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Posts posted by PASabreFan

  1. I just love it when Vanek takes a slap shot! Even when the goalie makes a save on it - it always seems like it is not an easy save for them.


    Remember the first time Vanek did that? In Montreal, I think. Lorentz was still doing color -- I remember his shriek of delight.

  2. ATTN Gerbe: this isn't highschool varsity hockey. Your little backhand forehand backhand deke that you try every one on one situation is never going to work, just like it hasn't the first 50 times you've tried it this season.


    Yeah, I want to pull for the guy, of course, but I'm starting to feel like SDS' appraisal of his game at the very beginning was correct: there's just nothing there.


    Things that just sound wrong: "Eliot got caught with his pants down and the Sabres couldn't take advantage."

  3. OMG! When you are done l'ing your fao, perhaps you can tell us why it's funny. Is it so silly/wrong/out to lunch to be down on this team or to think that they probably aren't going to make the playoffs? The season is now 31% over. The Sabres have 9 wins and 16 losses. 5 out of their top 6 forwards have been downright terrible. Their highest-paid player has been invisible for 20 out of the 25 games, loafed his way through a big divisional game tonight and made a terrible turnover that gave the Habs a 2-0 lead. Their 2nd-highest-paid skater has been even worse. Their front office is paralyzed. Their coach is playing out the last year of his contract.


    What exactly have you seen out of this team that makes you think they will win at a 70% or so clip in the last 69% of the season?




    I give that 4.20 stars. It had a nice beat and I can dance to it.

  4. Well now thats what a small, fast, well coached, playing a system team with solid goal tending, veteran leadership, that bury's their chances looks like.


    Montreal is really playing well now.


    Bflo on the other hand is showing they can only compete with middle road teams.


    Well Darcy, how do you like them now? a month from now ? two months from now ? I hope I can just at least try and enjoy them this season as a entertaining hockey team.


    They're not bad people. And we're only going to see continuous improvement from them. This team will be fine.

  5. Even if you want to go to the local rag, the News had a few notes in today's paper about the crowd. As in, loud, pro-Buffalo, and excited.


    Such a hater. And on fans of your team, too. Sad, sad, sad PA.


    It was the "as usual" that made me comment. The building was loud, for sure. But you are effin nuts if you're going to come here and tell your fellow Sabre fans the arena is always that loud. You will lose that argument every time. But, go for it.

  6. Horrible second, great hockey otherwise, and, oh PA: 'twas loud as usual.


    The two buds fans sitting behind me were ok. They weren't jerks; they were fun to hang with and banter with.


    Hmmm, who was making all that noise?


    You are truly ridiculous when it comes to this subject.

  7. The ice is slanted heavily in the sabres end and it would appear the refs are afraid of the hometown crowd. I rarely play the ref card but I can't help notice the advantage the habs get in their own barn.


    At least for the last three seasons, that advantage can't be seen in the power play numbers.


    In fact, last season, Montreal was near the bottom of the league in home power plays.


    That said, the last power play for Montreal was horsecock.

  8. I noticed the same last year. They played much better when they played with a chip on their shoulder. WTF can't they play that way regularly? Supposedly they have enough gritty players to do it.


    Football coaches often script the first 10 plays or something. Just sayin'...

  9. Just for shits and giggles:


    Stanley Cup winners' record on December 1, last 10 seasons:


    Chicago 17-6-3


    Pittsburgh 14-6-3


    Detroit 18-6-2


    Anaheim 19-2-6


    Carolina 16-7-1


    Tampa Bay 11-4-4-1


    New Jersey 13-6-1-1


    Detroit 22-4-1-1


    Colorado 18-4-3-0


    New Jersey 12-6-3-2


    Just a reality check, Jack. Lindy said this team was a contender, and the franchise's oft-stated goal is to win a Cup. The standard must be held a lot higher than squeaking into eighth place.

  10. We're four points out of 8th place (not one team, not five teams, just eighth place, period) with 7 months left in the season. I don't care how many teams we have to catch up to or how many games in hand they have. Teams go on win streaks, teams go on losing streaks -- every team goes through it over the course of the season and it will balance out. Yes our offense has to pick it up but a loss tonight to Toronto doesn't mean the season over and I'm sick of reading about that every single game, followed by every thread created in between games.


