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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. Why am I not surprised that Carolina has guy named Walmart?
  2. Weak effort by the ref. A hook and a high stick not called. BS.
  3. That’s called cottage pie, then. Shepherds pie = lamb. (Irish) Cottage pie = beef. (English) (learnt that a couple of weeks ago m’self)
  4. Sorry. Had to leave and couldn’t expound. Systems are not a myth, but every team has one and they aren’t all that different from one another. I mean, there are only so many combinations of 2-1-2, 1-2-2, and 1-3-1, etc, and you want to d+c here, but carry it in in this situation,... k. To think that one team’s system is so magically special that we need to wait to acquire the players to actually make it work (i.e. losing the right way, :wallbang:) is ridiculous and would be coaching hubris at its highest. Is Phil drawing up Escher paintings on the dry erase?! Also, the “system” could be different from line to line depending on personnel and situation. There’s only so much you can coach and we shouldn’t have to wait for anything. Win any way you can now with what you have. Our players just aren’t good enough and it appears our coach isn’t either.
  5. So, if it’s not working, just stick with it and kiss it up to God? That makes no sense, either.
  6. No. It doesn’t. Not even remotely the same.
  7. That’s if we don’t pick 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, correct?
  8. Maybe more like Milwaukee >> Buffalo. And while this is a stupid argument anyway, I might as well win it. Toronto is an hour and a half from Buffalo. Imo, Buffalo has way more to offer, um, er, I mean,... other than winning.
  9. Not sure that meeting a center at the airport is comparable to a sign for the QB.
  10. Like he said, close to exactly nothing. ?
  11. That’s their penance for sucking. Don’t suck and it won’t be brutal. Pretty simple.
  12. Hey LGR, I want to change my answer. I think there are NCAA teams that could have beaten the Sabres toning.
  13. No. C'mon. You know I'm kidding. But liking the Penguins is just wrong on so many levels. …but I understand.
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