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Everything posted by darksabre

  1. It's insane that we even need to be considering it. What a failure of every institution in this country if things were to get to "put an X on the ones that are going to die"
  2. Heartbreaking but he's earned it. An absolute legend.
  3. Man, that would be incredibly tragic. Civil War rules in the 21st century.
  4. I am begging the G-men to up the dosage
  5. He's upset about the price of chicken wings
  6. Being a hermit is basically the only good excuse for not getting the vaccine. No need to bring any other kind of justification into the equation. Own your reclusiveness!
  7. Or he's back to break up with his girlfriend
  8. To be fair to pi, his source is always wrong
  9. Based on the job descriptions, which seem to require quite a bit of experience and skill, probably about $50k.
  10. Come on, you just gotta do a drivetrain swap! And then fix all the hidden rust you can't see in the pictures. And cage it. And...
  11. They weren't known for being particularly good lol
  12. You have good taste my friend. You wanna make your Renault 5 dreams come true? I can get you halfway there lol https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/539994077049115/
  13. It's totally worth it. I was there back in the spring when they were getting the planes out of the hangar. I've got a bunch more rolls of film from that day I need to process soon.
  14. What is the point you're trying to make
  15. Also, does anyone think the FDA isn't going to approve the vaccines now that so many people have gotten them? This is a rubber stamp.
  16. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, I just think it's a somewhat arbitrary line to draw in the sand for people who are short on trust for exactly the kind of things the FDA is.
  17. I'd like someone to give me a good reason why FDA approval is such a consequential yardstick. It's not like the FDA has never approved things that are bad for you...
  18. The fact that so much of the work had already been done on coronaviruses in general absolutely helped. If this situation had been some other newer, weirder virus, maybe we're still waiting on a vaccine. Right? Luck definitely played its part.
  19. And to be fair, more vaccines (and new medical treatments in general) could likely be put together this quickly if the urgency required it. Vaccine development usually takes a loooot longer due to the lack of manpower and funding. But these pharma companies and world power governments threw all of the resources they could muster into the vaccine effort for a virus type that research had already done a lot of the work to figure out. It was unusual, but not inexplicable or problematic. Honestly, we just got really lucky.
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