with the first line
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