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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Bailey and Asplund. Bailey because he possesses a speed and strength combination that Vesey hasn't and never will or even can develop. Asplund because he will prove to be the steal of this draft. GO SABRES!!!
  2. So, it was ignorance of the word and the utter bastardization of its meaning that allowed it to be co-opted. The irony is palpable.
  3. Why are folks so hung up on the term "ignorant" and when did that garner such a negative connotation? Baffles me. I think some people are just offended when it's even remotely suggested they offended. Used to be we could just say, "Sorry, I meant no offense," which then created room for meaningful dialogue. Now we can't get past feeling offended when merely accused of having offended someone and the potential for gainful exchange is lost. This, too, baffles me.
  4. It was a great play by TT, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying Clay had to flatten out a little before catching the ball whereas if it's more vertical he scores easily. Clay's lack of speed isn't what prevented the score as d4rk suggested. Flattening out gave the defender a better angle to close the gap. GO BILLS!!!
  5. To be fair to Clay, he had to wait on that ball which allowed the defender to catch up to him. If TT hits him in stride, Clay scores pulling away like he did running the route to get open in the first place. GO BILLS!!!
  6. He was actually gaining weight throughout training camp. How is that possible with the amount of resources available in the form of specialized trainers and nutritionists? He flipped the bird at the organization and teammates and refused to better himself. And I gotta think his idiocy on social media didn't help, either. Employers watch that stuff as we know. Another example of his immaturity. GO BILLS!!!
  7. No. Williams actually gained weight after reporting overweight and being asked to shed some pounds. He was 261 lbs. when they cut him yesterday. He literally couldn't play football. His lack of maturity and commitment along with the emergence of J Williams made it an easy decision to cut him. I'll be shocked if anyone picks him up this season and not the least bit surprised if he washes out completely. GO BILLS!!!
  8. Personally, I think the Las Vegas Fold has a nice, uplifting, ring to it.
  9. Has Mike "The Explainer in Chief" Pence come forth to provide details on what Trump "clearly" meant? I mean anybody could confuse kid friendly programs and amenities provided for resort guests with actual child care programs offered to employees.
  10. I read this when you first posted it and thought it summed it up nicely. I have a better appreciation after reading (and linking a couple days ago upthread), the college law professor's response to a student's letter protesting his wearing a BLM teashirt. I think it is a must read for anyone honestly seeking understanding. Thanks again for this link.
  11. Speaking of blame to go around, please don't forget Maliki's role, which is the main reason ISIS was able to become a military threat. He promised the Sunni minority leadership a seat at the table of government and promptly reneged on every single promise he made. It was easy for Sunni Iraqi military leadership to defect to Al-Qaeda in Iraq (ISIS, founded 2004), and bring a mother load of military equipment, weapons, and expertise with them.
  12. Yeah, I thought Bernie released his 2014 return before the convention like he said he would. Is that not the case?
  13. This might belong in the over 50 thread.
  14. All seriousness? Better count me out, then.
  15. Wow, as luck would have it, we have actual footage of Mandela dancing, so we have to go with this one. Not sure what it's called, though. We can work on naming it.
  16. Although they didn't talk, there are rumors of dry erase board messages, hand signals, and other non verbal communication taking place at those summer league games. This is footage of Stan Bowman gesturing towards Vesey at his last game. Experts are trying to ascertain the meaning but it's clear he means two of something. And another of Bowman and Quenneville at a previous game (don't let the disguises fool you)
  17. I'll have to give it some thought, but I'm gonna eliminate Irish clog dancing right off the bat. Apologies to Michael Flatley.
  18. Depends. I'm waiting on the Mike Pence translation for the crystal clarity of Trump's meaning. Seriously, he was joking, like he jokes about other things. But it's the epitome of poor taste. There are some things you just can't joke about. Especially mere weeks after one of his advisers prompted a Secret Service investigation when he suggested Clinton should be shot for treason. It's a pattern of irresponsible rhetoric and I'm not convinced it doesn't thoroughly appeal to a segment of his fans. And that borders on dangerous.
  19. Something about the term "making a big push" just doesn't jive with "no tampering".
  20. Is there anything wrong with that? That said, he leaves himself wide open for charges of hypocrisy and other scrutiny. Goes with the territory.
  21. There are lessons for all of us in this professor's response, regardless of political stripe, and certainly not confined to Black Lives Matter, but also to life in general. http://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/law-professors-epic-response-to-black-lives-matter-shirt-complaint/
  22. Bernie preaches not being successful, rich, and owning houses? Is he unwilling to pay the higher tax rates he proposes for those in his bracket? Is he paying the same 13% that Romney was paying? If that's true, then he has some 'splainin to do Lucy.
  23. I disagree we can never fully he sure, we just have to wait for Pence's routine explanation of what Trump "clearly" means. Explainer in Chief is one helluva important position in Trump's cabinet.
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