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Posts posted by PASabreFan

  1. Here is what I hate: I hate one-side evaluations of politics in this country being passed off as common sense.


    Are you saying that no democrat has ever heckled or jeered a President during a speech to Congress?


    Are you saying that no democrat has ever demonized a Republican over an issue they disagreed with: like, for example, saying Republicans wanted to make the elderly eat dog food?


    Are you saying that in the health reform bill, well, bills since there are a few being bandied about, that there is no prevision for panels which will decide the extent of care an individual will receive?


    How familiar are you with the legislation you're referring to, in which you use as a jumping off point to proclaim that this is the most "disgraceful era in politics"?


    I hate it that people treat politics like sports. I want to complain about the lazy, sucking off the teat of the tax-payer masses, who complain when they don't get enough of that fat sow's milk. I want to complain about the politician's who give it to them, and then give them more, and do nothing but serve their own interests - which are only to remain in power.


    Listen, they're all scum. I'm no Democrat. I think whatever party is out of power tends to make the biggest jackass out of itself. Pun intended. I heard several pundits say last night there was no precedent for a president being heckled during a joint session of Congress. You act like this kind of thing is routine. It was stunning. Then again, I also heard a lot of "hiyoooooos" and "that's right!" coming from the left. I don't know if someone was channeling Ed McMahon or what.


    As for the bill(s), I don't think the word "panel" is in it (them). The controversial provision, which is no controversy at all, referenced voluntary discussions with your doctor about your preference for end of life care. Does one want to live as a vegetable on a respirator with a feeding tube? I heard that concept was put forward in previous health care debates by Republicans. (Oddly, I favor a death panel for the Bills.)


    sizzle, surely you know what this is all about. The Republicans want to give Obama his "Waterloo." They could not care less about health care reform, or serving the people. Snakes like Sarah Palin are interested only in positioning themselves for the next election. It's time we stop picking sides, and throw both sides out.

  2. Or it's kind of like Chris Matthews, or Keith "the pervert" Olbermann, or the dearly deceased Peter Jennings ("the country just threw a temper tantrum"), all targeting the belief systems of the left. They have a following, and it's all in the same vein as leftist propaganda like just about anything Michael Moore has produced. They can block entrances to recruitment centers, force their policies on institutions of so-called higher learning, force changes in the public school curriculum and so on. Fortunately, none of the signs saying, or screams of, "kill Bush" ever actually amounted to anything.


    Is there something about Keith I haven't heard? His nemesis, BillyO, we know is perv to the max.

  3. What is this with Apple computer sycophants, who think their computer is best thing since Rosie Palms?


    I can provide listings of articles referring to virus threats and OS bugs - but most Mac fans shut their eyes like little children cupping their ears and saying "nyah nyah nyah I can't hear you".


    Mac computers suck ass. Over priced for off-the-shelf components you can get for nearly half the price, and the OS has hitherto been only mildly molested because the market penetration is so weak! In fact, one of the reasons why some virus coders decided to turn their attention to the Mac is because of the smarmy attitude Apple zealots have, as illustrated by the stupid commercials.


    They suck ass? Really? Wow, you're raising the level of discourse now! :)


    What I hate is the Mac vs. PC thing. It's really tired. Whatever works for you. I've always had Macs and love them. Very few, if any, complaints. The price point would probably be one of them. People I know with PCs complain a lot more. That's all I know.

  4. The country is in a major divide. I can't remember a time when politics were so volatile. I've contemplated arming myself because of this very reason. The closemindedness and radicalism is frightening.


    But do you feel it "on the street"? Among average people? I'm not sure it's seeped down to that level.


    The overt racism on display in the country is something to behold. It shouldn't surprise me, but it does.

  5. Can you believe the Republican nutjob who screamed at the president last night? At a joint session of Congress? YOU LIE!


    The president had said it was not true that his health care reform plan would give coverage to illegal immigrants. Unless it's written in the bill, or on record somewhere, who's the liar? Or do facts mean nothing anymore?


