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Everything posted by freester

  1. I’m really starting to wonder if the Pegula’s are facing a liquidity crunch. Large NFL contracts, losing money on the Sabres, natural gas market in the toilet, stock market depressed, and paying out contracts to fired employees no longer on the team. They also have invested a lot in downtown and need money to replace both Key Bank and New Era. It’s also pretty clear that government assistance is not coming for stadium/arena renovation or construction. Maybe they are no longer quite as well off as they used to be.
  2. I truly believe you are Botteril’s agent.
  3. just curious what is your particular issue with the moderation on this board?
  4. UPL and Mitts have proven nothing. UPL is just as likely to end up as a Carter Hutton as he is a Hasek. Neither has dominated in AHL or even looked very good. Hopefully they both have great years in Rochester next year. Montour is a. mediocre defenseman not worth a first round pick. Skinner is the worst contract in the league. Cozens could be great or another Mitts, we don’t know. Botteril deserves no credit for VO but I am intrigued by Kahun. Kahun has looked good in the short period I’ve seen him. JBOT should be fired but I think due to shortened season he is kept for another year to wreck further havoc on the organization. I just hope he is not permitted to give out long term big money contracts or trade away key pieces.
  5. https://leaderpost.com/sports/hockey/nhl/cult-of-hockey/james-neal-milan-lucic-jeff-skinner-p-k-subban-which-nhlers-might-face-compliance-buy-out/wcm/4df8ce1c-697a-4a62-8f7e-f8db68de9a8c/?src=rss This article discusses the worst contracts in the league and Skinner and Okposo are on the list. I highly doubt Botteril would use a buyout on his prized acquisition Skinner, but Okposo is a possibility.
  6. Unfortunately corona has saved Botteril from being fired. The last thing Terry remembers is a great win over avery good Capitals team....Kill me now. I can't bear another season and the long term ramifications of Botterils incompetence.
  7. The worst part is that Pegula’s last memory of the season was a great win over Washington. I hope it doesn’t cloud their judgement with regards to firing Botteril.
  8. Wasting 3 years of Casey Middlestadts entry level contract was unforgivable.
  9. Let’s hope. We can potentially overtake everyone except the Red Wings in the race to the bottom. Firing Botteril and drafting Lafreniere would restore hope to the fans.
  10. I would give anything to have Bergevin as our GM. He is so far ahead of Botteril in terms of roster construction and team building knowledge. While Bergevin is not perfect, he would be an enormous upgrade.
  11. How about if directed at a particularly incompetent GM?
  12. Bottom 5 is far too generous. There is none worse. Other cellar dwellers teams don't spend over the cap and don't have a mediocre prospect pool.
  13. Please be true. Christmas has come early. This rumor is the highlight of my week. Please be true.
  14. There are so many reasons why Botteril is utterly incompetent at his job and should be fired immediately. People who try to justify and rationalize his actions must be either family members or lovers. I’m not sure he’ll be hired by any NHL team next year if he’s fired, sort of like Doug Whaley.
  15. I think you are the sole remaining Botteril apologist. The most important positions are Center and Goalie and he has failed miserably in addressing those positions. He is excellent at acquiring overpaid 4th line players though. He can’t be fired soon enough.
  16. Let’s hope that is true
  17. If you want another year of Botteril suckitude than hope for a 10 game win streak. If you want the Sabres to ever be a contender Botteril must go.
  18. I hate Botteril so much that I would rather have Peter Chiarelli
  19. TM wasn’t given enough time. Jack and Sam were rookies and not nearly the players they are today. Kane, Risto and ROR were also young. JB has/had these players at the peak of their careers and yet has failed.
  20. Do you trust Botteril to handle the offseason? I don’t.
  21. I’m sorry. I can’t stomach another year of Botteril. This offseason is critical. Botteril has already set the franchise back 5 years. If he hands out more bad long term contracts we could be doomed for many years to come.
  22. No I hate losing as much as you. Long term there will be no success as long as JBOT is here. Losing out gets rid of Botteril and hopefully brings in a supreme talent for the future. This season is lost.
  23. Of course not, but if that suffering is necessary to get JBOT fired than I’m praying for it.
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