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Posts posted by PASabreFan

  1. I know Rick likes his cold beverages -- I wonder if he's been sipping from the fountain of youth.


    He's shortened the "scoooooooore" call way up at home and gone back to his roots, as Eleven likes to say. "Theft of the century!" was spontaneous, out of nowhere and little kooky -- classic Jeanneret.

  2. another pair of goals from Vanek if he plays would be most welcome. i'll even settle for non-highlight reel goals!


    Schneider in goal, the game after we got off the schneid with the first home win


    Go Sabres!


    Another backup? How many does that make this season? It's uncanny.

  3. What? Like now? We know Vanek is going to be here at least until 2013, he's older now, it might help him move to the next level. And who else would get the C?


    Reading the tea leaves big time here, but the following Sabres gave video tributes to Mike Grier before the game last night: Gaustad, Pominville, Miller and Rivet.

  4. Great breakdown of the play.


    Did you also notice on Washington's second goal, Morrisonn getting knocked off the puck by yet another ref getting in the way? You can see him glaring back at him right after it happens then shortly after that the puck is in our net.


    I missed that. On Montador's goal, if that had been scored by the Caps on Miller, I think there would have been a lot of squawking.


    Rule 69.3:

    If a goalkeeper, in the act of establishing his position within his

    goal crease, initiates contact with an attacking player who is in the

    goal crease, and this results in an impairment of the goalkeeper’s

    ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be



    The other rule-related thing in my mind from last night is Kaleta's hit on Chimera. The hit was really late. I'd like to see that play taken out of the game.

  5. Watching the replay, lots of good things happened before The Goal. Leopold pinched and Vanek slid over to play D near the right point. When Leopold went down behind the net, the Caps appeared to have an easy breakout up the wall, but Roy harassed the crap out of the Capital player. Vanek then stood up at the point and held the puck in. But Roy by then was out of position -- Leopold jumped in to the vacated spot and shot the puck behind the net, eventually to Vanek. Good stuff.

  6. $hit,Myers stepped on a dime.


    Must be a lot of change on the ice. Roy, Montador and #4 of Washington fell in the Buffalo zone as well.


    On the goal, you just had to laugh. 40 years of Sabres hockey, that had to be among the most pathetic. At least Myers didn't get Zedniked. How bout a save there Millsie?

  7. Washington my ass. ###### Washington. Who the ###### is Washington? What the ###### have they won?


    We fans should be about as intimidated by the Caps as home fans would have been of the Sabres circa 2007.


    Much ado about nothing.


    This is one of those games where I'd be worried if the Sabres don't show up, big time. "Elite" opponent in town, Miller back in goal, team starting to pick up a little, that big mottzaball sitting there on home ice.


    Sabres 4, Caps 2... TC gets an empty netter to seal it. And a PP goal. Miller does one WTF. DD is arrested for breaking into Chz's car and sniffing her front seat.


    When a ghastly figure stealthily creeps

    And the chariot of the blonde goddess is defiled

    A thundering herd will defeat the capital of the beast

  8. X, don't you think that is a little misleading? He had his best season before we invested the money and gave up the chance for the draft picks. He wasn't facing the top defense pairs or the best forwards. I agree with your point that in and of himself, he is not a bust. He is a decent NHL player, but for what we have invested in him, what the team was hoping for, I think that has not worked out at all. In that sense he is leaning towards being a big time mistake.

    It's not like he fell off the face of the earth after July 1, 2007. He did score 76 goals the next two seasons. In fact, his most productive season was 2008-2009 (goals per game). One of those years, maybe both, he scored more goals per minute of ice time than the Great Ovechkin.


    I strongly suspect there's a rift between Vanek and Ruff that's playing out these last two seasons. Vanek's had it, and only a fresh start somewhere else, or a new coach in Buffalo, is going to get his career going again. X. points out the offensive scheme that fails to highlight Vanek. I'll add the bizarre suppression of Vanek's ice time. And the dangling of penalty killing time only to have it yanked away after he scored two shorthanded goals. Something which clearly bothered Vanek, since he put a question about it on his own web site.


    But as Swamp has said, Ruff doesn't want any superstars on his team. Can you imagine where Crosby's career would have gone had the Sabres won that lottery? As an aside, it's pretty apparent in recent years, Lindy doesn't want a strong captain on his team either. We all know Lindy's the captain of this Great Lakes iron ore freighter.

  9. There's your trick play. As a player carries the puck across the blue line, he pretends to lose control sending it towards the corner, he then pretends to give up on the play dropping his shoulders and elbows, all the while the puck is moving towards the goal line. When the goalie gives up on the play as well, the shooter races to it and slaps it in.



  10. The puck is only not moving relative to the skater. It's still moving forward.


    You should look up the previous spinorama discussion in the archives. it will blow your mind. I'm pretty sure it was carp who tried to explain how the puck is always moving toward the goal line even on a spinorama. I remember my retort was, well what if you're driving down the highway going 70 and throw a ball into the back seat -- isn't the ball going backwards? The answer was no.

  11. He's free to shoot. EDIT--maybe not. Maybe that's not the player "keeping" the puck in motion.


    I'm sure that's how the NHL would see it too.


    I'm just having fun parsing the words.


    Not sure why you don't think Kovy could have played that puck before it crossed the goal line...

  12. Interesting. So, when Vanek took his stick off the puck to do the around the world, and wasn't keeping the puck moving toward the goal line,.. should that have negated his goal?


    That thought did occur to me. But the loss of control was so brief, it wouldn't seem to matter. No real difference from normal stick handling, where for a split second, the player isn't actually propelling the puck.


    The Kovy situation is a lot different.


    Now, what about a player who stumbles, loses the puck and catches up with it after it's travelled 20 feet toward the goal line?

  13. It has to keep moving toward the goal line, so, yes he could have.


    Be kept in motion. There's a difference.


    It's really too bad the NHL has never published something akin to the Decisions on the Rules of Golf, where you can see how the rules are actually interpreted in some of these bizarre situations.

  14. What?


    haha You had me for a second. I was about to explain the joke.


    You gotta say this -- Vanek the last two games has made some incredible moves to break in on goal. He just never seems to have anything left in the legs to do anything about it once he's in.


    There's life in Tom. It's a good sign.


    All in all, there's nothing wrong with the way this team has played the last three games. It's too bad they had to put themselves in the position they were in to finally wake up.

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