    The president also chastised the politicians (unnamed reference to Sarah Palin) who scared senior citizens with this talk of "death panels" that would decide if granny lives or not. It's also a lie. But when Obama said so, a shot of the Republican side of the aisle showed the vast majority of them sitting on their hands while the Democrats and a few Republicans stood and applauded. What did remaining in their seats say about these guys?


    I can't remember a more disgraceful era in politics. And that's saying a lot. I'm actually starting to fear what's next. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some element of the neo-cons got together with some domestic nutjobs and rogue elements of the military and tried to stage a coup.

  6. Talk radio by nature is designed to raise hackles and get people like this to call in. And the hosts fan the flames. I cannot listen to talk radio for more than 30 seconds because it makes me want to smash the radio with a sledgehammer. WGrrr... :angry:



  7. As long as nfreeman is dragging us down... I hate how the media always oversimplifies these mass shootings. The Columbine kids were bullied, were Goths. Some guy was mad about being laid off so he shot up the office. Another guy just got divorced. This latest nut couldn't attract women. Please. It has to run a helluva lot deeper than these "cosmetic" life problems. I think there has to be an epidemic of serious mental illness in this country, mental illness that is not being diagnosed or treated properly. Part of the problem is the stigma of mental illness that remains. A lot of us joke about it. I just called this guy a "nut." I know I shouldn't. I wouldn't joke about breast cancer. Anyway, look out. These things always come in clusters.

  8. i have posited this question in many cocktail party/bar night settings, but have never heard a good answer.


    from my perspective, though, i pose the question from the angle of "it absolutely makes me insane when someone is imposing their side of a cell phone conversation on the people around them in a public place ... but why is it that that behavior drives me nuts?"


    the fact that a large majority of the population finds the behavior rude means that the reaction is rooted in something legitimate in our grey matter. i just can't figure out what that is or might be.


    I don't think it's all that complicated. Everyone likes to eavesdrop. When two people are yammering away on the subway or in a restaurant, we love it, as banal as it might be. When we hear only one side, it frustrates us... hence the rage and discontent.

  9. I was watching and waiting.


    To see my post total hit 2,000.


    I look over and see it's at 2,002.


    I missed it.




    A moment of my life I'll never be able to recreate.


    :cry: :cry:


    You and the Juice. Sighhhh.

  10. I thought the ending was perfect.


    Indeed. The key moment involved a product made in my neck of the woods!


    crusho, I know what you mean. But a happily ever after ending wouldn't have been right. All old Walt was trying to do was give the kids a chance.


    But, yeah, I kind of think it would be tough to get a conviction on all of those thugs -- witnesses would have to testify, you'd have the self-defense theory etc. And wouldn't another gang just move in to fill the void?


    Loved the movie though.

  11. Having a good complaint a couple of days ago and then not being able to remember it come Thursday! :angry:


    That's me. Actually I should have no complaints for a while after just now enjoying a No-Flusher and a No-Wiper -- two-thirds of the way to the elusive and rare Hat Trick of BMs.

  12. This guy behind me on the trolley decided that everyone on the train needed to hear his cell phone conversation with a coworker about how important he was at work. After the gets off the phone he starts clipping his fingernails. I almost lost it.


    I guess my complaint is cell phone complainers (complaintants?). How is it different than the guy having a conversation with someone sitting next to him? I've heard how rude it is to make a cell phone call in a restaurant. How is it rude to talk in public? I don't get it.

  13. The director I report to is a disrespectful jackass. He actually walks up behind us and CLAPS five minutes before a meeting. You know, "Let's go!!" CLAP CLAP! Also makes it a point to make little "you have to listen to me, employee" type comments. Insecure. Needs a swift kick to the tool.


    Also, dealing with 24 year old hot-shots. Above director eats it up and I wind up cleaning the mess.



    Actually? Corporate everything.


    How's the paper business in Scranton?

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