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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Yup never mentioned the players. Ralph is a failed coach and the longer KA leaves him coach the more likely KA will become a failed gm. The pegulas also play a big part in these results. Thats all I was saying.
  2. KA is moving up on the hit list for every loss that Ralph adds to his totals without being fired. Thought about giving KA a pass because he has likely been neutered by those meddling idiots TP and KP but he’s as guilty of idiocy as the other members of the lunatic ownership and management group of this team. keep letting those losses pile up guys. Ya wankers.
  3. Funny how Ralphs post sounds like he’s removed or separate from the challenge he’s faced with but he is a part of the challenge that he’s faced with. Your coaching is part of the problem that you face Ralph. Face it. You are not above this problem. You are a part of it.
  4. Well that was craptastic. Thanks for nothing Ralph. And Terry . You can go take a flying ****. 10 years gone.
  5. No push back on this team. A few push up bras is about it. Thats not the players fault. If you’re not built that way it is what it is. Draft better and be aware of how the better teams are getting it done. Most successful teams understand that in this game you need a fair amount of grit in your lineup.
  6. Lol. Kind of fitting. They couldn’t get rid of Rasputin either.
  7. Two of our young stars taken out by nasty hits. Cozens and Dahlin. Miller threw a few token punches and the Pittsburgh player took his lumps without returning any. The Dahlin hit could have been much worse. Dahlin did the peekaboo towards the official from his place on the ice to no avail. That pittsburgh post needs medical attention. Victor has no puck luck tonight but scores at 5 on 5. Go figure. another loss. What else is new ?
  8. Listened to an interview with Yannik Hansen about Thatcher Demko and he said in effect that you can’t win in this league if your goaltender isn’t the best player on the ice. Thats maybe a bit of a stretch but I agree. Everything starts with having a capable goaltender at this level. You don’t have that you might as well turn the net around. Also, is Ralph still here ?
  9. Is that coincidence that those players all fell off a cliff at the same time or is it coaching/systems ? Players go through slumps during a season sure but an entire team has a regression and almost to a man stink up the joint.
  10. I think the players are so filled with Ralphisms that they really don’t understand what most fans realities are. Different worlds.
  11. Loved the big hit by Dahlin at around the 7minute mark of the 3rd behind the net. Liked Brysons game tonight. Even when they led I had the feeling it would go bad.
  12. Sure , sounds legit. None of this is on Ralph. He’s just the doorman at shift change tripping the players as they step onto the ice. Trying his best to put these guys in positions to succeed.
  13. Yeah I’ve been getting that msg for the last 10 years. Loud and clear. So have the players on the team and players from around the league. Its surprising anyone would want to play for the most inept owner in the nhl. Terry and Kim are doing their level best to ***** all over this franchise and they still think because they own the team they have some kind of moral high ground over the fans. Kim said so herself. ‘ we know better than the fans ‘ or some such shite. About all we have left is to not support this sadsack owner and his pathetic attempt at winning a stanley cup.
  14. Nice breakdown. Thanks for that. Get outta town Ralph🤮
  15. They’ve already destroyed the brand . Do they really need to be so callous as to drag the corpse through the mud as well. Fire his sorry ass and get people in here that know wtf they are doing.
  16. I think you have to get guys who could step in and help turn this thing around now. Futures are fine but we need players that are on a fast development track or established already. Or both.
  17. As much as I hate them I enjoy the Bruins for their style of play. The toughness that runs through the lineup. I’m not talking about pugilists. I’m talking about team toughness. Lots of skill and they battle for every puck. Like Tampa for much the same reason. Its no coincidence these are the teams that advance in the playoffs when the rough and tumble style of play ramps up. They go to war with and for each other. They also have great leadership that holds each other accountable. I watch the nucks because of their proximity to where I live. They have some great young talent but need to find some consistency.
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