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Kelly the Dog

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Everything posted by Kelly the Dog

  1. WOOOOO!! All the guys we need to start scoring. Staff, Myers and Ehrhoff.
  2. He certainly doesnt seem the type that would, but you never know. He has a lot of stuff going for him.
  3. There is some life at least. Foligno is going to be a great player.
  4. Normally I hate the Bruins announcers and the between periods analysis but Gord Kluzak of all people, is just abusing the Sabres and he's spot on. First he said "How can you come out at home, after a few days rest, against a tough division opponent, and look so listless?" That was exactly right. Then he said, "They're playing like they're trying to get their coach fired." We could only hope.
  5. There was an article today on ProHockeyTalk with the headline, "O'Reilly's dad blasts Avs management via Twitter" -- followed underneath by the sub-headline, "This should help the situation, said no one." :lol: http://prohockeytalk.nbcsports.com/
  6. Don't know exactly what the Avs are looking for in a trade, but doesn't anyone think it is funny that they don't think the guy is worth that much money, but they will only take a trade for something that seems to be worth that much money?
  7. I agree with that to an extent (IMO, maybe the most important decision, certainly not 100x over), but you didn't answer the question. It's probably more important to, say, open up your pocketbook to get the players you need, since even a better GM would probably not have won a Cup during the Golisano years if they couldn't pay the players like Briere to stay.
  8. Does one decision make him a bad owner when he has already done several very good things?
  9. He became a serious Sabre fan in 1975, bought Sabres season tickets for the first time in 1980, and then bought them every year for the next 18 years. That is not a casual fan, I'm sorry.
  10. Yep. Did you know that Tom Golisano bought the Sabres in 2003 and that Terry Pegula didnt sell his company until seven years later, in 2010, which is when he had all kinds of disposable cash and decided to buy the team for cash?
  11. I do call him Big John Brown to some guys I communicate with during the games, but it comes from an earlier mistake calling him Big John Brown instead of Big John Scott. :lol:
  12. Exactly. It is SURELY not Ted's place to answer that question he was posed. Ted Black is terrific, IMO. I've said it before but I think he is easily the best guy at his job than anyone in the entire organization, with the exception of Thomas Vanek right now.
  13. I disagree. He is and has been a very serious Sabre fan, holding season tickets even when not living in Buffalo and driving up to the games. I don't get any kind of casual fan vibe or reading or hearing from TP.
  14. Actually, Ott-Ennis-Kaleta has some interesting possibilities as a #3 line as does Foligno-Grigs-Stafford.
  15. Paul Hamilton had an interesting perspective on yesterday's post game show, saying that how Lindy is handling Grigs right now is almost exactly as Julien handled Sequin when he first started. There were games he played regular shifts, followed by games he played very low minutes, interspersed with games he sat Sequin and let him watch from the press box, and that Lindy may actually be taking that directly from Julien. I don't really have an opinion one way or another on whether that is smart, or whether that is happening. I would prefer to give Grigs a little more ice time than he is getting because after listening to him a lot, he doesn't seem like the kind of player who is going to lose his confidence, he wants to learn. But there is a good precedent, in Sequin, for how Grigs is being handled early on. Plus, the lack of the training camp and pre-season, the injury to Leino, and the way the rest of the team is playing, probably has a lot to do with how Lindy is handling the kid,
  16. My two cents on the article: 1] It's the exact same Bucky article with a weak twist he thinks makes it new. 2] If Pegula were "a fan", he would have fired Regier and Ruff as it seems the vast majority of the serious Sabre fans are sick of Ruff. 3] I think Bucky does have sources, and he does hear that Ruff and Regier are a joke. But I also just as firmly believe that Bucky hears great stuff about both of them from his sources, probably more good than bad, and he simply ignores those because they don't fit his narrative. 4] This is based on the fact that because of my crappy Time Warner Cable, I am forced to listen to opposing announcers all the time, and virtually every game for years, they will bring up the fact that Lindy has coached for x number of games and there have been x number of firings and yet virtually all of them will say he is highly respected around the league and a good or great coach (for the record, I am sick of Lindy myself and would like him fired, I'm just saying what I hear and I hear it all the time) 5] Bucky cannot, however, be held to revealing his sources. It's just something he cannot do. I understand that element about it. I simply do not believe that Bucky is being fair about what he hears, he may be honest that he hears ridicule, but he is being disingenuous because he makes it sound like that is universal opinion, when it is likely a portion, and perhaps a relatively small portion of the "league sources". 6] I also think that when he hears something about the Sabres being soft or easy to play against, he automatically interprets that to mean the person saying those things has a low perception of Regier or Ruff when that may not be at all true. I think the Sabres were soft, but I am not a Regier hater. I have had enough of Lindy though.
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