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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Not if PFF is to be believed, apparently. See my post above. If 10 of his 39 attempts were between the numbers, then he went to that area more than 25% of the time yesterday or more than doubled his previous percentage of attempts to that area of the field. Belichick dared him and he took advantage. That's a huge development marker for TT as far as I'm concerned.
  2. According to PFF, Taylor was 9 of 10 for 82 yards and an average QB rating of 101.4 on throws between the numbers yesterday. I don't follow PFF and never read their website; this is a repost from Eric Turner at Cover1, one of the most knowledgeable bloggers out there. I swear he has worked in a quality control capacity in the league or college D1.
  3. Holy crap. Is Limbaugh gonna be next? Is so, I'm preparing for the rapture.
  4. It's critical that a QB be able to hit plays in every area of the field; you are just too easy to defend otherwise, especially with the level of athleticism on display in today's league. As I posted up thread, he did exceptionally well between the numbers yesterday. Belichick dared him to beat them there and he did. If it's A Lynn making that much of a difference, I gotta wonder what Roman was thinking. Let's hope it continues.
  5. Eric Turner at Cover1 reposted PFF's pass distribution chart from yesterday's game. TT had a very good game between the numbers yesterday. Excellent in fact. I don't know how much of that to attribute to A Lynn or TT, but Belichick dared TT to beat them there and damned if TT didn't do just that. Please let that be a hint of things to come. Espcially vs. LA, whose safeties are questionable, imo.
  6. Greg Roman was never a Michael Crabtree fan.
  7. Good call, TrueBlue. Good call indeed. You were far more confident than I going into today. Taylor looked more like a QB than he has all year. Far from perfect, but something to build on. Looking forward to the All 22, but he gave some semblance of being in command today.
  8. You are as subtle as a ton of bricks and the point I tried to make with you before was entirely lost on you. Never mind then.
  9. Did you read the adjacent article about the possibility that Trump is considering making Bill Clinton's philandering a topic in the next debate in order to "unnerve" Hillary? Unreal. Hollywood would reject this script.
  10. I agree he needs to skate with better players to get back to where he was, but he was given every chance last year and failed, often miserably. The other wingers that took his place in the top 6 were more productive, so it's not like we can point to lack of talent surrounding him. Makes sense to see if he can recapture some Islander magic with Okposo, but after last year, that's just not a given and I'd be more worried about Moulson dragging that line down vs. them picking him up. Again, just based on what I saw last year. Main point is, I don't think the Sabres will let his salary dictate where he plays. I honestly think if he can't play a bottom 3 role, his days may be numbered.
  11. As we found out when he gave that exact answer during the debate.
  12. Absolutely, as he is running on his success as a businessman being the exact kind of leadership America needs. OK, but you have to defend that position and it seems he just isn't in a sound position to do so. I need a little more than just, "I'm smart, that's why."
  13. These two teams know each other so well that, without Brady, I don't see a huge advantage for NE***. Their defense is key, anyway. I think for us to have a chance, Taylor has to win this game. We know Belichick is gonna take away what we do best, so Shady is going to have a rough afternoon I think. Yep, it's all on Taylor. Maybe this is the game he stakes a claim to the big dollars after this year. I just wish I was more convinced of his ability to do that.
  14. It's a presidential campaign. You weren't expecting pandering political arguments? It's a populist appeal. Nothing new. But I think we all agree that a tax law designed to have billionaires pay less than the average working Joe is out of whack. Imagine how popular it would be if Donald disclosed his returns and we found out he pays a higher effective rate than 99% of taxpayers? How he handled the issue says more than his tax returns ever will, anyway. He pays less because he's smarter than the rest of us? Arrogant doesn't quite do that justice. Or how about how his first responsibility is to his companies and the success of his family and employees? That's all well and good for anybody not seeking the highest office in the land because being president means his first responsibility is to something else entirely and I don't think he understands that. Not even a little bit. So you see, it's not about his taxes. It's about getting him to defend his positions and watching him botch it. As you said earlier, sound debating strategy for which he had no answer. Anyway, I'm done with it. I just wanted to make the point that legal doesn't mean moral. And vice versa. That wasn't an indictment of your position, just some added opinion to the discussion.
  15. Given our deep pocketed owner, I don't think this concern matters one bit. That's not to say they wouldn't want Moulson to produce as a top 6 forward, but he hasn't earned the promotion back to that status. Personally, I still think he's on the bubble.
  16. You missed it because it hadn't been posted until I posted it. I've been reading your defense of Trump's position regarding disclosure of his taxes and it seems it all boils down to no harm, no foul as long as he is following the law. That is a solid, spot on legal analysis. I am only making the point that legal/illegal doesn't equal moral/immoral. The legality of Trump's position has never been the issue. EDIT: I meant to add I have no desire to discuss government and bankruptcy laws. But thanks for the invitation just the same.
  17. Now now, we shouldn't get mad at Donald for simply taking advantage of the laws designed to make it easy to stiff contractors. As long as he follows the law, he is a paragon of moral virtue. http://fortune.com/2016/09/30/donald-trump-stiff-contractors/
  18. The comments below the article are an interesting collection of higher thoughts.
  19. He was assigned to Rochester today, so it's not looking good for him to make the opening night roster.
  20. Considering DD has had him play all preseason games so far, I gotta think Moulson is seriously on the bubble at this point. Any two of Bailey, Fasching, Baptiste, and Grant from where I'm sitting. Any word on Babtiste, btw?
  21. That's unfortunate. Thanks for the edification.
  22. Me, too. His talent is worth waiting for. Take all the time he needs to get that foot back to 100% and come back hungrier than ever.
  23. In spite of my total whiff on Guhle to this point, I'm gonna predict D-Lo is a lock. He's just too critical a "glue" guy on the team. I love hearing the chatter when sitting next to the bench. His teammates genuinely love him it seems. Especially after his flare up with Neal the other night.
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