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Everything posted by darksabre

  1. I think if Delta starts killing kids people might care. Most vaccines in history were for diseases that afflicted the young. COVID not having much impact on kids has allowed a lot of people to more easily dismiss it.
  2. That's interesting. A public university being allowed to enact a vaccine mandate. It looks like there's case law that supports Barrett letting it stand. "Lower courts have ruled against the students, citing a Supreme Court decision from 1905, which said that a state may require vaccines against smallpox."
  3. Privilege. We are blessed to live in what is possibly the healthiest era to be a human being in the first world. So many of the things that afflicted past generations are out of sight and out of mind. We really, truly, have no idea how good we have it. We don't know a world where life expectancy is a lot shorter, or where things like polio are common. And so we get confident and reckless. We think we're untouchable, and then something like a global pandemic comes along and, thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, manages to kill far fewer people than it would have otherwise, and that just ends up strengthening the cockiness. A lot of people have died from COVID, and yet it wasn't enough that support for the vaccine would be unanimous. The blessing and the curse of our immense privilege to exist in the time that we do.
  4. I don't know, honestly. I think about it how the police aren't technically allowed to take your blood for a drug test without a warrant. I don't know if the government can mandate that people get the shot. That's kinda why they're leaving it up to the private companies to force the issue. Then it becomes the Supreme Court's problem.
  5. The masks worked and the people who didn't want to use them were wrong. Strike 1. The people who didn't want to mask up are now opposed to the vaccine, which also works. Why should anyone take them seriously? We really shouldn't need to mandate any of this stuff. People should just be willing to do it. You yourself argued in favor of living for the moment, not letting fear keep you down. Is that not what people getting the vaccine are doing? Are they not living for the now and without fear? The vaccine, and the people who developed it, are just about as trustworthy as it gets. The risk is very low. Low enough that it doesn't make any sense to be afraid of it if it means getting back to living normal lives quicker.
  6. I disagree. A lot of this business exists entirely outside the conservative propaganda sphere. You should read up on the links between wellness influencers and QAnon if you want to feel real hopeless.
  7. This whole thing speaks to the larger issue which is trust. A lot of people have learned to put their trust into people and organizations that do not deserve that trust.
  8. There were like...4 people who got clots from the J&J. It was a nothingburger when it was reported months ago, but that didn't stop people from having a conniption fit.
  9. Lotsa garbage brained takes about Lehner. I don't even like the guy but people are being needlessly gross about it.
  10. I still can't believe there are states where you don't even have to wear a helmet on a motorcycle. Like, talk about needlessly putting yourself at risk.
  11. I believe Lehner. The rub is that it's completely irrelevant now.
  12. We're not talking about regular old Fleury, a very good goalie. We're talking about Hasek and Roy. You're the one who brought Roy into the conversation though. If you want to talk about goalies that are great but not Roy then yeah, you can trade for that.
  13. The odds of that would be very low Cole Beasley, M.D.
  14. I would look for the Paul Hamilton segment from Schopp and Bulldog this evening where he talks about it. It's important to note that the medical people under fire here no longer work for the team.
  15. Right. All I'm saying is it's a moot point because the examples you cited don't exist anymore.
  16. Again, how about a goalie from the modern era who is this impactful? There's no one on the ice right now changing the game in net. The position is standardized. Unless they completely change the rules or the equipment there will never be another Roy or Hasek. Those days are gone.
  17. It's patently impossible to trade for the equivalent of a guy who invented a new way to play the position lol
  18. I was gonna say. The difference between Buffalo and Seattle is placement lol
  19. I'm assuming he got tested because he's symptomatic?
  20. I've always been pretty good about the dentist. Bad teeth will mess your ***** up a lot quicker than pretty much anything else.
  21. I'm 34 and just set an appointment to get my first ever primary care doctor. Figuring my health luck might not last forever here 😂
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