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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Just a week ago his agent said he was fine. Today his head is ready to fall off without surgery. Which is the lie?
  2. Upthread someone mentioned liability to the Sabres if team approved the surgery and he were paralyzed after a hit. Is this true?
  3. Or that he ever said he wants to leave Buffalo. /s
  4. Management malpractice. Some fans are certainly blinking like a railroad crossing.
  5. It's only toxic if you stay in it. People say they understand a fix isn't an overnight thing. And yet so much anger over moves made or not made.
  6. Goalies will shake loose after training camps. Will any good ones want to sign here?
  7. Friedman on the Instigators brought up surgery again. He made it sound like it's inevitable. I thought R&R was doing the job. He brought up a time line where the Sabres allow him his surgery (fusion our whatever) he comes back a few weeks before trade deadline and gets moved then.
  8. Pick a side. Rebuild or keep going the way your going. Can't do both.
  9. Hasek used to visit a tavern owned by a fellow Czech that was in my East side neighborhood, by Central Terminal. Danny's it was called, on Peckham. Might still be open. Not a place you'd expect to see a Sabre, much less the star player. But Dom liked hanging with fellow countrymen.
  10. God no. Not Schoop. I actively avoid that show.
  11. It is. Especially compared to other Audacy sports stations. But I have to say I'm hooked on The Instigators. Andrew Peters is really funny. He can be a lunatic. But that's PSE-created content, not WGR. (Same with One Bills Live)
  12. Entirely possible. I'm hoping that doesn't become the case. But if it does, it only hurts Jack. The Sabres won't let him go for nothing. Adams won't be pressured into a bad deal. If Jack wants out, his best route (if truly healthy) is to perform on the ice.
  13. Of course if he's really injured he shouldn't. But that's the question.
  14. Is his neck going to flare up again? If Jack wants to get moved, maybe showing up would help that.
  15. I'm not worried. As long as they feel progress being made.
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