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[OT] What are you thankful for today?


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He meant


Haha! After I read Andrew Amerks's post, I was wondering if someone had corrected him yet, and sure enough, the very next post... Shoulda figured! :thumbsup:


Oh so many things to be thankful for, but right at this moment, I am very thankful just to have a nice warm bed, the ability to sleep in tomorrow, and a great weather forecast here in Rochester to go run off this big belly of food. :) Oh, and of course... leftovers!

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  • 5 months later...

I've got a little bit before I need to get my arse moving today and I'm feeling a little introspective.


I've got a loving wife and fantastic son that mean the world to me, and I mean the world to them. And we've all got our health.


I have a job that allows me to feed, house, and transport my family and gives us some extra for the future and some simple luxuries.


We'll have 4 generations together at the holiday table. I am truly blessed to know my grandparents long enough to develop an actual friendship with them, to know and relate to them as adults, peers, with actual thoughts and concerns that we share in common.


I live in a country where I'm not locked into doing what my parents did before me or what my gov't tells me to do. And that if I felt so inclined, I could go into the streets and voice my dissatisfaction without fear that it might cost me my life.


Whatever your situation, take some time today to appreciate the things you have, and the things that aren't an every day worry to you. We live in a day and a country where even the poor have a standard of living like we've never had before. There are large portions of the world that think in terms of survival every day while we make pointless arguments about a game on the internet. Happy Thansgiving to the SabreSpace community.



Very introspective post and makes one think. . Unfortunately, responses have degenerated and become rather flippant. I can truly say I am thankful for my parents, who grounded me and gave me the opportunity to achieve if I was willing to sacrifice and work hard. They’re gone now, but their legacy lives on through their grandchildren. (My sister's, not mine.) I live in the greatest country in the world, despite what my media and politicians try to tell me. I have a wonderful wife, three kids and other immediate family I love and they return it. Not to mention, a few true friends, who I would do anything for, and vice versa.

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