    Also, I didn't threaten to withhold my posts from anywhere -- reading and comprehension skills are key to posting on message boards.




    It's different every year. Some years you can qualify with 85 points, other years you need 95. But even based on your prediction: If Buffalo wins 30 (roughly 50%) of our remaining games, there's 60 of those 74 points. If they win 35 games (less than 60% of games remaining), there's 70 points. Factor in a few inevitable OT losses and we've made up those 74 points.


    I don't think it's all that far-fetched for a fairly talented team with the best goalie in the world to win 60% of their games from here on out.

    We can shuffle wins around on paper, but it has to start happening with regularity on the ice. Above all, Miller has to start playing like a Vezina winner again.


    I like your optimism, but the rest of us really aren't wrong. For just 20 games in, they are in deep doo-doo already.

  11. Ruff's comment is true, but ur passive aggressive accusation needs more backup. if Ruff truly hated Timmy he'd be sitting instead of playing thru his struggle.


    Your suggestion that I think Ruff hates Connolly needs more backup. :)


    I can't find the original post right now -- and I can hardly keep track of my opinions in my head. I think my suggestion was that Lindy took an opportunity to pile onto Connolly, with a joke, yes, but sometimes jokes are interesting things. I was probably suggesting that anything Lindy can do to keep the pressure off himself is good for Lindy.


    But, yeah, he did joke about seemingly wanting to punch Connolly, or wanting people to think he punched Connolly. People got the joke.

  12. Not sure where u saw that. Caffeine is actually a remedy.


    I wouldn't think anything that constricts blood vessels would help.


    But it's the Internet. You'll see all kind of information.


    They really are mysterious things, ocular migraines. Remember, these may or may not be accompanied by headaches.

  13. Any support for this paranoid, hysterical inference?


    Again, having a theory is fine, but pretending it's a fact doesn't make it a fact.


    It's inferred that comments made here are opinions and theories. I don't know for a fact how it all went down, and neither do you.


    I have facts to support my theory though -- Darcy's own words, both after the award and at the presser explaining the buyout.


    Please use the search feature here, if you memory is failing as to the arguments on either side.


    I don't think it's paranoid or hysterical to think that ownership intervened to make a statement on the arbitration process. Sometimes the most plausible explanation has to be believed. Nothing else ever made sense to me.


    Anyway, I'd rather have young buck Kennedy than the gimpy old Other Niedermayer.


    Will you please stop with these hit and run comments of yours where you challenge me to prove something? I quoted Lindy's joke about Connolly, and you suggested I made the whole thing up. Been to wgr.com yet? I'm still waiting for an apology.

  14. You can make roster changes...??!


    Sarcasm aside, the simple way of waking up Tommy G - Sit on your wallet, and stop pouring money into this travesty.


    Anyone who bought a jersey this year is helping keeping the shipwreck afloat.


    Let it sink already and be done with it.


    The Sabres must be "too big to fail."

  15. Let's also not forget that the teams we have to climb over to get out have their starting goaltenders actually starting for them. oof.


    If this becomes another lost season blamed on an injury to Miller, I am going to seriously do a header into Zoar Valley.


    It'll be easier to forget at the end of the season, but let the record show the Sabres got into playoff jeopardy largely because Miller's Olympic hangover, which started before the Olympics, raged on. Myers' woes haven't helped, certainly.

  16. Great post. I agree. I'll add to this by saying that this mess falls on Regier. Blaming Quinn for this mess and for the lack of action on Regiers part is like saying Regier sat on his hands till they went numb so that when he pleasured himself it felt enough like Quinn was doing it that he could blame him for the lousy job.Funny thing is that the fans watched Regier do it and they still blame Quinn. Regiers the G.M.


    Well, for one thing, it clearly wasn't Regier's plan or idea to buy out Tim Kennedy. If that's any indication of how things work in the front office, a lot of the blame has to go to ownership. (And I also blame Darcy for not manning up and getting the hell out of Dodge.)

  17. The score was 1 to ZERO! Was that play really the problem? I'm so tired of hearing about Sekera. He is and will be a very good defenseman. And in case you didn't realize it, it was Sidney Crosby that stripped him. As much as I hate him, I have to say that he is the best ###### hockey player there is today.


    Again, we scored 0 goals.


    So... still seems pretty cloudy eh?

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