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GDT: Buffalo at Pittsburgh 10-5-13 at 7PM


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Of course they do. But at some point people need to grasp some self-control and use some courtesy. Stop regurgitating the same nonsense over and over, leave Darcy for the Darcy threads. Want to remind everybody how much you hate Darcy? Start a new thread.

The sad fact is that Darcy effects EVERYTHING. He choses the players. He choses the coach. He's in control of finances. He decides the strategy of team building. THAT's why it is relevant, and why his name comes into play. He also has a 17 year body of work here for people to compare to and dissect. Darcy Regier is the foundation that everything about this team is built upon. It is extremely hard to worry about what color paint to use in the kid's bedroom when the foundation is sinking and the walls have gaping cracks.


The less people try to say Darcy should be off limits, the less counter points will be made. Take the original point, mutter under your breath, and let it go. Then there will be 1 post instead of 12.

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I am so ###### sick of hearing about how much darcy sucks in every thread. I got it already.


I am so ###### sick of watching a suck ass team. Guess we both have to deal with it. It is a form of venting. If it annoys you don't read the post. You are never going to totally dictate what is posted and where. This is in the GDT. Are we not discussing the game? Are we not discussing how pathetic this team is? Is Darcy Regier not responsible for this team? Guess what it's going to come up. ALL YEAR LONG!!


Since some of us who want to punch Pegula right in the ###### face can't we will continue to bitch.

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The sad fact is that Darcy effects EVERYTHING. He choses the players. He choses the coach. He's in control of finances. He decides the strategy of team building. THAT's why it is relevant, and why his name comes into play. He also has a 17 year body of work here for people to compare to and dissect. Darcy Regier is the foundation that everything about this team is built upon. It is extremely hard to worry about what color paint to use in the kid's bedroom when the foundation is sinking and the walls have gaping cracks.


The less people try to say Darcy should be off limits, the less counter points will be made. Take the original point, mutter under your breath, and let it go. Then there will be 1 post instead of 12.


So is arena lighting and locker room organization, but we don't bring that up every thread.


You're right, I could just ignore it. I could just put those people on ignore so I don't have to read them. I guess I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that because I do like seeing what everybody has to say.


I guess I was hoping maybe these people would get the hint. Leaving is the last resort, it might have to come to that because this place is just bitter and full of misery.

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Of course they do. But at some point people need to grasp some self-control and use some courtesy. Stop regurgitating the same nonsense over and over, leave Darcy for the Darcy threads. Want to remind everybody how much you hate Darcy? Start a new thread.


Will do

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I am so ###### sick of watching a suck ass team. Guess we both have to deal with it. It is a form of venting. If it annoys you don't read the post. You are never going to totally dictate what is posted and where. This is in the GDT. Are we not discussing the game? Are we not discussing how pathetic this team is? Is Darcy Regier not responsible for this team? Guess what it's going to come up. ALL YEAR LONG!!


Since some of us who want to punch Pegula right in the ###### face can't we will continue to bitch.


So why do you keep watching them?

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So why do you keep watching them?


Unfortunately I don't. I am lucky to make it past one period. I have three boys who were born and raised in Florida. Because of my passion for the Sabres they became fans as well. Bedrooms decorated with jerseys, memorabilia, etc.


They have not watched a game with me in two seasons. We started watching the first game together. By the end of the first period they were bored to death and went their separate ways.


Going to a Lightning/Sabres game used to be the next best thing to xmas. Now they could care less.


I know my family is not unique in this.

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Unfortunately I don't. I am lucky to make it past one period. I have three boys who were born and raised in Florida. Because of my passion for the Sabres they became fans as well. Bedrooms decorated with jerseys, memorabilia, etc.


They have not watched a game with me in two seasons. We started watching the first game together. By the end of the first period they were bored to death and went their separate ways.


Going to a Lightning/Sabres game used to be the next best thing to xmas. Now they could care less.


I know my family is not unique in this.


I agree with you. Its sad the shite this team has been shovelling down peoples throats dressed up as entertainment for literally decades now.

1.7 decades with old you know who at the helm and as much as we the people continue to grovel for more and openly accept said shite do we really deserve it ?

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1) How old were Roy, Vanek, Connolly, Stafford, Paille, McArthur and P-Ville when they made the big leagues full time? How many years of juiors/minors did they have under their belts before they came up? Were they the key components to a team, or were there already pieces in place when they got here?


You're comparing apples to oranges.


2) 20 goals today is an accomplishment. NHL'ers don't score at the rate they did when these guys made their debuts.


3) Not sure you can ask me where the progress is when (according to many) this is the first year of a major rebuild, 3 games into the season with almost half the team under 100 games experience. That's just ludicrous.


Yes, we can all imagine. The ONLY thing we can do right now is imagine. The problem is, there is a large group on here that has already made up there minds simply because of their total disdain for Darcy; making us all miserable in the process. For Christ's sake, people get on my case for not liking Miller.... and I've managed to keep that within the threads dedicated to him which probably adds up to two or three threads. We get it, you and others don't like Darcy. The Sabres can win the Cup and you won't be happy unless Darcy is gone. We don't need to be reminded about it in every other thread.




Are you looking for me to disagree? :P


That wasn't Darcy's fault. Nor was the contract. Leino was one of the highest rated UFA's that year, many in the hockey world thought it was a geat deal at the time.


I agree with much of this, and Leino was indeed a highly ranked UFA, but virtually everyone in the hockey world said the Sabres way overpaid for him.

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I would think so, but then, what do you make of his presser after that game? He ripped the team following what I thought was their best effort to that point. I honestly don't know what to make of it.


Could be a couple of things. Coaching 102 says to dig into your team after a strong performance and take it easy on them after a weak one. He could be using a different metric, too, ie the team performance goals set for that game were not accomplished, etc. Maybe if the team's goal that night was to a) win and b)not allow more than x scoring chances, there could be reason to tear into them. Hard to say really.

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