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Posts posted by PASabreFan

  1. Why is everyone so angry? The effort has been there so far. Some good hits, nice chances. There were some horrible calls. That's the only reason it is 2-2. If Ruff is angry about anything it should be his own ineptitude in creating a power play worth a squirt of piss in last 5 years. If we had on, it would be 4-1 right now.


    He and or McCutcheon had Vanek on the wall on that one power play.

  2. Atrocious goal allowed by Miller.


    Good to see the passion from Connolly, who pole axed the ice after the two-man down goal -- after he blocked two shots and was obviously hurtin'.


    But the play that really stuck out was Myers skating back into his own zone, just before Atlanta went on the power play, getting caught easily from behind by Thorburn, who took the puck away. I don't even know how to evaluate that play. Myers couldn't have been gassed. The man just wasn't moving. Certainly he cares, but it's precisely the kind of play legion of Buffalo defensemen over the years would be booed off the ice for. It'll be interesting to see when this honeymoon ends. I think we're getting there.

  3. There is now radio backtracking about whether the injury from the Cryer game was re-aggravated.


    That might be the company spin; it would actually be smart if that is the company spin.


    But Rivet is benched. Which is smart. He just can't play everyday anymore; he is Teppo (but a better, occasional, fighter). The team should elect a new C, and Rivet should play one out of two.


    Selling Teppo a little short?

  4. Thanks.


    The Sabres love to manipulate statistics. That's one of the reasons I feel management is disingenuous. They always throw out little BS numbers to keep the masses at bay.


    Like, Tyler Ennis leads the league in assists per inches, divided by age.


    It's not really out there, but would you be shocked?


    Darcy was loaded up with some beauties at the PP Luncheon about how much parity there is in the league.


    But he will never top his claim that the Sabres turn over their roster every four years.

  5. Don't put words in my mouth.


    I think you could find a coach that might fix these misfits for a few games/months or the rest of the season if we're lucky. But in the long run, I think there's no way. I don't think anyone can really build a winner with these dusters. Not even the great Peter Laviolette, the go-to guy when you absolutely need to fire your coach and drag a team out of the ashes.


    I'd rather just see them sh*tcan Lindy so that I don't have to sit here wondering if it really is his fault anymore. Shut the critics up. Either they're right and they can get down off their soapboxes, or they're wrong and they drop it.


    And on a personal level, I'd like to remember his as a good coach.


    If the Sabres miss the playoffs this season, will it taint your memory of him? Didn't 02, 03, 04, 08 and 09 do the trick? Hey, he's the one who for a long time has been preaching the parity of the league, I think in an attempt to explain away his mediocre teams. But it cuts both ways. If the teams are so close, and he's so great, how did he fail to get any of those teams into the top half of his conference?

  6. I like this. Myers looked awful again last night. I think it's been a pretty big stomach punch to this team -- their best skater (i.e. non-goalie) from last year is now playing like just another mediocre defenseman.

    The longer these good young defensemen spend around Ruff...

  7. it was a clear kicking motion, my question is this: does it still count as a kick if the puck is then redirected off a stick? on the last replay they showed of the goal (they didn't review very long) I thought the puck, though clearly kicked by Vanek, bounced off the knob of the goalie's stick before crossing the line. not trying to spark controversy just curious what the rule is.


    Goalie stick -- still no goal. Anyone else's stick, goal. (And off anyone's body, no goal.)


    Rule 49.

  8. condescendingly? That's a heck of a word. I was simply commenting on the fact that Buffalo fans love to comment on message boards or call into radio shows when their team looses. There is no way the game thread on this site is this many pages long if they win. And my comment had nothing to do with message boards.


    Win over Atlanta -- 179 posts.

  9. It is amazing to me how many "fans" show up to this thread when the Sabres are losing. Where were you the last 2 games? No wonder no NHL/NFL player wants to come and play here. I'm not sure if it is the shi**y weather or all the shi**y deep fried chicken scraps we eat that make us so sad. The bench is fired up


    How do you know no players come here? Stafford was on here a while back.

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