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Everything posted by SwampD

  1. I have never cared about how much a player makes. It’s not my responsibility to pay them or fit them under the cap. I just want the team that root for to be good.
  2. The whole Cal Peterson narrative needs to just go away. Who GAF about Cal ***** Peterson, anyway. He’s a career back up who chose to not go to a team that, at the time, had a bunch of those in front of him and who also had a dumpster fire of a team skating in front of them. I barely wanted to watch them then. It’s a different situation entirely now. If Levi goes back to school, whatever. When or if they deem him ready to be our starting goaltender, he’ll play for the Sabres. He still has to beat sone other guys for it first.
  3. You know you are getting old when Ice T is on your box of Cheerios.
  4. 50, though. Really glad I got to see them. Thanks @SDS *****
  5. Great game. Both Casey and Victor with the game on their stick. Can't ask for more than that. The refs were not going to call anything on Wash. Not sure I even care or if it would have made a difference. They certainly weren't going to fall for Skinner getting "tackled" and then not letting go. That crew was on to him. I soooooo want this to be the hockey we get to see in October. Man, is it a joy to watch.
  6. Looks like they aren't calling anything on either team. Which is fine.
  7. I really don't think so. It would be too hard too hard to play in if you made it white. The front is an away jersey and the back would end up a home jersey.
  8. Not to take this thread off track, but did anyone notice in the first minute of play in the Pittsburgh game, Bryson back checking and chasing down Crosby at the blue line? It was awesome. He fell, unfortunately, but he lifted his stick just enough to allow Mule to harmlessly pick his pocket and advance the puck out of the zone. Great play.
  9. One jersey to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
  10. We still have different opinions even though the thread is gone. There was no need to delete it. It's okay to disagree,… at least, it should be.
  11. And no one said "Big good, small bad." Good players are good because they are good, no matter what size. I'm just surprised that for a stats guy, you've never delved deeper into this. We've seen the past several years that the SC champs have been at the top end of the weight list by ice time. Dallas/Tampa was 2 and 4. St Louis was #1. Too lazy to look for others, but we're not just making this up because we're stupid and lazy and it's all our tiny brains (and my broken brain) can handle. As you know, I really like Bryson. I am very curious to see how he will handle playoff hockey. I would love for you to be right. I have my doubts.
  12. Fixed. And I also said tough enough. Apparently, size is only an asset if you are small and use it to be quick and get inside of guys, but not if you are big and use it to keep guys away.
  13. Keeping the "Ducks" name after Disney bailed seems like a worse move to me than whatever logo they could go with. I mean, I can see the duck foot in the D. What else can you do with a ***** Duck?
  14. I think this is most likely true.
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