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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Coochie coochie! The lady can flat out bring it. She is a true master.
  2. Good take. I can't imagine the Sabres aren't willing to be generous, yet reasonable. Why do I get the impression Risto and his agent are being unreasonable because they sense without Risto, our defense is a shambles? He may be our best Dman, that's true, but I think Murray and Co. are willing to let somebody else seize an opportunity while Risto sits and ponders his options. Can't say I disagree.
  3. We have no QB. And that will be borne out again when this week's All 22 becomes available for review. TT has shown no signs of improving those aspects of his game he needed to improve over last season. No progression at all. That isn't relative to an injury plagued receiving corps. I'd like to believe that when everyone is healthy that TT will take off. I just can't based on the evidence. No thanks.
  4. I'm sure Eleven would be more than happy to acquire Romo. Ecstatic is a word that comes to mind.
  5. I just looked at it again. My bad, it WAS McCoy like Swamp said. Makes it even dumber.
  6. ^This. John Miller beasted today. Kujo still can't run block, but our OL did well against one of the better fronts in the league.
  7. We have no QB. It's that simple.
  8. I think Gorges and Franson are question marks, especially Franson. But as I said, if Guhle impresses like he did last year in the pre season, I think he'll get a look. He was well on his way to doing that last season as it is. Just a hunch.
  9. The Viking defense is EXACTLY why you trade for Sam Bradford in the first place. I'm sure when Bradford has a bad outing, you'll be all over it. Glad he made a few big plays today, but Tyrod Taylor is not an NFL quarterback. That's one reason why we have trouble closing games or even being in a position to close games. Yes, we were missing Sammy and Clay was dinged up, but the coaches basically played it safe with TT. I gotta think it's because they've seen the same things on tape as everyone else.
  10. Was that Sam Bradford leading his team to victory on the road against the reigning NFC champ? And people wonder why Shaun Hill wasn't given the chance.
  11. He's been good all year. Hopefully, he'll sustain it, but his first two games he was very good.
  12. I think the hold was on Zach Brown in the endzone. Yep. Bills 17, Jerry Hughes 7.
  13. Thought I read Brandon wouldn't get another job. Or is it because of all of Brandon's so called meddling in "football decisions?" Either way, it's based on misunderstanding the situation.
  14. Given our lack of quality and depth on the back end, yes, I think they can. Especially if he impresses early like he did last year.
  15. Brandon can write his own ticket in either the NFL or MLB. Lots of short memories here regarding the state of our stadium and corporate sponsorship before he arrived. He was essentially given an ultimatum by Mr. Wilson upon his arrival and he accomplished that and more. Not the least of which was the requirement to sell all luxury suites in order to receive approximately $70m in state funding for stadium renovations. Damned impressive stuff. The short-sighted will say "anyone can sell Bills tickets in WNY" while totally missing the point that it's not about individual game tickets. It's about generating unshared revenue. Brandon did that in a depressed market for years.
  16. My apologies to you both as well as to the rest of the forum. Total brain cramp on my part as I conflated Charlotte with Tulsa. Embarrassing, actually. I think there is every reason to believe Keith Scott had a gun given the video evidence that has come to light.
  17. That's a lot of supposition. Unfortunately, we don't have the proper context. But we know for a fact he was not armed. Based on that and what was in that video with three cops surrounding him, I don't buy for a second their lives were in imminent danger. There is no reason for the action they took.
  18. I don't think so. It wasn't de-escalation that got the cop shot, it was a bad guy with a gun. The important takeaway is that after the cop was shot, they were able to prevent an escalation that saw further loss of life. I was impressed by that in light of these frequent incidents of unarmed people being shot by police. Here's a suspect who had a gun, shot a cop, and STILL was able to be arrested without further incident. That's good training and experience in my book as it most likely would have gone the other way in other jurisdictions.
  19. Bad things happen when lack of training meets inexperience. I was watching the Jeff Ross ComedyCentral roast of Boston police officers last week and this one cop related the story of how he and his partner came upon an armed suspect who actually shot his partner in the leg and they were still able to resolve the conflict without shooting and killing the suspect. Brought to mind what a cop's job focus should always be: DE-escalation. It can be done.
  20. Love it. It's worrisome to me though. Symbol-minded people will be the most easily fooled by those seeking to do us harm, whether from internal of external threats.
  21. I wish Rex were smarter with his mouth (tall order, I know). Folks might take that statement to mean that Rex actually values winning the off season, whatever that means. That was just his way of paying a compliment to Whaley and the players acquired.
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