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Posts posted by PASabreFan

  1. The footage with Danny Gallivan is a treasure - thanks for it.


    So much strikes me when I watch footage like that. The one that caught me this time: How incredibly poor the coverage of the point shot was on that first goal.


    I always note how terrible the goaltending seemed to be.

  2. I laughed at this line from Gallivan's Wikipedia page:


    "Like many hockey announcers, he would often shout whenever a goal was scored, louder with the Montreal Canadiens. On the down-side, his style was unmodulated, nearly always intense, so that a goal or near-goal towards the end of a 7-1 game sounded very similar to that of a 2-1 game."




    The entry also says Gallivan used the expression "nowhere near the net."


    This would be a great paper for a broadcasting student to write. "Father of Jeanneret."

  3. 1942. That's pretty cool.


    The following is cooler. Rick has sometimes talked about listening to Danny Gallivan, the legendary voice of the Canadiens, when he was growing up. Wow, you can really hear Rick in Danny's calls below, in his last broadcast. "Clears it, not out!" "A scramble in front!" "That hit a leg." "It's all over!" The pacing, the style, the language. It's Rick.


  4. Boy, Emrick's voice can be tough to take.


    Well, yeah. He's also pretty brilliant. All the great hockey announcers to seem to have that annoying quality to their voices. Anyone remember Chuck Kaiton from Hartford/Carolina? Not sure if he's still around. Rick, of course. Mike Lange of the Pens, still doing radio. Joe Bowen. Who else? Who else? Oh yeah Foster Hewitt sounded a little squirrely as well.


    From here it looks like a herring. It's a herring all right!



  5. I have give you a lot of credit. My knees are bone on bone and I just wish I could be out there again. Enjoy it.


    It was scary as hell at first. The coldness and the hardness of the ice still intimidate me. But I've fallen so many times and gotten up, it's no big deal. I'm sure THE BIG ONE is waiting for me someday. It's the most enjoyable exercise I've ever done. Last winter I even got to skate on a pond — but it was also terrifying in its own way. If there's such a thing as a skater's high, I think I'm starting to get it. Sorry you can't do it any more. That stinks.

  6. I complained previously about feeling like I needed wider skates. I was refitted and the result was the same — 9Ds. I think I was tying the laces way too tight. I fell into the habit last season, where if snug felt good, then clearly lacing 'em up to put your feet in a virtual straitjacket must be better. Hence, I think, the cramping (probably part of "lace bite").


    So far this season I've been tying the first few laces snug, just lightly lacing the middle ones, and tying the top laces a bit more snugly than the first few, but nothing too extreme (which was d4rk's early advice that I promptly ignored). My feet feel freer. I now feel like when I really bend my knees that the ankles have somewhere to go, and side to side. I feel lot more nimble out there, instead of feeling like my feet are in concrete. It's hard to explain, but especially during my last session, I just felt like things were really coming together.


    Hope this helps some other new skater. (Then again, some people do prefer a "tight boot.")

  7. I love this place. Ghost called out for his insanity and obsession with McDavid getting hurt and then the hook exchange below...


    If funny that you say "exchange below." I have the board set up to display the newest posts at the bottom of the thread. There is an options button that allows you to play with different ways of displaying posts, but I can't find it.


    Now, if you want to blow your mind, go to the page with the list of topics, click on Custom and change the sort direction to "ascending." You'll be transported back to the beginning of SabreSpace time and SDS' first post, on New Year's Eve 2004. There was no hockey, and the heavens were formless. Almost everyone had Tim Connolly avatars, which is weird. I was just a twinkle in some weird dude's eye. Chz was only seventeen.


    Then SDS said, "Let there be light."

  8. People think the Islanders aren't for real now? They look like a playoff team to me. Which my guess if we are lucky will be drafting 1 or 2, and I'm guessing the other first rounders in the 20's. The only way I see the Islanders start falling if they get riddled by injuries.


    Yep. Allowed three goals in four games. Halak is coming around. If the Islanders can get through their normal period of holiday funking, they could have something.

  9. McDavid's injury only boosted his draft status to me.


    Really? You want the next Gretzky or the next Kaleta? If McDavid ever becomes a Sabre, I don't want him ever throwing punches. (Of course I might be jumping to conclusions; perhaps you just like the passion he showed.)

  10. Not Lindy.


    This again? Lindy had no say in personnel matters or the "culture" of his team? Chris Neil knew that there would be no real consequences to taking a run at the Sabres' leader and best player. The brawl was a pretty mild and inconsequential response. The Sabres were then, are now, and seemingly always have been shrinking violets. Lindy was all bluster — and, by the way, went on to say a few years later that hitting means nothing unless it results in your team gaining possession of the puck. He tackled Billy Smith. Big deal.




    The kid could have that hand chopped off and he'd still go first.


    Of course you're exaggerating but what if McDavid's injury is suspected of being something that could follow him for years, not enough to keep him from playing but perhaps enough to bother him? McDavid and Eichel might be close enough that it could push Eichel to number one. Just spitballin'...

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