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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Dahlin was a beast unleashed tonight. Great game. RK will never get a head coaching job in this league again. There wasn’t a time in this game where the Sabres weren’t a threat to score. Ulmark was his steady self and he’s getting goal support which makes his job much easier. The boys are playing like a team.
  2. Of course Ulmark has made a huge difference but its obvious that the players have had the shackles removed just by watching the games. Of course they still struggle during games, they still come up against better teams. All of the other teams in their division haven’t changed , the Sabres have. They’re playing looser and with confidence and having fun. Watch the interviews after the games. Granato has made a world of difference but the team still has warts that need to be addressed. But to take any of the positive changes by the players and the coach and give all credit to Ulmark is ignoring the contributions and hard work of the rest of the guys. Anyone see RKs practices ? From all reports its been a seachange back to the way a practice should run and that has carried over as well. Is Ulmark running practice ? Don’t think so. Anyhow. This team needs an experienced coach but I’m sure even the big guy in net would tell you he appreciates the play of his team mates and the goal support he’s receiving. Bring back some of the injured players and they’ll look even better. But make the changes to improve this roster and get better just like every other team does. Status quo ain’t gonna cut it.
  3. Not good. Hope everyone recovers quickly and with no side effects.
  4. It all sounds so pagan. Wait wut ?😳 Happy Easter everyone !
  5. Canucks getting some Sabres mojo. It was the catalyst to exposing our lack of depth, and other weaknesses. They were in a tough spot to make the playoffs as it was and this will pretty well sink their chances. Not sure they can overcome this hit.
  6. These games have been watchable and dare I say it but enjoyable. They are in the games and it could go either way which is all I ask for. Looking forward to the next one.
  7. Yeah you’re likely right. But its amazing how many were hoodwinked including many people in the hockey community including the talking heads on the broadcasts etc.
  8. The only thing I can say about KA s failure in letting RK continue the losses is KA was likely as taken by Ralphs snakeoil shakedown as the rest of us were. People have said fraud ( I might have too ) but I think Ralph actually believed his story enough that he easily convinced the owners, management and the fans. Of course he was in way over his head and the house of cards was bound to fall.
  9. I suppose thats what its like to win more than you lose but imo the vitriol is unwarranted. Plus AV is a pretty decent coach.
  10. Wow. That was refreshing. Its amazing how bad RK was at coaching even the basics when it comes to hockey fundamentals. Granado has them practicing hard and it carries over into the games. Who knew ?
  11. Wow. People suck at being good people basically. ***** that you had to go through all that.
  12. Yeah drives me nuts. Worked in a pulp mill for 14 years. Wore ear protection but...?
  13. This is certainly my worst team of all time. I could give a rats ass about any of the other historically bad teams. This team is a disgrace and Terry and Kim should be embarrassed that they are in charge. Its unacceptable on every level. The worst damn owners in this league. You suck.
  14. We have to stop taking other teams castoffs. Unless you can staple him to the pp. thats the only place he’s somewhat useful.
  15. What the heck was Montour doing on the tying goal. Who was he covering there ?
  16. I’ll believe it when I see it. For this ownership its been one bungled decision after another.
  17. Would rather attend a Kenny G concert. Gonna skip this one and go live life. Give me a nhl level team and experience Terry. Can you at least manage that ?
  18. Correct. Regardless if Adams is a real GM or a wooden one for that matter i would hope he would conduct himself in a professional manner at all times. We all know Stall never worked out but the gm shouldn’t take shots at departing players.
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