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Posts posted by PASabreFan

  1. It really wouldn't take much effort to tie that post into Inkman's earlier complaint.


    Yeah, but that's too easy. This is the chance of a lifetime. I am meeting with my advisers and expect to release a statement at approximately 4:15 p.m.

  2. Sleepwalking.


    I don't remember a thing when my roomy tells me I was up the night before.


    I'm clawing at the windows, digging in corners.


    I woke up downstairs on the couch and distinctly remember going to bed up stairs that night.


    I told her one morning my jaw hurt and she said "Oh, that's because I slapped u last night trying to wake ur ars up".


    it's not every night but it still scares me.


    Where to begin, where to begin?

  3. I just had an eye doctor appointment. Why does having your eyes dilated suck so much? I get to spend the next hour or so sitting ridiculously far away from my monitor just so I can see it. Sure, this means I can't really do much work, but I also can't kill time on the internet thanks to the whole "not being able to see right" thing.


    It's always sunny when I have mine dilated. Always. And I'm sure people you come in contact with just assume you're on drugs. :)

  4. I rise today to attack incompetency. Boring old incompetency.


    Obvious warning signs pre-911 ignored.


    Government at all levels woefully prepared to respond to Katrina.


    One pilot pulls back on the stick when he should have done the opposite. Two more are doing God knows what when they ignore radio calls and overfly an airport by 150 miles.


    There were no WMDs in Iraq (OK, more than competency, but still...)


    A couple of years ago a military plane accidentally flew over US soil with a nuclear payload.


    We botch elections in this country, and we botch oaths of office. The president-elect and the chief justice of the Supreme Court couldn't get on the same page!


    Now two wannabe reality show actors walk up to the White House and get into the State dinner without an invitation!


    God save the Republic! From us!

  5. The guy in the seat right behind you who screams SHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOTTT anytime the puck touches a stick on the power play. How I loathe him. Same guy who screams GET THE PUCK OUTTA THERE! during the entirety of a penalty kill.


    The worst is when the great GITSBY (guy in the seat behind you) has a young son screaming the same thing because he wants to be just like his intolerable dad.




    Pat Quinn after the game lambasted his own power play for not shooting the bloody thing, or something. He said every great PP he has ever seen shoots the puck. The Sabres don't. I don't blame the fans.

  6. I finally remembered mine! I hate during pressers when you can't hear the questions. Mummble mumbble did you grummble errr aaahhhhhh. Lindy: Yeah, I think so. At least that's the way I saw it. We'll have to wait and see. There's a very good possibility. We're in tough.





    Sorry - edit what I said - should have been "carry on a conversation comfortably". You can walk rapidly enough though to where you don't feel like speaking aloud - uses up too much oxygen. My point was that despite my bias of seeing all the retirees around here ambling along (we'll be getting more now after the NY Times article), you can get a productive workout from this most basic of human activities. If only I'd known that before spending several hundred on my last bicycle which I like riding but don't have the time to do and really don't want to risk some idiot hitting me with their car. Should have known since the best shape I've been in since high school was while living in NYC and walking from my apartment in Hell's Kitchen to work in Midtown - took about 45 minutes each way and since there was no direct subway & I was a poor student, was the best option. Twice a day walks really offset the student diet (meals that come in a can, 12 to a pack).


    OK, there's my complaint. The stigma that's associated with a man who walks for exercise. Also, just because a 43-year-old man is single and has a cat and cries during "The Locator," he's not necessarily gay!

  8. It's way too easy to let the weight creep up (that's my complaint). As for solutions, I'm amazed that after a decade of trying to find a workout that fits into my schedule, walking seems to be it. I've been doing a couple of miles 4-6 times a week - only takes a little over half an hour and seems to be making a big difference. Now, the other piece of the solution is to not eat too much. I switched from cereal for breakfast to 3 - 4 pieces of fresh fruit cut up together, then instead of eating crap for a mid afternoon snack, I eat the cereal. Basically I'm substituting fresh fruit for pastries but mixing up the order (fruit in the afternoon never seemed to cut it). Also using the packaged lettuce and doing a salad (loaded with unhealthy stuff but still a salad) instead of the Dollar Menu at McDs (our office is next door).


    Anyway, good luck to everyone on the board with this issue that's facing many of us. I feel somewhat the dork walking like the old folks but trying to get to the pool, gym or bike for an hour proved impossible. And as the soon to be father of our 4th and not too far away from 40, it's important to get & stay fit for the kiddos.


    That's a great breakfast tip. The thing that walking provides is incredible stress relief. At least it did for me. Going to a gym would equal a lot of stress for me for any number of reasons -- maybe having to wait to use equipment, having to drive to get there, spending money to go there and get there, being around people (hehe) etc. Walking is easy and easy on your body -- and works for millions of people because, as you say, it's realistic. But I think the stress reduction really plays a big role on the other side, controlling the input. Stress=eating. Anyone see that study that actually argued that intense exercising leads to eating more?

  9. Thanks, PA. I wish I had some great advice to share, but for me, it's been just increasing my activity and really watching what and how much I eat. With the economy being as bad as it has been I have been limited to working in a part-time capacity (nearly full-time hours) at a local YMCA, so my membership is free (one of the very few perks we get) and with my hours being varied I have a lot of chances to work out before or after my shifts. Most weeks I work out 5-6 times a week, for around an hour a day. Usually 30-40 minutes of cardio and 20-30 minutes of weight training. Weight Watchers has helped me a lot as well. So overall it is really just being super diligent about watching what I am eating and making my workout such a big part of my day that if I miss a day, I feel guilty and mad at myself for not finding the time.


    This is the third or fourth time that I have tried to get my weight under control and it's really the first time everything has clicked - the diet, the exercise, the time to work out, etc. I think the little guy has been a big motivator this time - I want to set a good example for him, and I want to be around when he's graduating high school, getting married, all that.


    I don't think there's any doubt it's the little guy. That's fantastic. Good for you.

  10. Tweaked my lower back while working out yesterday. Just grabbed up in the middle of some lower back exercises. I think it was just a bad spasm and possibly a strain, but man, what discomfort and pain the rest of the day. Got a little better today with intermittent heat and Aleve, but of course it had to happen this week with a big weight loss milestone coming up. Hope this doesn't derail me too long.


    Congratulations on the weight loss. Keep going. And give me some advice, because I'm heading in the other direction. One of these days we'll probably pass. I just have zero restraint. I've gone from vegetarian and walking six miles a day a couple of years ago to carnivore couch potato. And not surprisingly from about 170 to 210.

  11. Where's the indian summer? The weather here in WNY has sucked all week. :angry:


    You don't get Indian Summer in very early fall. You get it in late October or November, after it's snowed, and stuck, at least once. Come on LB!

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