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Posts posted by PASabreFan

  1. For the love of God, start the damn football game already. This NBC buildup and pregame show seems endless. It's 8:40 and they're just getting to the national anthem..


    Speaking of the anthem, that chick butchered it. I won't tolerate even one lyric flubbed. She was trying so hard to be bluesy, or whatever, to put her own spin on it, she forgot the words? I hate that. And anyone who tries to stylize the anthem.

  2. David Bowie's version of that song, along with George Michael's ultra-gay rendition of "Last Christmas I gave you my heart", take the top 2 on my list of "Gay Christmas songs"


    I mean the thought of George Michael's whispering "Merry Christmas" in another man's ear is enough to make me forcefully vomit...


    Why so homophobic?


    I mean, why do you care what two guys do under the mistletoe?

  3. Turn signals. Are they really that hard to use?


    Control freaks who want to wave you into traffic, drive your car as well as theirs. I just stare at them in a dumbfounded way. If they have the right of way, I will not yield. I once outwaited an elderly woman at a four way stop sign for a good 60 seconds.

  4. I didn't want them to do anything. They just haven't posted much in a while and they usually are good parts of the conversation. Ok, maybe I wanted them to ban you, but I've settled with the fact that this will never happen.


    I have photos of SDS, Van Miller and a horse.

  5. They've been pretty much MIA for a little while now. Corp pretty much fell off the face of the earth. I think I remember reading him say something about having a kid, so that would make sense. Blue disappeared early in the offseason too. He threw a little fit about inactivity of the front office then really hasn't said anything since. And then there's knightrider. I haven't seen him around here in a long time now.


    The inmates are running the asylum! I'm sure we all already knew that though from reading this place in the last couple weeks.


    What did you want to the moderators to do the last couple of weeks? What's been so bad? You've made a couple of comments about tension.


    Given the state of the franchise, why shouldn't there be tension?

  6. Just bury them a little lower in the ground Pa they should grow well that way.


    Yeah, that thought occurred to me after they were planted.


    I just pinched em way back. Someone said to pinch above a leaf node.


    You into gardening? What grows good for ya?

  7. Buying beautiful impatiens at the garden center, bringing them home and realizing they grew straight up in the little containers. Too leggy -- when is that ever a problem in real life. Not a problem with women. Not a problem with a certain rookie defenseman. So you gotta pinch em back and hope they grow more rounded in the ground. The flowers, not the rookie defenseman.

  8. Don't be embarrassed. He's an obscure fellow. His name was Subhash Chandra Bose, and he was Gandhi's greatest domestic political rival. Thought I'd make some light of all the fightin' we've been doing lately.


    I knew it! Not the name, but I knew it had something to do with Gandhi. I was too embarrassed to say that, because I didn't really know it.


    I thought Gandhi's biggest rival was a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

  9. Here's my gripe: I go out of the way to have a new, special avatar just for PA, and he doesn't even notice.


    And XC, we all know that the real reason you changed yours is because you discovered a new Commandment.


    I noticed, but I'm too embarrassed to mention it, because I have no idea who it is. I suspect it's a very young Colonel Sanders.

  10. The process of buying a new car(dealing with salesman, etc...) sucked 30+ years ago when I bought my first car, still sucks today and will suck forever. :angry:


    There should be professional surrogate car shoppers who go out and buy a car for you. It would almost certainly be worth whatever they would charge.


    And Aaron got robbed on Idol!

  11. Power steering fluid is leaking in my car. Mechanic gave me the old "I wouldn't put any money into it." At least they're honest. But if I could buy a new car right now, would I be bringing this clunker in for repair?


    Anyone have any luck with the power steering stop leak stuff? They said the cooler line and maybe a hose are cracked.

  12. I hope this snow storm turns out to be everything it's hyped up to be just so that all the whiners will lose their minds.


    They'll lose their minds but get millions more in federal "disaster" aid. It really burns me up. The mid-Atlantic can rot in hell.

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