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Everything posted by darksabre

  1. Don't talk about strangers in the Alps that way!
  2. To be fair, the Verified stuff on Twitter is supposed to be reliable. If it's not Eichel then Twitter messed up big.
  3. Interesting timing for that as well... Me thinks a trade is coming.
  4. The guy who would do the disc replacement surgery weighing in publicly is pretty interesting. Not sure what it means in terms of this whole conflict though. Is he doing the agent and Jack a favor, sending a message to hesitant trade partners? Edit: Know what this feels like? This feels like a "get out in front of the media circus" move for a trade that is nearly done. The team trading for him is going to let him have the ADR, but they want the doctor on record publicly first stating that he's confident in the procedure.
  5. I don't know if he's a good coach, but he's nice to look at.
  6. If the Sabres hold out and Eichel and his camp get more and more aggressive it basically ends up making the Sabres look better in the long run even if the return ends up being worse than hoped for.
  7. I think at this point the Sabres are committed to winning the PR battle more than winning the trade...
  8. I'm voting no. I think if anything was imminent we wouldn't be hearing a peep out of Eichel's camp. At this point they probably know he's stuck here through the season and they're acting out of desperation.
  9. Yeah I'm having a hard time parsing this into anything meaningful.
  10. I'd be interested to know if Dr. Cappuccino has been made available to Eichel's team and they are refusing his input, or if he has advised the Sabres and they don't feel that it's necessary to have Dr. Cappuccino interacting directly with Eichel's camp? There are a lot of different ways to try to make sense of that comment.
  11. Which kinda makes Eichel's "frustration" even funnier. Like, did he think it was going to be easy?
  12. Sure. In real dollars it's a lot. But that's always a risk with signing any player to a big fat deal.
  13. I disagree. The number one concern is his return as an asset. I think if they weren't worried about getting anything from him other than his gameplay they'd let him have the surgery. If it goes wrong then you LTIR his contract off the books and wash your hands clean of the thing. "We did what was right for Jack to get him on the ice to help the team win" would be the messaging, and Jack's team would never dispute it. But they want to trade him. They want to get a return on the asset. So no surgery.
  14. I think they would have considered it if they weren't actively trying to trade him. But it seems pretty clear they're not messing around with trying to get him outta here so he's just kinda stuck right now.
  15. Boy, whole lot of nothin there besides Eichel.
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